.. _nrf_desktop_ble_passkey: Bluetooth LE passkey module ########################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Use the Bluetooth LE passkey module to enable pairing based on passkey for increased security. Module events ************* .. include:: ../../../../../../../applications/nrf_desktop/doc/event_propagation.rst :start-after: table_ble_passkey_start :end-before: table_ble_passkey_end .. note:: |nrf_desktop_module_event_note| Configuration ************* The module requires the basic Bluetooth configuration, as described in :ref:`nrf_desktop_bluetooth_guide`. The module can be used only for Bluetooth Peripheral devices (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL`). Use the option :ref:`CONFIG_DESKTOP_BLE_ENABLE_PASSKEY ` to enable the module. Make sure to enable and configure the :ref:`nrf_desktop_passkey` if you decide to use this option. Implementation details ********************** The Bluetooth LE passkey module is used only by Bluetooth Peripheral devices. Passkey enabled =============== The Bluetooth LE passkey module registers the set of authenticated pairing callbacks (:c:struct:`bt_conn_auth_cb`). The callbacks can be used to achieve higher security levels. The passkey input is handled in the :ref:`nrf_desktop_passkey`. .. note:: By default, Zephyr's Bluetooth Peripheral demands the security level 3 in case the passkey authentication is enabled. If the nRF Desktop dongle is unable to achieve the security level 3, it will be unable to connect with the peripheral. Disable the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_SMP_ENFORCE_MITM` option to allow the dongle to connect without the authentication.