nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ suit_get_supported_manifest_info()

suit_ssf_err_t suit_get_supported_manifest_info ( suit_manifest_role_t  role,
suit_ssf_manifest_class_info_t class_info 

Get class info (class id, vendor ID, role) for a given, supported manifest role. Prior to calling this function, suit_get_supported_manifest_roles should be called to get the supported roles.

[in]roleManifest role.
[out]class_infoManifest class info (class id, role).
Return values
SUIT_PLAT_SUCCESSif successful.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_INVALif input parameters are invalid.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_CBOR_DECODINGif the data received from SDFW is malformed.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_NOT_FOUNDif the given role is not supported.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_IPCin case of SSF protocol error.