nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
No Matches
Modem library integration layer.

Modem library wrapper. More...

Data Structures

struct  nrf_modem_lib_dfu_cb
 Modem library dfu callback struct. More...
struct  nrf_modem_lib_init_cb
 Modem library initialization callback struct. More...
struct  nrf_modem_lib_shutdown_cb
 Modem library shutdown callback struct. More...
struct  nrf_modem_lib_at_cfun_cb
 AT CFUN callback entry. More...
struct  nrf_modem_lib_diag_stats


#define NRF_MODEM_LIB_ON_DFU_RES(name, _callback, _context)
 Define a callback for DFU result nrf_modem_lib_init calls.
#define NRF_MODEM_LIB_ON_INIT(name, _callback, _context)
 Define a callback for nrf_modem_lib_init calls.
#define NRF_MODEM_LIB_ON_SHUTDOWN(name, _callback, _context)
 Define a callback for nrf_modem_lib_shutdown calls.
#define NRF_MODEM_LIB_ON_CFUN(name, _callback, _context)
 Define a callback for successful AT CFUN calls.


int nrf_modem_lib_init (void)
 Initialize the Modem library and turn on the modem.
int nrf_modem_lib_bootloader_init (void)
 Initialize the Modem library in bootloader mode and turn on the modem.
int nrf_modem_lib_shutdown (void)
 Shutdown the Modem library and turn off the modem.
void nrf_modem_fault_handler (struct nrf_modem_fault_info *fault_info)
 Modem fault handler.
const char * nrf_modem_lib_fault_strerror (int fault)
 Retrieve a statically allocated textual description of a given fault.
int nrf_modem_lib_diag_stats_get (struct nrf_modem_lib_diag_stats *stats)
 Retrieve heap runtime statistics.

Detailed Description

Modem library wrapper.