nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ nrf_cloud_rest_disconnect()

int nrf_cloud_rest_disconnect ( struct nrf_cloud_rest_context *const  rest_ctx)

#include <include/net/nrf_cloud_rest.h>

Closes the connection to the server. The socket pointed to by rest_ctx.connect_socket will be closed, and rest_ctx.connect_socket will be set to -1.

[in,out]rest_ctxContext for communicating with nRF Cloud's REST API.
Return values
0If successful. Otherwise, a (negative) error code is returned:
  • -EINVAL, if valid context is not given.
  • -ENOTCONN, if socket was already closed, or never opened.
  • -EIO, for any kind of socket-level closure failure.