Ambiq Apollo3 Blue EVB
Apollo3 Blue EVB is a board by Ambiq featuring their ultra-low power Apollo3 Blue SoC.
Apollo3 Blue SoC with up to 96 MHz operating frequency
ARM® Cortex® M4F core
16 kB 2-way Associative/Direct-Mapped Cache per core
Up to 1 MB of flash memory for code/data
Up to 384 KB of low leakage / low power RAM for code/data
Integrated Bluetooth 5 Low-energy controller
For more information about the Apollo3 Blue SoC and Apollo3 Blue EVB board:
Supported Features
The Apollo3 Blue EVB board configuration supports the following hardware features:
Interface |
Controller |
Driver/Component |
on-chip |
memory protection unit |
on-chip |
nested vector interrupt controller |
on-chip |
systick |
on-chip |
stimer |
on-chip |
gpio |
on-chip |
serial |
on-chip |
watchdog |
on-chip |
bluetooth |
The default configuration can be found in the defconfig file:
Programming and Debugging
Flashing an application
Connect your device to your host computer using the JLINK USB port. The sample application Hello World is used for this example. Build the Zephyr kernel and application, then flash it to the device:
# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b apollo3_evb samples/hello_world
west flash
west flash requires SEGGER J-Link software and pylink Python module to be installed on you host computer.
Open a serial terminal (minicom, putty, etc.) with the following settings:
Speed: 115200
Data: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Reset the board and you should be able to see on the corresponding Serial Port the following message:
Hello World! apollo3_evb