nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
No Matches

◆ cloud_codec_encode_batch_data()

int cloud_codec_encode_batch_data ( struct cloud_codec_data output,
struct cloud_data_gnss gnss_buf,
struct cloud_data_sensors sensor_buf,
struct cloud_data_modem_static modem_stat_buf,
struct cloud_data_modem_dynamic modem_dyn_buf,
struct cloud_data_ui ui_buf,
struct cloud_data_impact impact_buf,
struct cloud_data_battery bat_buf,
size_t  gnss_buf_count,
size_t  sensor_buf_count,
size_t  modem_stat_buf_count,
size_t  modem_dyn_buf_count,
size_t  ui_buf_count,
size_t  impact_buf_count,
size_t  bat_buf_count 

#include <applications/asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/cloud_codec/cloud_codec.h>

Encode a batch of cloud buffer data.

[out]outputstring buffer for encoding result.
[in]gnss_bufGNSS data buffer.
[in]sensor_bufSensor data buffer.
[in]modem_stat_bufStatic modem data buffer.
[in]modem_dyn_bufDynamic modem data buffer.
[in]ui_bufButton data buffer.
[in]impact_bufImpact data buffer.
[in]bat_bufBattery data buffer.
[in]gnss_buf_countLength of GNSS data buffer.
[in]sensor_buf_countLength of Sensor data buffer.
[in]modem_stat_buf_countLength of static modem data buffer.
[in]modem_dyn_buf_countLength of dynamic modem data buffer.
[in]ui_buf_countLength of button data buffer.
[in]impact_buf_countLength of impact data buffer.
[in]bat_buf_countLength of battery data buffer.
Return values
0on success.
-ENODATAif none of the data elements are marked valid.
-EINVALif the data is invalid.
-ENOMEMif codec couldn't allocate memory.
-ENOTSUPif the function is not supported by the encoding backend.