nrfxlib API 2.7.99
No Matches

◆ sdc_hci_cmd_vs_set_event_start_task()

uint8_t sdc_hci_cmd_vs_set_event_start_task ( const sdc_hci_cmd_vs_set_event_start_task_t p_params)

#include <softdevice_controller/include/sdc_hci_vs.h>

Set Event Start Task.

When enabled, this feature will trigger the specified peripheral task register right before the first radio activity of a timing-event.

For activities with a handle, the task configuration is automatically reset when the controller deletes the handle.

If enabling the task and it is already enabled for the given handle and handle_type, the controller will return the error code Command Disallowed (0x0C).

If the advertising handle is not currently active, the controller will return the error code Unknown Advertising Identifier (0x42).

If the connection handle is not currently active, the controller will return the error code Unknown Connection Identifier (0x2).

If the selected handle_type is not supported by this SDC variant, the controller will return the error code Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value (0x11).

After HCI Reset, this feature is disabled.

Event(s) generated (unless masked away): When the command has completed, an HCI_Command_Complete event shall be generated.

[in]p_paramsInput parameters.
Return values
0if success.
Returns value between 0x01-0xFF in case of error. See Vol 2, Part D, Error for a list of error codes and descriptions.