nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ ocrypto_poly1305_final()

void ocrypto_poly1305_final ( ocrypto_poly1305_ctx *  ctx,
uint8_t  r[(16)] 

#include <crypto/nrf_oberon/include/ocrypto_poly1305.h>

Poly1305 generator output.

The generator state ctx is updated to finalize the authenticator for the previously processed message chunks. The authentication tag is put into r.

ctxGenerator state.
[out]rGenerated authentication tag.
Initialization of the generator state ctx through ocrypto_poly1305_init is required before this function can be called.
After return, the generator state ctx must no longer be used with ocrypto_poly1305_update and ocrypto_poly1305_final unless it is reinitialized using ocrypto_poly1305_init.