
Use Kconfig to configure the nrf_security module. To enable the module, set the CONFIG_NORDIC_SECURITY_BACKEND Kconfig variable in the Nordic Security menu.

Setting this variable allows for additional Kconfig variables, depending on the number of features requested. These configurations are then used to generate an Mbed TLS configuration file used during compilation.

It is possible to provide your own custom Mbed TLS configuration file by deselecting the CONFIG_GENERATE_MBEDTLS_CFG_FILE Kconfig variable.


Deselecting the CONFIG_GENERATE_MBEDTLS_CFG_FILE Kconfig variable is not recommended. If you decide to do so, see User-provided Mbed TLS config header.

Building with TF-M

If CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM is enabled together with CONFIG_NORDIC_SECURITY_BACKEND, the TF-M secure image will enable the use of the hardware acceleration of Arm CryptoCell. In such case, the Kconfig configurations in the Nordic Security Backend control the features enabled through TF-M.