nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ nrf_gzll_set_device_channel_selection_policy()

bool nrf_gzll_set_device_channel_selection_policy ( nrf_gzll_device_channel_selection_policy_t  policy)

#include <gzll/include/nrf_gzll.h>

Set the Device channel selection policy.

The policy determines the initial channel when starting a new packet. transmission.

policyThe channel selection policy.
  • NRF_GZLL_DEVICE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_POLICY_USE_SUCCESSFUL specifies that a new packet transmission always shall use the previous successful channel from the channel table. If Gazell is "in sync", Gazell will wait until this channel is being monitored by the Host before starting the transmission.
  • NRF_GZLL_DEVICE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_POLICY_USE_CURRENT specifies that Gazell shall transmit on the channel that is currently being monitored by the Host. This parameter is only used when Gazell is "in sync". When "out of" sync, Gazell will always start using the "previous successful" channel.
Return values
trueIf the parameter was set.
falseIf Gazell was enabled or the policy was invalid.