nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_update_aad()

void ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_update_aad ( ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_ctx *  ctx,
const uint8_t *  a,
size_t  a_len 

#include <crypto/nrf_oberon/include/ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305.h>

ChaCha20-Poly1305 incremental aad input.

The generator state ctx is updated to include an additional authenticated data chunk a.

This function can be called repeatedly until the whole data is processed.

ctxGenerator state.
aAdditional authenticated data.
a_lenLength of a.
Initialization of the generator state ctx through ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_init is required before this function can be called.
ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_update_aad must be called before any call to ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_update_enc or ocrypto_chacha20_poly1305_update_dec.