nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ zigbee_logger_eprxzcl_ep_handler()

zb_uint8_t zigbee_logger_eprxzcl_ep_handler ( zb_bufid_t  bufid)

#include <include/zigbee/zigbee_logger_eprxzcl.h>

Handler function which may be called to log an incoming frame onto Zigbee endpoint.

When this function is called as a callback bound to endpoint via ZB_AF_SET_ENDPOINT_HANDLER(), (directly or indirectly) it produces a log line similar to the following:

Received ZCL command (17): src_addr=0x0000(short) src_ep=64 dst_ep=64
cluster_id=0x0000 profile_id=0x0104 rssi=0 cmd_dir=0 common_cmd=1 cmd_id=0x00
cmd_seq=128 disable_def_resp=0 manuf_code=void payload=[0700] (17)
bufidReference to Zigbee buffer holding received zcl command to be logged
Return values
ZB_FALSEin all conditions. This enables possibility to use this function directly as Zigbee stack endpoint handler.