nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ nrf_cloud_coap_fota_job_get()

int nrf_cloud_coap_fota_job_get ( struct nrf_cloud_fota_job_info *const  job)

#include <include/net/nrf_cloud_coap.h>

Request current nRF Cloud FOTA job info for the specified device.

[out]jobParsed job info. If no job exists, type will be set to invalid. If a job exists, user must call nrf_cloud_coap_fota_job_free to free the memory allocated by this function.
Return values
-EACCESDevice does not have a valid nRF Cloud CoAP connection.
0 If successful, nonzero if failed. Negative values are device-side errors defined in errno.h. Positive values are cloud-side errors (CoAP result codes) defined in zephyr/net/coap.h.