nRF Connect SDK API 2.8.0
#include <applications/asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/cloud_wrapper.h>
Event types notified by the cloud wrapper API.
Enumerator | |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_CONNECTING | Cloud integration layer is connecting. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_CONNECTED | Cloud integration layer is connected. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED | Cloud integration layer is disconnected. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_DATA_RECEIVED | Data received from cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_USER_ASSOCIATION_REQUEST | User association request received from cloud. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_USER_ASSOCIATED | User association completed. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_DATA_ACK | Event received when data has been acknowledged by cloud. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_PING_ACK | Event received when a ping response has been received. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_AGNSS_DATA_RECEIVED | A-GNSS data received from the cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_PGPS_DATA_RECEIVED | P-GPS data received from the cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_CLOUD_LOCATION_RESULT_RECEIVED | Data received from cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_REBOOT_REQUEST | Reboot request received from cloud. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_LTE_DISCONNECT_REQUEST | Request to disconnect from LTE. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_FOTA_DONE | Cloud integration layer has successfully performed a FOTA update. Device should now be rebooted. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_FOTA_START | The cloud integration layer has started a FOTA update. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_FOTA_ERASE_PENDING | An image erase is pending. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_FOTA_ERASE_DONE | Image erase done. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_FOTA_ERROR | An error occurred during FOTA. |
CLOUD_WRAP_EVT_ERROR | An irrecoverable error has occurred in the integration layer. Error details are attached in the event structure. |