Generic RAM control layer

group nrfx_ram_ctrl

Helper layer that provides a uniform way of controlling the RAM power and retention settings.


void nrfx_ram_ctrl_power_enable_set(void const *p_object, size_t length, bool enable)

Function for setting if the RAM sections containing specified object are to be powered on or off.

  • p_object[in] Pointer to the object.

  • length[in] Object size in bytes.

  • enable[in] True if RAM sections are to be powered on, false otherwise.

void nrfx_ram_ctrl_retention_enable_set(void const *p_object, size_t length, bool enable)

Function for setting if the RAM sections containing specified object are to be retained or not.

  • p_object[in] Pointer to the object.

  • length[in] Object size in bytes.

  • enable[in] True if RAM sections are to be retained, false otherwise.

__STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_ram_ctrl_section_power_mask_enable_set(uint8_t block_idx, uint32_t section_mask, bool enable)

Function for setting if the specified mask of RAM sections contained within given RAM block is to be powered on or off.

  • block_idx[in] RAM block index.

  • section_mask[in] Mask of RAM sections.

  • enable[in] True if RAM sections are to be powered on, false otherwise.

__STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_ram_ctrl_section_retention_mask_enable_set(uint8_t block_idx, uint32_t section_mask, bool enable)

Function for setting if the specified mask of RAM sections contained within given RAM block is to be retained or not.

  • block_idx[in] RAM block index.

  • section_mask[in] Mask of RAM sections.

  • enable[in] True if RAM sections are to be retained, false otherwise.