Manufacturer ID
Type: hex
This is the ZigBee assigned identifier for each member company. 0x127F - Nordic Semiconductor 0xFFFF - wild card value has a ‘match all’ effect.
Kconfig definition¶
At <nRF>/subsys/zigbee/lib/zigbee_fota/Kconfig:33
Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8
→ <Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:9
→ <BuildDir>/Kconfig/Kconfig.modules:1
→ <nRF>/Kconfig.nrf:25
→ <nRF>/subsys/Kconfig:40
→ <nRF>/subsys/zigbee/Kconfig:27
→ <nRF>/subsys/zigbee/lib/Kconfig:8
Menu path: (Top) → Modules → Nordic nRF Connect → Enable Zigbee stack → Zigbee libraries → Enable Zigbee FOTA
config ZIGBEE_FOTA_MANUFACTURER_ID hex "Manufacturer ID" range 0x0000 0xFFFF default 0x127F depends onZIGBEE_FOTA
help This is the ZigBee assigned identifier for each member company. 0x127F - Nordic Semiconductor 0xFFFF - wild card value has a 'match all' effect.
(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)