nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ nrf_cloud_pgps_begin_update()

int nrf_cloud_pgps_begin_update ( void  )

#include <include/net/nrf_cloud_pgps.h>

Use this function when you use a custom transport mechanism for downloading prediction data. When your pgps_event_handler_t receives a PGPS_EVT_REQUEST event, send the P-GPS request to the cloud over your transport, then call this function. This function resets the internal state of the library and prepares the flash storage to receive incoming data.

The library calls this automatically for HTTP(S) transports.

Return values
0Ready for updating.
-ENOMEMNo free space in P-GPS flash storage area.
-EBUSYP-GPS download already in progress.
-ENODEVFlash device is not ready.
-EFAULTError accessing flash stream.
a negative value indicates an error.