nRF Connect SDK API 2.7.99
No Matches

◆ at_parser_cmd_next()

int at_parser_cmd_next ( struct at_parser parser)

#include <include/modem/at_parser.h>

Move the cursor of an AT parser to the next command line of its configured AT command string.

It is possible to call this function successfully with a given AT parser if and only if its configured AT command string has multiple lines and its current line is not the last one.

[in]parserA pointer to the AT parser.
Return values
0If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a (negative) error code is returned.
-EINVALOne or more of the supplied parameters are invalid.
-EPERMparser has not been initialized.
-EOPNOTSUPPThe cursor cannot move to the next line. This error occurs if there is no next line to move to or the configured AT command string is malformed.