Silicon Labs SiM3U1xx 32-bit MCU USB Development Kit
This is a development kit [3] that is used to develop software for the SiM3U1xx MCUs.
Silicon Labs SiM3U167-B-GM SoC
CPU core: ARM Cortex®-M3
Flash memory: 256 kB
RAM: 32 kB
2x user LEDs
2x user push buttons
2x power LEDs
Reset push button
Analog terminals
Capacitive sensing slider and button
USB virtual COM port
For more information about the SiM3U167 SoC and the SiM3U1xx board, refer to these documents:
Silicon Labs SiM3U167-B-GM [2]
Silicon Labs SiM3U1xx-B-DK [3]
Silicon Labs SiM3U1xx-B-DK MCU card user’s guide [4]
Supported Features
The board configuration supports the following hardware features:
Interface |
Controller |
Driver/Component |
on-chip |
nested vector interrupt controller |
on-chip |
systick |
on-chip |
dma |
on-chip |
flash memory |
on-chip |
gpio |
on-chip |
serial port-polling; serial port-interrupt |
Connections and IOs
Pin |
Name |
Note |
PB1.12 |
TX (O) |
Serial connection to host via USB virtual COM port |
PB1.13 |
RX (I) |
PB1.14 |
RTS (O) |
PB1.15 |
CTS (I) |
PB2.8 |
Push button switch (SW2) |
PB2.9 |
Push button switch (SW3) |
PB2.10 |
Red LED (DS3) |
PB2.11 |
Yellow LED (DS4) |
PB1.5 |
Potentiometer |
PB2.12 |
Potentiometer bias |
Programming and Debugging
The sample application Hello World is used for this example. Build the Zephyr kernel and application:
# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b sim3u1xx_dk samples/hello_world
Connect the sim3u1xx_dk to your host computer using both USB port and you should see a USB serial connection.
Open a serial terminal (minicom, putty, etc.) with the following settings:
Speed: 115200
Data: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Reset the board and you’ll see the following message on the corresponding serial port terminal session:
Hello World! sim3u1xx_dk/sim3u167