nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ nrf_modem_at_sem_timeout_set()

int nrf_modem_at_sem_timeout_set ( int  timeout_ms)

#include <nrf_modem/include/nrf_modem_at.h>

Configure how long to wait for ongoing AT commands to complete when sending AT commands.

AT commands are executed one at a time. While one AT command is being executed, the other AT commands wait on a semaphore for the ongoing AT command to complete.

This function configures how long nrf_modem_at_printf, nrf_modem_at_scanf and nrf_modem_at_cmd will wait for ongoing AT commands to complete.

By default, the timeout is infinite.

timeout_msTimeout in milliseconds. Use NRF_MODEM_OS_FOREVER for infinite timeout or NRF_MODEM_OS_NO_WAIT for no timeout.
int Zero on success, a negative errno otherwise.