Socket AT commands

This page describes socket-related AT commands. The application can open up to 8 sockets and select the active one among them.

For more information on the networking services, see the Zephyr Network APIs.


The #XSOCKET command allows you to open or close a socket and to check the socket handle.

Set command

The set command allows you to open or close a socket.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Close a socket.

    • 1 - Open a socket for IP protocol family version 4.

    • 2 - Open a socket for IP protocol family version 6.

    When 0, the highest-ranked socket is made active after the current one is closed.

  • The <type> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 1 - Set SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TCP protocol.

    • 2 - Set SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the UDP protocol.

    • 3 - Set SOCK_RAW for the raw socket type using a generic IP protocol.

  • The <role> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Client.

    • 1 - Server.

  • The <cid> parameter is an integer. It represents cid in the +CGDCONT command. Its default value is 0.

Response syntax

#XSOCKET: <handle>,<type>,<protocol>
#XSOCKET: <result>,"closed"
  • The <handle> value is an integer and can be interpreted as follows:

    • Positive or 0 - The socket opened successfully.

    • Negative - The socket failed to open.

  • The <type> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 1 - Set SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TCP protocol.

    • 2 - Set SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the UDP protocol.

    • 3 - Set SOCK_RAW for the raw socket type using a generic IP protocol.

  • The <protocol> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 0 - IPPROTO_IP.

    • 6 - IPPROTO_TCP.

    • 17 - IPPROTO_UDP.

  • The <result> value indicates the result of closing the socket. When 0, the socket closed successfully.


#XSOCKET: 3,1,6
#XSOCKET: 1,2,17
#XSOCKET: 1,1,6
#XSOCKET: 1,3,0
#XSOCKET: 0,"closed"

Read command

The read command allows you to check the socket handle.



Response syntax

#XSOCKET: <handle>,<family>,<role>,<type>,<cid>
  • The <handle> value is an integer. When positive or 0, the socket is valid.

  • The <family> value is present only in the response to a request to open the socket. It can return one of the following values:

    • 1 - IP protocol family version 4.

    • 2 - IP protocol family version 6.

    • 3 - Packet family.

  • The <role> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 0 - Client.

    • 1 - Server.

  • The <type> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 1 - Set SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TCP protocol.

    • 2 - Set SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the UDP protocol.

    • 3 - Set SOCK_RAW for the raw socket type using a generic IP protocol.

  • The <cid> parameter is an integer. It represents cid in the +CGDCONT command.


#XSOCKET: 3,1,0,1,0

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XSOCKET: <list of ops>,<list of types>,<list of roles>,<cid>


#XSOCKET: (0,1,2),(1,2,3),(0,1),<cid>

Secure socket #XSSOCKET

The #XSSOCKET command allows you to open or close a secure socket, and to check the socket handle.


TLS and DTLS servers are currently not supported.

Set command

The set command allows you to open or close a secure socket.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Close a socket.

    • 1 - Open a socket for IP protocol family version 4.

    • 2 - Open a socket for IP protocol family version 6.

    When 0, the highest-ranked socket is made active after the current one is closed.

  • The <type> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 1 - Set SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TLS 1.2 protocol.

    • 2 - Set SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the DTLS 1.2 protocol.

  • The <role> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Client.

    • 1 - Server.

  • The <sec_tag> parameter is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag to be used for establishing a secure connection. It is associated with a credential, that is, a certificate or PSK. The credential should be stored on the modem side beforehand. Note that when <role> has a value of 1, <sec_tag> can only be used if the overlay-native_tls.conf configuration file is used.

  • The <peer_verify> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - None (default for server role).

    • 1 - Optional.

    • 2 - Required (default for client role).

  • The <cid> parameter is an integer. It represents cid in the +CGDCONT command. Its default value is 0.

Response syntax

#XSSOCKET: <handle>,<type>,<protocol>
#XSOCKET: <result>,"closed"
  • The <handle> value is an integer and can be interpreted as follows:

    • Positive or 0 - The socket opened successfully.

    • Negative - The socket failed to open.

  • The <type> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 1 - SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TLS 1.2 protocol.

    • 2 - SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the DTLS 1.2 protocol.

  • The <protocol> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 258 - IPPROTO_TLS_1_2.

    • 273 - IPPROTO_DTLS_1_2.

  • The <result> value indicates the result of closing the socket. When 0, the socket closed successfully.


#XSSOCKET: 2,1,258
#XSOCKET: 0,"closed"

#XSSOCKET: 2,2,273
#XSOCKET: 0,"closed"

Read command

The read command allows you to check the secure socket handle.



Response syntax

#XSSOCKET: <handle>,<family>,<role>,<type>,<sec_tag>,<cid>
  • The <handle> value is an integer. When positive or 0, the socket is valid.

  • The <family> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 1 - IP protocol family version 4.

    • 2 - IP protocol family version 6.

  • The <role> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 0 - Client

    • 1 - Server

  • The <type> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 1 - SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TLS 1.2 protocol.

    • 2 - SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the DTLS 1.2 protocol.

  • The <sec_tag> value is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag to be used for establishing a secure connection.

  • The <cid> value is an integer. It represents cid in the +CGDCONT command.


#XSSOCKET: 2,1,0,1,16842753,0

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XSSOCKET: <list of ops>,<list of types>,<list of roles>,<sec_tag>,<peer_verify>,<cid>


#XSSOCKET: (0,1,2),(1,2),(0,1),<sec_tag>,<peer_verify>,<cid>


The #XSOCKETSELECT command allows you to select an active socket among multiple opened ones.

Set command

The set command allows you to select an active socket.


  • The <handle> parameter is the handle value returned from the #XSOCKET or #XSSOCKET commands.

Response syntax

  • The <handle> value is an integer. When positive or 0, the socket is valid.



Read command

The read command allows you to list all sockets that have been opened and the active socket.



Response syntax

#XSOCKETSELECT: <handle>,<family>,<role>,<type>,<sec_tag>,<ranking>,<cid>
#XSOCKETSELECT: <handle_active>
  • The <handle> value is an integer that indicates the handle of the socket.

  • The <family> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 1 - IP protocol family version 4.

    • 2 - IP protocol family version 6.

  • The <role> value can be one of the following integers:

    • 0 - Client.

    • 1 - Server.

  • The <type> value can return one of the following:

    • 1 - Set SOCK_STREAM for the stream socket type using the TLS 1.2 protocol.

    • 2 - Set SOCK_DGRAM for the datagram socket type using the DTLS 1.2 protocol.

  • The <sec_tag> value is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag to be used for establishing a secure connection. For a non-secure socket, it returns the value of -1.

  • The <ranking> value is an integer. It indicates the ranking value of this socket, where the largest value means the highest ranking.

  • The <cid> value is an integer. It represents cid in the +CGDCONT command.

  • The <handle_active> value is an integer that indicates the handle of the active socket.


#XSOCKETSELECT: 0,1,0,1,-1,2,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 1,1,0,2,-1,3,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 2,1,0,1,16842755,4,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 3,1,0,2,16842755,5,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 4,1,1,1,-1,6,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 5,1,1,2,-1,7,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 6,1,1,1,16842755,8,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 7,1,0,1,-1,9,0


#XSOCKETSELECT: 0,1,0,1,-1,2,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 1,1,0,2,-1,3,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 2,1,0,1,16842755,4,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 3,1,0,2,16842755,5,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 4,1,1,1,-1,6,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 5,1,1,2,-1,7,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 6,1,1,1,16842755,8,0
#XSOCKETSELECT: 7,1,0,1,-1,9,0

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Socket options #XSOCKETOPT

The #XSOCKETOPT command allows you to get and set socket options.

Set command

The set command allows you to get and set socket options.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Get

    • 1 - Set

  • The <name> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 2 - SO_REUSEADDR (set-only).

      • <value> is an integer that indicates whether the reuse of local addresses is enabled. It is 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled.

    • 20 - SO_RCVTIMEO.

      • <value> is an integer that indicates the receive timeout in seconds.

    • 21 - SO_SNDTIMEO.

      • <value> is an integer that indicates the send timeout in seconds.

    • 30 - SO_SILENCE_ALL.

      • <value> is an integer that indicates whether ICMP echo replies for IPv4 and IPv6 are disabled. It is 0 for allowing ICMP echo replies or 1 for disabling them.

    • 31 - SO_IP_ECHO_REPLY.

      • <value> is an integer that indicates whether ICMP echo replies for IPv4 are enabled. It is 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled.

    • 32 - SO_IPV6_ECHO_REPLY.

      • <value> is an integer that indicates whether ICMP echo replies for IPv6 are enabled. It is 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled.

    • 40 - SO_BINDTOPDN (set-only).

      • <value> is an integer that indicates the packet data network ID to bind to.


      • <value> is an integer that indicates the TCP server session inactivity timeout for a socket. It accepts values from the range 0 to 135, where 0 is no timeout and 135 is 2 hours, 15 minutes.

    • 61 - SO_RAI (set-only). Release Assistance Indication (RAI).

      • <value> The option accepts an integer, indicating the type of RAI. Accepted values for the option are:

        • 1 - RAI_NO_DATA. Indicates that the application does not intend to send more data. This socket option applies immediately and lets the modem exit connected mode more quickly.

        • 2 - RAI_LAST. Indicates that the application does not intend to send more data after the next call to send() or sendto(). This lets the modem exit connected mode more quickly after sending the data.

        • 3 - RAI_ONE_RESP. Indicates that the application is expecting to receive just one data packet after the next call to send() or sendto(). This lets the modem exit connected mode more quickly after having received the data.

        • 4 - RAI_ONGOING. Indicates that the application is expecting to receive just one data packet after the next call to send() or sendto(). This lets the modem exit connected mode more quickly after having received the data.

        • 5 - RAI_WAIT_MORE. Indicates that the socket is in active use by a server application. This lets the modem stay in connected mode longer.

See nRF socket options for explanation of the supported options.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XSOCKETOPT: <list of ops>,<name>,<value>


#XSOCKETOPT: (0,1),<name>,<value>

Secure socket options #XSSOCKETOPT

The #XSSOCKETOPT command allows you to set secure socket options.

Set command

The set command allows you to set secure socket options.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Get.

    • 1 - Set.

  • The <name> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 2 - TLS_HOSTNAME.

      • <value> is a string that indicates the hostname to check against during TLS handshakes. It can be NULL to disable hostname verification.

    • 4 - TLS_CIPHERSUITE_USED (get-only). The TLS cipher suite chosen during the TLS handshake. This option is only supported with modem firmware 2.0.0 and newer.

    • 5 - TLS_PEER_VERIFY.

      • <value> is an integer that indicates what peer verification level should be used. It is 0 for none, 1 for optional or 2 for required.


      • <value> is an integer that indicates whether TLS session caching should be used. It is 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled.

    • 13 - TLS_SESSION_CACHE_PURGE (set-only). Indicates that the TLS session cache should be deleted.

      • <value> can be any integer value.

    • 14 - TLS_DTLS_CID (set-only).

      • <value> is an integer that indicates the DTLS connection identifier setting. It can be one of the following values:

        • 0 - TLS_DTLS_CID_DISABLED.


        • 2 - TLS_DTLS_CID_ENABLED.

      This option is only supported with modem firmware 1.3.5 and newer. See NRF_SO_SEC_DTLS_CID for more details regarding the allowed values.

    • 15 - TLS_DTLS_CID_STATUS (get-only). It is the DTLS connection identifier status. It can be retrieved after the DTLS handshake. This option is only supported with modem firmware 1.3.5 and newer. See NRF_SO_SEC_DTLS_CID_STATUS for more details regarding the returned values.


      • <value> is an integer that indicates the DTLS handshake timeout in seconds. It can be one of the following values: 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 123.

See nRF socket options for explanation of the supported options.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XSSOCKETOPT: <list of ops>,<name>,<value>


#XSSOCKETOPT: (0,1),<name>,<value>

Socket binding #XBIND

The #XBIND command allows you to bind a socket with a local port.

This command can be used with TCP servers and both UDP clients and servers.

Set command

The set command allows you to bind a socket with a local port.


  • The <port> parameter is an unsigned 16-bit integer (0 - 65535). It represents the specific port to use for binding the socket.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Connection #XCONNECT

The #XCONNECT command allows you to connect to a server and to check the connection status.

This command is for TCP and UDP clients.

Set command

The set command allows you to connect to a TCP or UDP server.


  • The <url> parameter is a string. It indicates the hostname or the IP address of the server. The maximum supported size of the hostname is 128 bytes. When using IP addresses, it supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

  • The <port> parameter is an unsigned 16-bit integer (0 - 65535). It represents the port of the TCP or UDP service on the remote server.

Response syntax

#XCONNECT: <status>
  • The <status> value is an integer. It can return one of the following values:

  • 1 - Connected.

  • 0 - Disconnected.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Set listen mode #XLISTEN

The #XLISTEN command allows you to put the TCP socket in listening mode for incoming connections.

This command is for TCP servers.

Set command

The set command allows you to put the TCP socket in listening mode for incoming connections.



Response syntax

There is no response.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Accept connection #XACCEPT

The #XACCEPT command allows you to accept an incoming connection from a TCP client.

This command is for TCP servers.

Set command

The set command allows you to wait for the TCP client to connect.


  • The <timeout> value sets the timeout value in seconds. 0 means no timeout, and it makes this request become blocking.

Response syntax

#XACCEPT: <handle>,<ip_addr>
  • The <handle> value is an integer. It represents the socket handle of the accepted connection.

  • The <ip_addr> value indicates the IP address of the peer host.


#XACCEPT: 2,""

Read command

The read command allows you to check socket handle of the accepted connection.



Response syntax

#XACCEPT: <handle>
  • The <handle> value is an integer and can be interpreted as follows:

    • Positive - The incoming socket is valid.

    • 0 - There is no active incoming connection.



Test command

The test command is not supported.

Send data #XSEND

The #XSEND command allows you to send data over TCP and UDP connections.

Set command

The set command allows you to send data over the connection.


  • The <data> parameter is a string that contains the data to be sent. The maximum size of the data is 1024 bytes. When the parameter is not specified, SLM enters slm_data_mode.

Response syntax

#XSEND: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes that has been sent.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Receive data #XRECV

The #XRECV command allows you to receive data over TCP or UDP connections.

Set command

The set command allows you to receive data over the connection.



The <timeout> value sets the timeout value in seconds. When 0, it means no timeout, and it makes this request become blocking.

The <flags> value sets the receiving behavior based on the BSD socket definition. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • 2 means reading data without removing it from the socket input queue.

  • 64 means overriding the operation to non-blocking.

  • 256 (TCP only) means blocking until the full amount of data can be returned.

Response syntax

#XRECV: <size>
  • The <data> value is a string that contains the data being received.

  • The <size> value is an integer that represents the actual number of bytes received.


Test OK

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

UDP send data #XSENDTO

The #XSENDTO command allows you to send data over UDP.

Set command

The set command allows you to send data over UDP.


  • The <url> parameter is a string. It indicates the hostname or the IP address of the remote peer. The maximum size of the hostname is 128 bytes. When using IP addresses, it supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

  • The <port> parameter is an unsigned 16-bit integer (0 - 65535). It represents the port of the UDP service on remote peer.

  • The <data> parameter is a string that contains the data to be sent. Its maximum size is 1024 bytes. When the parameter is not specified, SLM enters slm_data_mode.

Response syntax

#XSENDTO: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes that has been sent.


AT#XSENDTO="",1234,"Test UDP"

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

UDP receive data #XRECVFROM

The #XRECVFROM command allows you to receive data over UDP.

Set command

The set command allows you to receive data over UDP.



The <timeout> value sets the timeout value in seconds. When 0, it means no timeout, and it makes this request become blocking.

The <flags> value sets the receiving behavior based on the BSD socket definition. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • 2 means reading data without removing it from the socket input queue.

  • 64 means overriding the operation to non-blocking.

Response syntax

#XRECVFROM: <size>,"<ip_addr>",<port>
  • The <data> value is a string that contains the data being received.

  • The <size> value is an integer that represents the actual number of bytes received.

  • The <ip_addr> value is a string that represents the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the remote peer.

  • The <port> value is an integer that represents the UDP port of the remote peer.


#XRECVFROM: 7,"",24210
Test OK

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Poll sockets #XPOLL

The #XPOLL command allows you to poll selected or all sockets that have already been opened.

Set command

The set command allows you to poll a set of sockets to check whether they are ready for I/O.


#XPOLL=<timeout>[,<handle1>[,<handle2> ...<handle8>]
  • The <timeout> value sets the timeout value in milliseconds, and the poll blocks up to this timeout. 0 means no timeout, and the poll returns without blocking. -1 means indefinite, and the poll blocks indefinitely until any events are received.

  • The <handleN> value sets the socket handles to poll. The handles values could be obtained by AT#XSOCKETSELECT? command. If no handle values are specified, all opened sockets will be polled.

Response syntax

#XPOLL: <error>
#XPOLL: <handle>,<revents>
  • The <error> value is an error code when the poll fails.

  • The <handle> value is an integer. It is the handle of a socket that have events returned, so-called revents.

  • The <revents> value is a hexadecimal string. It represents the returned events, which could be a combination of POLLIN, POLLERR, POLLHUP and POLLNVAL.


#XPOLL: 0,"0x0001"

#XPOLL: 1,"0x0001"

#XPOLL: 0,"0x0001"
#XPOLL: 1,"0x0001"

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Resolve hostname #XGETADDRINFO

The #XGETADDRINFO command allows you to resolve hostnames to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Set command

The set command allows you to resolve hostnames to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.


  • The <hostname> parameter is a string.

  • The <address_family> parameter is an integer that gives a hint for DNS query on address family. * 0 means unspecified address family. * 1 means IPv4 address family. * 2 means IPv6 address family.

    If <address_family> is not specified, there will be no hint given for DNS query.

Response syntax

#XGETADDRINFO: "<ip_addresses>"
  • The <ip_addresses> value is a string. It indicates the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the resolved hostname.


#XGETADDRINFO: "2404:6800:4004:824::200e"

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.