Network Timeout


Zephyr’s network infrastructure mostly uses the millisecond-resolution uptime clock to track timeouts, with both deadlines and durations measured with 32-bit unsigned values. The 32-bit value rolls over at 49 days 17 hours 2 minutes 47.296 seconds.

Timeout processing is often affected by latency, so that the time at which the timeout is checked may be some time after it should have expired. Handling this correctly without arbitrary expectations of maximum latency requires that the maximum delay that can be directly represented be a 31-bit non-negative number (INT32_MAX), which overflows at 24 days 20 hours 31 minutes 23.648 seconds.

Most network timeouts are shorter than the delay rollover, but a few protocols allow for delays that are represented as unsigned 32-bit values counting seconds, which corresponds to a 42-bit millisecond count.

The net_timeout API provides a generic timeout mechanism to correctly track the remaining time for these extended-duration timeouts.


The simplest use of this API is:

  1. Configure a network timeout using net_timeout_set().

  2. Use net_timeout_evaluate() to determine how long it is until the timeout occurs. Schedule a timeout to occur after this delay.

  3. When the timeout callback is invoked, use net_timeout_evaluate() again to determine whether the timeout has completed, or whether there is additional time remaining. If the latter, reschedule the callback.

  4. While the timeout is running, use net_timeout_remaining() to get the number of seconds until the timeout expires. This may be used to explicitly update the timeout, which should be done by canceling any pending callback and restarting from step 1 with the new timeout.

The net_timeout contains a sys_snode_t that allows multiple timeout instances to be aggregated to share a single kernel timer element. The application must use net_timeout_evaluate() on all instances to determine the next timeout event to occur.

net_timeout_deadline() may be used to reconstruct the full-precision deadline of the timeout. This exists primarily for testing but may have use in some applications, as it does allow a millisecond-resolution calculation of remaining time.

API Reference

Network long timeout primitives and helpers