nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
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◆ bt_le_adv_prov_get_ad()

int bt_le_adv_prov_get_ad ( struct bt_data *  ad,
size_t *  ad_len,
const struct bt_le_adv_prov_adv_state state,
struct bt_le_adv_prov_feedback fb 

#include <include/bluetooth/adv_prov.h>

Fill advertising data.

Number of elements in array pointed by ad must be at least equal to bt_le_adv_prov_get_ad_prov_cnt.

[out]adPointer to array to be filled with advertising data.
[in,out]ad_lenValue describing number of elements in the array pointed by ad. The value is then set by the function to number of filled elements.
[in]stateStructure describing advertising state.
[out]fbStructure filled with feedback from advertising data providers.
0 if the operation was successful. Otherwise, a (negative) error code is returned.