nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
No Matches

◆ suit_get_installed_manifest_info()

suit_ssf_err_t suit_get_installed_manifest_info ( suit_manifest_class_id_t *  manifest_class_id,
unsigned int *  seq_num,
suit_semver_raw_t *  version,
suit_digest_status_t *  status,
int *  alg_id,
suit_plat_mreg_t *  digest 

Read the information about the manifest, that was used to boot the system.

In the SUIT-based system, the firmware is identified by its digest. There is no semantic version attached to the firmware. This function allows to inform an application about the current revision and digest of the manifest. This data may be forwarded to the tools that would like to read the device state.

[in]manifest_class_idManifest class ID.
[out]seq_numPointer to the memory to store the current root manifest sequence number value.
[out]versionManifest semantic version.
[out]statusDigest verification status
[out]alg_idID of an algorithm that was used to calculate the digest.
[out]digestPointer to the memory to store the digest of the current root manifest value.
Return values
SUIT_PLAT_SUCCESSif successful.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_INVALif input parameters are invalid.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_SIZEif the manifest version output buffer is too small.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_NOMEMif the manifest digest output buffer is too small.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_HW_NOT_READYif device manging SUIT storage is not initialized.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_BUSYif SUIT decoder is currently busy.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_NOT_FOUNDif SUIT storage does not contain a valid manifest with the specified class ID.
SUIT_PLAT_ERR_IPCin case of SSF protocol error.