.. _matter_light_bulb_sample: .. _chip_light_bulb_sample: Matter: Light bulb ################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 This light bulb sample demonstrates the usage of the :ref:`Matter ` application layer to build a white dimmable light bulb device. This device works as a Matter accessory device, meaning it can be paired and controlled remotely over a Matter network built on top of a low-power, 802.15.4 Thread network. You can use this sample as a reference for creating your own application. .. note:: This sample is self-contained and can be tested on its own. However, it is required when testing the :ref:`Matter light switch ` sample. Requirements ************ The sample supports the following development kits: .. table-from-sample-yaml:: If you want to commission the light bulb device and :ref:`control it remotely ` through a Thread network, you also need a Matter controller device :ref:`configured on PC or mobile `. This requires additional hardware depending on the setup you choose. .. note:: |matter_gn_required_note| Overview ******** The sample uses buttons to test changing the light bulb and device states, and LEDs to show the state of these changes. You can test it in the following ways: * Standalone, by using a single DK that runs the light bulb application. * Remotely over the Thread protocol, which requires more devices. The remote control testing requires a Matter controller that you can configure either on a PC or a mobile device (for remote testing in a network). You can enable both methods after :ref:`building and running the sample `. .. _matter_light_bulb_network_mode: Remote testing in a network =========================== .. matter_light_bulb_sample_remote_testing_start By default, the Matter accessory device has Thread disabled. You must pair it with the Matter controller over Bluetooth® LE to get the configuration from the controller to use the device within a Thread network. The controller must get the commissioning information from the Matter accessory device and provision the device into the network. For details, see the `Commissioning the device`_ section. .. matter_light_bulb_sample_remote_testing_end Configuration ************* |config| Matter light bulb build types ============================= .. matter_light_bulb_sample_configuration_file_types_start The sample uses different configuration files depending on the supported features. Configuration files are provided for different build types and they are located in the application root directory. The :file:`prj.conf` file represents a ``debug`` build type. Other build types are covered by dedicated files with the build type added as a suffix to the ``prj`` part, as per the following list. For example, the ``release`` build type file name is :file:`prj_release.conf`. If a board has other configuration files, for example associated with partition layout or child image configuration, these follow the same pattern. .. include:: /gs_modifying.rst :start-after: build_types_overview_start :end-before: build_types_overview_end Before you start testing the application, you can select one of the build types supported by the sample. This sample supports the following build types, depending on the selected board: * ``debug`` -- Debug version of the application - can be used to enable additional features for verifying the application behavior, such as logs or command-line shell. * ``release`` -- Release version of the application - can be used to enable only the necessary application functionalities to optimize its performance. * ``no_dfu`` -- Debug version of the application without Device Firmware Upgrade feature support - can be used for the nRF52840 DK, nRF5340 DK, and nRF21540 DK. .. note:: `Selecting a build type`_ is optional. The ``debug`` build type is used by default if no build type is explicitly selected. .. matter_light_bulb_sample_configuration_file_types_end Device Firmware Upgrade support =============================== .. matter_light_bulb_sample_build_with_dfu_start .. note:: You can enable over-the-air Device Firmware Upgrade only on hardware platforms that have external flash memory. Currently only nRF52840 DK and nRF5340 DK support Device Firmware Upgrade feature. The sample supports over-the-air (OTA) device firmware upgrade (DFU) using one of the two following protocols: * Matter OTA update protocol that uses the Matter operational network for querying and downloading a new firmware image. * Simple Management Protocol (SMP) over Bluetooth® LE. In this case, the DFU can be done either using a smartphone application or a PC command line tool. Note that this protocol is not part of the Matter specification. In both cases, :ref:`MCUboot ` secure bootloader is used to apply the new firmware image. The DFU over Matter is enabled by default. The following configuration arguments are available during the build process for configuring DFU: * To configure the sample to support the DFU over Matter and SMP, use the ``-DCONFIG_CHIP_DFU_OVER_BT_SMP=y`` build flag. * To configure the sample to disable the DFU and the secure bootloader, use the ``-DCONF_FILE=prj_no_dfu.conf`` build flag. See :ref:`cmake_options` for instructions on how to add these options to your build. When building on the command line, run the following command with *build_target* replaced with the build target name of the hardware platform you are using (see `Requirements`_), and *dfu_build_flag* replaced with the desired DFU build flag: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west build -b *build_target* -- *dfu_build_flag* For example: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -- -DCONFIG_CHIP_DFU_OVER_BT_SMP=y .. matter_light_bulb_sample_build_with_dfu_end FEM support =========== .. include:: /includes/sample_fem_support.txt User interface ************** .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/matter/lock/README.rst :start-after: matter_door_lock_sample_led1_start :end-before: matter_door_lock_sample_led1_end LED 2: Shows the state of the light bulb. The following states are possible: * Solid On - The light bulb is on. * Off - The light bulb is off. .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/matter/lock/README.rst :start-after: matter_door_lock_sample_button1_start :end-before: matter_door_lock_sample_button1_end Button 2: Changes the light bulb state to the opposite one. Button 4: Starts the NFC tag emulation, enables Bluetooth LE advertising for the predefined period of time (15 minutes by default), and makes the device discoverable over Bluetooth LE. This button is used during the :ref:`commissioning procedure `. .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/matter/lock/README.rst :start-after: matter_door_lock_sample_jlink_start :end-before: matter_door_lock_sample_jlink_end NFC port with antenna attached: Optionally used for obtaining the commissioning information from the Matter accessory device to start the :ref:`commissioning procedure `. Building and running ******************** .. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/matter/light_bulb` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run.txt See `Configuration`_ for information about building the sample with the DFU support. Selecting a build type ====================== Before you start testing the application, you can select one of the `Matter light bulb build types`_, depending on your building method. Selecting a build type in |VSC| ------------------------------- .. include:: /gs_modifying.rst :start-after: build_types_selection_vsc_start :end-before: build_types_selection_vsc_end Selecting a build type from command line ---------------------------------------- .. include:: /gs_modifying.rst :start-after: build_types_selection_cmd_start :end-before: For example, you can replace the For example, you can replace the *selected_build_type* variable to build the ``release`` firmware for ``nrf52840dk_nrf52840`` by running the following command in the project directory: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -d build_nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -- -DCONF_FILE=prj_release.conf The ``build_nrf52840dk_nrf52840`` parameter specifies the output directory for the build files. .. note:: If the selected board does not support the selected build type, the build is interrupted. For example, if the ``shell`` build type is not supported by the selected board, the following notification appears: .. code-block:: console File not found: ./ncs/nrf/samples/matter/light_bulb/configuration/nrf52840dk_nrf52840/prj_shell.conf Testing ======= After building the sample and programming it to your development kit, complete the following steps to test its basic features. You can either test the sample's basic features or use the light switch sample to test the light bulb's :ref:`communication with another device `. .. _matter_light_bulb_sample_basic_features_tests: Testing basic features ---------------------- After building the sample and programming it to your development kit, complete the following steps to test its basic features: #. |connect_kit| #. |connect_terminal_ANSI| #. Observe that **LED 2** is off. #. Press **Button 2** on the light bulb device. The **LED 2** turns on and the following messages appear on the console: .. code-block:: console I: Turn On Action has been initiated I: Turn On Action has been completed #. Press **Button 2** again. The **LED 2** turns off and the following messages appear on the console: .. code-block:: console I: Turn Off Action has been initiated I: Turn Off Action has been completed #. Press **Button 1** to initiate the factory reset of the device. .. _matter_light_bulb_sample_light_switch_tests: Testing communication with another device ----------------------------------------- After building this sample and the :ref:`Matter light switch ` sample and programming them to the development kits, complete the steps in the following sections to test communication between both devices. Bind both devices +++++++++++++++++ .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/matter/light_switch/README.rst :start-after: matter_light_switch_sample_prepare_to_testing_start :end-before: matter_light_switch_sample_prepare_to_testing_end Test connection +++++++++++++++ .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/matter/light_switch/README.rst :start-after: matter_light_switch_sample_testing_start :end-before: matter_light_switch_sample_testing_end .. _matter_light_bulb_sample_remote_control: Enabling remote control ======================= Remote control allows you to control the Matter light bulb device from a Thread network. .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/matter/lock/README.rst :start-after: matter_door_lock_sample_remote_control_start :end-before: matter_door_lock_sample_remote_control_end .. _matter_light_bulb_sample_remote_control_commissioning: Commissioning the device ------------------------ .. matter_light_bulb_sample_commissioning_start To commission the device, go to the :ref:`ug_matter_gs_testing` page and complete the steps for the Matter over Thread development environment and the Matter controller you want to use. After choosing the environment configuration, the guide walks you through the following steps: * Configure the Thread Border Router. * Build and install the Matter controller. * Commission the device. * Send Matter commands that cover scenarios described in the `Testing`_ section. If you are new to Matter, the recommended approach is to use :ref:`CHIP Tool for Linux or macOS `. .. matter_light_bulb_sample_commissioning_end Before starting the commissioning procedure, the device must be made discoverable over Bluetooth LE. The device becomes discoverable automatically upon the device startup, but only for a predefined period of time (15 minutes by default). If the Bluetooth LE advertising times out, press **Button 4** to re-enable it. When you start the commissioning procedure, the controller must get the commissioning information from the Matter accessory device. The data payload includes the device discriminator and setup PIN code. It is encoded within a QR code printed to the UART console and can be shared using an NFC tag. Upgrading the device firmware ============================= To upgrade the device firmware, complete the steps listed for the selected method in the :doc:`matter:nrfconnect_examples_software_update` tutorial in the Matter documentation. Dependencies ************ This sample uses the Matter library that includes the |NCS| platform integration layer: * `Matter`_ In addition, it uses the following |NCS| components: * :ref:`dk_buttons_and_leds_readme` * :ref:`nfc_uri` * :ref:`lib_nfc_t2t` The sample depends on the following Zephyr libraries: * :ref:`zephyr:logging_api` * :ref:`zephyr:kernel_api`