nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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◆ LC3Deinitialize()

int32_t LC3Deinitialize ( void  )

#include <lc3/codec/inc/LC3API.h>

Deinitializes the LC3 Codec.

This function deinitializes the LC3 Codec. All encoder and decoder sessions should be closed before calling this function. Memory passed in the LC3Initialize's buffer parameter can be freed only after this function returns LC3_RESULT_NO_ERROR. If LC3Initialize allocated memory internally, that memory will be freed upon a successful call to this function.

If the result code LC3_RESULT_STILL_IN_USE is returned, there are still open sessions. No related resources are freed until all sessions associated with the handle are closed.

Zero on success or one of the defined LC3 result codes on error.