nrfxlib API 2.7.99
No Matches

◆ nrf_802154_ie_writer_tx_setup()

bool nrf_802154_ie_writer_tx_setup ( uint8_t *  p_frame,
nrf_802154_transmit_params_t p_params,
nrf_802154_transmit_failed_notification_t  notify_function 

#include <nrf_802154/driver/src/mac_features/nrf_802154_ie_writer.h>

Transmission setup hook for the IE writer module.

This hook parses the frame in search of header Information Elements and arms the IE writer module. The IE writer module shall write data to recognized Information Elements during the execution of nrf_802154_ie_writer_tx_ack_started_hook and nrf_802154_ie_writer_tx_started_hook hooks.

If this function detects a malformed frame, the module state shall be reset to the unarmed state. There is no guarantee that all malformed frames will be detected.

[in]p_framePointer to the buffer that contains the PHR and PSDU of the transmitted frame.
[in]p_paramsPointer to the transmission parameters.
[in]notify_functionFunction to be called to notify transmission failure.
Return values
trueAlways succeeds.