nRF Connect SDK API 2.8.0
enum aws_iot_evt_type |
#include <include/net/aws_iot.h>
AWS IoT notification event types, used to signal the application.
Enumerator | |
AWS_IOT_EVT_CONNECTING | Connecting to the broker. |
AWS_IOT_EVT_CONNECTED | Connected to the broker. Payload is of type bool (.data.persistent_session) |
AWS_IOT_EVT_DISCONNECTED | Disconnected from the broker. |
AWS_IOT_EVT_DATA_RECEIVED | Data received from the broker. Payload is of type aws_iot_data (.data.msg) |
AWS_IOT_EVT_PUBACK | Acknowledgment for data sent to the broker. Payload is of type uint16_t (.data.message_id) |
AWS_IOT_EVT_PINGRESP | Acknowledgment for pings sent to the broker. |
AWS_IOT_EVT_FOTA_START | FOTA update start. |
AWS_IOT_EVT_FOTA_DONE | FOTA done. Payload of type dfu_target_image_type (.data.image). If the image parameter type is of type DFU_TARGET_IMAGE_TYPE_MCUBOOT the device needs to reboot to apply the new application image. If the image parameter type is of type DFU_TARGET_IMAGE_TYPE_MODEM_DELTA the modem needs to be reinitialized to apply the new modem image. |
AWS_IOT_EVT_FOTA_DL_PROGRESS | FOTA progress notification. Payload is of type int (.data.fota_progress) |
AWS_IOT_EVT_FOTA_ERROR | FOTA error. Something went wrong during the FOTA process, try again. |
AWS_IOT_EVT_ERROR | Irrecoverable error, if this event is received the device should perform a reboot. Payload is of type int (.data.err) |