Wi-Fi driver layers

The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver consists of the following key layers:


UMAC IF (Upper Media Access Control Interface) layer is the public interface to the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver. It abstracts the access to the UMAC (Upper Media Access Control) firmware in the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset.


HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) layer abstracts the access to the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset hardware. It provides a set of functions that the UMAC IF layer uses to access the hardware.


Bus IF (Bus Interface) layer abstracts the access to the bus level communication to nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset It provides a set of functions that the HAL layer uses to access the bus, (Q)SPI and PCIe BUSes are supported.

Wi-Fi chipset layers

The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset consists of the following key layers:

Firmware layers

Only the key firmware layers that are relevant for the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver are listed here.

  • UMAC (Upper Media Access Control) firmware layer implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer. It is responsible for managing the Wi-Fi STA MLME.

  • LMAC (Lower Media Access Control) firmware layer implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer. It is responsible for managing all real-time operations of the Wi-Fi MAC layer. The BB (Baseband) and RF (Radio Frequency) layers are part of the LMAC firmware. The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver does not interact with the LMAC firmware directly.

Hardware blocks

Only the key hardware blocks that are relevant for the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver are listed here.

  • HPQM (Host Processor Queue Manager) hardware block is responsible for managing the control flow by providing a set of queues with addresses of commands and event buffers. The HPQM block is used by the UMAC firmware to communicate with the host and vice versa.

    HPQM queues:
    • cmd_avl_queue: This queue is used by the UMAC firmware to notify the host about command buffers that are available for the host to send commands to the firmware.

    • cmd_busy_queue: This queue is used by the host to send commands to the UMAC firmware.

    • event_busy_queue: This queue is used by the UMAC firmware to send events to the host.

    • event_avl_queue: This queue is used by the host to notify the UMAC firmware about event buffers that are available for the UMAC firmware to send events to the host.

    The queue depth is controlled by the UMAC firmware and is not configurable by the host. Default queue depth is 10 for all queues.

Memory blocks

Only the key memory blocks that are relevant for the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver are listed here.

  • Packet RAM memory block is used to store the Transmit and Receive frames as well as the Command and Event buffers. The size of the Packet RAM is fixed (~192KB) and is shared between the UMAC firmware and the host. The division of the memory between the Transmit and Receive paths is configurable and is controlled by the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver.

Control flow


A typical control flow for a Command for the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver is as follows:

  1. UMAC IF prepares a UMAC command and sends it to the HAL layer.

  2. HAL polls the HPQM queue (in this case cmd_avl_queue) for a command buffer address with a timeout, .

  3. HAL dequeues the command buffer address from the HPQM cmd_avl_queue.

  4. HAL writes the contents of the command to the buffer address provided in Step 3.

  5. HAL notifies the UMAC that a command is written by writing the command buffer address to the HPQM cmd_busy_queue.

  6. HAL notifies the UMAC firmware that the command buffer is ready for consumption by raising an interrupt to the UMAC processor.


A typical control flow for an Event for the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver is as follows:

  1. UMAC firmware generates an interrupt to the host processor.

  2. HAL reads the event buffer address from the HPQM event_busy_queue.

  3. HAL reads the event buffer from the address provided in Step 2.

  4. HAL writes the event buffer address to the HPQM event_avl_queue.

  5. HAL passes the event buffer to the UMAC IF layer.

  6. UMAC IF processes the event and depending on the event type, handles it accordingly.


The command and event flow is a simplified version of the actual flow. Fragmented commands and events are not covered in this flow.

Data flow


UMAC IF implements a basic token bucket algorithm to flowcontrol TX frames to the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset.


Both per-AC buckets and global buckets are implemented as follows:

  • Per-AC buckets: The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset supports five Access Categories (ACs) (four as per IEEE 802.11e and one for management frames). The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver divides the tokens CONFIG_NRF700X_MAX_TX_TOKENS into equal parts for each AC.

  • Global bucket (a.k.a Spare bucket): The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver implements a global bucket that is shared between all ACs. The remaining tokens after dividing the tokens for per-AC buckets are added to the global bucket.

For example, if CONFIG_NRF700X_MAX_TX_TOKENS is set to 12, the driver divides the tokens as follows:

  • Two tokens for each AC

  • Two tokens for the global bucket


The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver implements the following queues:

  • TX queue is used to store the frames that are ready to be transmitted. It maps to frames that can be transmitted in a single TXOP (Transmission Opportunity), for example a single A-MPDU. The depth of this queue is controlled by the CONFIG_NRF700X_MAX_TX_AGGREGATION Kconfig option and also limited by the maximum size of memory for a single token.

  • TX pending queue is used to store the frames that are waiting for the tokens to be available in the buckets.

    The depth of this queue is controlled by the CONFIG_NRF700X_MAX_TX_PENDING_QLEN Kconfig option.


The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver implements the following flow for transmitting a frame:

  1. UMAC IF receives a frame from the networking stack.

  2. UMAC IF fetches the peer, TID and AC for the frame. Depending on these the transmit pending queue is selected and the frame is enqueued.

  3. UMAC IF checks if the frame can be transmitted immediately, by checking * If the frame meets the aggregation criterion, which means the maximum aggregation count is reached or maximum aggregation size is reached or frame cannot be aggregated. * If the frame meets the token availability criterion, which means the frame can be transmitted based on the availability of the per-AC and global tokens.

  4. If the frame can be transmitted, UMAC IF dequeues the frame from the transmit pending queue and enqueues it to the transmit queue.

  5. UMAC IF processes the transmit queue: * It prepares the necessary information for UMAC firmware in the form of a struct nrf_wifi_tx_buff command. * It copies (this can be a memory copy or a DMA depending on underlying BAL implementation) each frame to the appropriate memory location in the Packet RAM

  6. UMAC IF sends the struct nrf_wifi_tx_buff command to the HAL layer using the typical command flow, as described in the previous section.


The key difference between the transmit and receive flow is that the RX packet buffers need to be pre-programmed to the nRF70 Series Wi-Fi chipset as packets can be received at any time. Unlike the transmit flow, the receive flow does not have a token bucket mechanism to control the flow of packets.


The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver does not implement any queues for the receive path. It is a circular buffer with a configurable size CONFIG_NRF700X_RX_NUM_BUFS.

Flow: initialization

The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver implements the following flow during initialization:

  1. FMAC allocates a set of buffers in the Packet RAM for the receive path.

    The number of buffers is controlled by the CONFIG_NRF700X_RX_NUM_BUFS Kconfig option.

  2. FMAC prepares a struct nrf_wifi_rx_buff command and sends it to the HAL layer.

  3. HAL sends the struct nrf_wifi_rx_buff command to the UMAC firmware using the typical command flow, as described in the previous section.

Flow: Receive

The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver implements the following flow for receiving a frame:

  1. UMAC firmware receives a frame from the air, processes it and stores it in the Packet RAM.

    Prepares struct nrf_wifi_rx_buff and generates an interrupt to the host processor.

  2. UMAC IF receives the interrupt, processes struct nrf_wifi_rx_buff event, and copies the frame from the Packet RAM to the receive buffer.

  3. UMAC IF performs 802.11 decapsulation and passes the frame to the networking stack.

Flow: Refill

The nRF70 Series Wi-Fi driver implements a refill mechanism to ensure that the Packet RAM is always filled with receive buffers.

  1. UMAC IF allocates a new buffer for the received frame.

  2. UMAC IF prepares a struct nrf_wifi_rx_buff command and sends it to the HAL layer.

  3. HAL sends the struct nrf_wifi_rx_buff command to the UMAC firmware using the typical command flow, as described in the previous section.