nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ range_update

void(*const bt_mesh_lightness_srv_handlers::range_update) (struct bt_mesh_lightness_srv *srv, struct bt_mesh_msg_ctx *ctx, const struct bt_mesh_lightness_range *old_range, const struct bt_mesh_lightness_range *new_range)

The Light Range state has changed.

The user may implement this handler to subscribe to change to the Light Range state. If the change in range causes the current Light state to be out of range, the Light state should be changed to the nearest value inside the range. It is recommended to call bt_mesh_lightness_srv_pub to notify the mesh if the Light state changes.

[in]srvServer the Light Range state was changed on.
[in]ctxContext of the set message that triggered the update, or NULL if it was not triggered by a message.
[in]old_rangeThe Light Range before the change.
[in]new_rangeThe Light Range after the change.