nRF Connect SDK API 2.8.0
#include <include/net/nrf_cloud_pgps.h>
P-GPS event passed to the registered pgps_event_handler.
Enumerator | |
PGPS_EVT_INIT | P-GPS initialization beginning. |
PGPS_EVT_UNAVAILABLE | There are currently no P-GPS predictions available. |
PGPS_EVT_LOADING | P-GPS predictions are being loaded from the cloud. |
PGPS_EVT_AVAILABLE | A P-GPS prediction is available now for the current date and time. The prediction pointer in the associated nrf_cloud_pgps_event structure points to the prediction. |
PGPS_EVT_READY | All P-GPS predictions are available. |
PGPS_EVT_REQUEST | A P-GPS request has been created for missing predictions. The event has payload in the form of gps_pgps_request. The event is intended to be used when CONFIG_NRF_CLOUD_PGPS_TRANSPORT_MQTT is disabled to let the application decide when and how to use the request information. This event type is not received if CONFIG_NRF_CLOUD_PGPS_TRANSPORT_MQTT is enabled. |