nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ mpsl_cx_register_callback()

int32_t mpsl_cx_register_callback ( mpsl_cx_cb_t  cb)

#include <mpsl/include/protocol/mpsl_cx_protocol_api.h>

Register callback function called when radio operations granted by PTA change.

This function is used by radio protocols that require CPU processing when list of granted operations changes. One example is a protocol waiting with asynchronous transmission until TX operation is granted.

When radio protocol stops using Coexistence interface to hand it over to another protocol, it shall reset callback by calling this function with NULL value passed in cb.

[in]cbPointer to a callback function called when radio operations granted by PTA change. If NULL, callback function is reset and nothing is called when granted radio operations change.
Return values
0Successfully set or reset callback function.