nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ nrf_modem_dect_phy_rx_stop()

int nrf_modem_dect_phy_rx_stop ( uint32_t  handle)

#include <nrf_modem/include/nrf_modem_dect_phy.h>

Stop an ongoing reception.

Stop an ongoing reception before its duration has ended; this can take more or less time depending on the internal state of the operation at the time the request is received.

This operation is asynchronous. The result of the operation is sent to the nrf_modem_dect_phy_callbacks::rx_stop callback.

Only RX operations can be stopped.
handleHandle of the operation to be stopped.
Return values
0Request was sent to modem.
-NRF_EPERMThe Modem library is not initialized.
-NRF_EFAULTCallback configuration is invalid.
-NRF_ENOMEMNot enough shared memory for this request.