How many path trace elements to track
Type: int
This tells the number of time-aware systems that transmits the Announce message. Each array element takes 8 bytes. If this value is set to 8, then 8 * 8 = 64 bytes of memory is used.
Direct dependencies¶
(Includes any dependencies from ifs and menus.)
Kconfig definition¶
At <Zephyr>/subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/Kconfig:190
Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8
→ <Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:34
→ <Zephyr>/subsys/Kconfig:34
→ <Zephyr>/subsys/net/Kconfig:85
→ <Zephyr>/subsys/net/l2/Kconfig:69
→ <Zephyr>/subsys/net/l2/ethernet/Kconfig:76
Menu path: (Top) → Sub Systems and OS Services → Networking → Link layer and IP networking support → Link layer options → Enable Ethernet support → Enable IEEE 802.1AS (gPTP) support [EXPERIMENTAL]
config NET_GPTP_PATH_TRACE_ELEMENTS int "How many path trace elements to track" default 8 depends onNET_GPTP
help This tells the number of time-aware systems that transmits the Announce message. Each array element takes 8 bytes. If this value is set to 8, then 8 * 8 = 64 bytes of memory is used.
(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)