nRF Connect SDK API 2.8.0
#include <applications/asset_tracker_v2/src/events/cloud_module_event.h>
Event types submitted by the cloud module.
Enumerator | |
CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTED | Cloud service is connected. |
CLOUD_EVT_DISCONNECTED | Cloud service is disconnected. |
CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING | Connecting to a cloud service. |
CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | Connection has timed out. |
CLOUD_EVT_LTE_CONNECT | Connect to LTE. This event is sent out when the modem should connect to LTE (put into normal mode) post provisioning of server credentials. Only used when building for LwM2M. |
CLOUD_EVT_LTE_DISCONNECT | Disconnect from LTE. This event is sent out when the modem should be put into offline mode prior to provisioning of server credentials. Only used when building for LwM2M. |
CLOUD_EVT_USER_ASSOCIATION_REQUEST | User association request received from cloud. |
CLOUD_EVT_USER_ASSOCIATED | User association completed. |
CLOUD_EVT_REBOOT_REQUEST | Reboot requested from cloud. |
CLOUD_EVT_CONFIG_RECEIVED | A new device configuration has been received from cloud. The payload associated with this event is of type cloud_data_cfg (config). |
CLOUD_EVT_CLOUD_LOCATION_RECEIVED | Cloud location data has been received from cloud. The payload associated with this event is of type location_data. |
CLOUD_EVT_CLOUD_LOCATION_ERROR | Cloud location response has been received but location could not be resolved. |
CLOUD_EVT_CLOUD_LOCATION_UNKNOWN | Cloud location resolution is unknown. |
CLOUD_EVT_CONFIG_EMPTY | An empty device configuration has been received from cloud. |
CLOUD_EVT_FOTA_START | A FOTA update has started. |
CLOUD_EVT_FOTA_DONE | FOTA has been performed, a reboot of the application is needed. |
CLOUD_EVT_FOTA_ERROR | An error occurred during a FOTA update. |
CLOUD_EVT_DATA_SEND_QOS | Sending data to cloud using QoS library. The payload associated with this event is of type qos_data (message). This event is only meant for the cloud module and is used to filter QoS data through the module's internal message queue. This event is consumed by the cloud module as soon as it has been processed. |
CLOUD_EVT_SHUTDOWN_READY | The cloud module has performed all procedures to prepare for a shutdown of the system. The event carries the ID (id) of the module. |
CLOUD_EVT_ERROR | An irrecoverable error has occurred in the cloud module. Error details are attached in the event structure. |