

There is also limited support for using Operation without Threads.

This section describes kernel services for creating, scheduling, and deleting independently executable threads of instructions.

A thread is a kernel object that is used for application processing that is too lengthy or too complex to be performed by an ISR.

Any number of threads can be defined by an application (limited only by available RAM). Each thread is referenced by a thread id that is assigned when the thread is spawned.

A thread has the following key properties:

  • A stack area, which is a region of memory used for the thread’s stack. The size of the stack area can be tailored to conform to the actual needs of the thread’s processing. Special macros exist to create and work with stack memory regions.

  • A thread control block for private kernel bookkeeping of the thread’s metadata. This is an instance of type k_thread.

  • An entry point function, which is invoked when the thread is started. Up to 3 argument values can be passed to this function.

  • A scheduling priority, which instructs the kernel’s scheduler how to allocate CPU time to the thread. (See Scheduling.)

  • A set of thread options, which allow the thread to receive special treatment by the kernel under specific circumstances. (See Thread Options.)

  • A start delay, which specifies how long the kernel should wait before starting the thread.

  • An execution mode, which can either be supervisor or user mode. By default, threads run in supervisor mode and allow access to privileged CPU instructions, the entire memory address space, and peripherals. User mode threads have a reduced set of privileges. This depends on the CONFIG_USERSPACE option. See User Mode.


Thread Creation

A thread must be created before it can be used. The kernel initializes the thread control block as well as one end of the stack portion. The remainder of the thread’s stack is typically left uninitialized.

Specifying a start delay of K_NO_WAIT instructs the kernel to start thread execution immediately. Alternatively, the kernel can be instructed to delay execution of the thread by specifying a timeout value – for example, to allow device hardware used by the thread to become available.

The kernel allows a delayed start to be canceled before the thread begins executing. A cancellation request has no effect if the thread has already started. A thread whose delayed start was successfully canceled must be re-spawned before it can be used.

Thread Termination

Once a thread is started it typically executes forever. However, a thread may synchronously end its execution by returning from its entry point function. This is known as termination.

A thread that terminates is responsible for releasing any shared resources it may own (such as mutexes and dynamically allocated memory) prior to returning, since the kernel does not reclaim them automatically.

In some cases a thread may want to sleep until another thread terminates. This can be accomplished with the k_thread_join() API. This will block the calling thread until either the timeout expires, the target thread self-exits, or the target thread aborts (either due to a k_thread_abort() call or triggering a fatal error).

Once a thread has terminated, the kernel guarantees that no use will be made of the thread struct. The memory of such a struct can then be re-used for any purpose, including spawning a new thread. Note that the thread must be fully terminated, which presents race conditions where a thread’s own logic signals completion which is seen by another thread before the kernel processing is complete. Under normal circumstances, application code should use k_thread_join() or k_thread_abort() to synchronize on thread termination state and not rely on signaling from within application logic.

Thread Aborting

A thread may asynchronously end its execution by aborting. The kernel automatically aborts a thread if the thread triggers a fatal error condition, such as dereferencing a null pointer.

A thread can also be aborted by another thread (or by itself) by calling k_thread_abort(). However, it is typically preferable to signal a thread to terminate itself gracefully, rather than aborting it.

As with thread termination, the kernel does not reclaim shared resources owned by an aborted thread.


The kernel does not currently make any claims regarding an application’s ability to respawn a thread that aborts.

Thread Suspension

A thread can be prevented from executing for an indefinite period of time if it becomes suspended. The function k_thread_suspend() can be used to suspend any thread, including the calling thread. Suspending a thread that is already suspended has no additional effect.

Once suspended, a thread cannot be scheduled until another thread calls k_thread_resume() to remove the suspension.


A thread can prevent itself from executing for a specified period of time using k_sleep(). However, this is different from suspending a thread since a sleeping thread becomes executable automatically when the time limit is reached.

Thread States

A thread that has no factors that prevent its execution is deemed to be ready, and is eligible to be selected as the current thread.

A thread that has one or more factors that prevent its execution is deemed to be unready, and cannot be selected as the current thread.

The following factors make a thread unready:

  • The thread has not been started.

  • The thread is waiting for a kernel object to complete an operation. (For example, the thread is taking a semaphore that is unavailable.)

  • The thread is waiting for a timeout to occur.

  • The thread has been suspended.

  • The thread has terminated or aborted.



Although the diagram above may appear to suggest that both Ready and Running are distinct thread states, that is not the correct interpretation. Ready is a thread state, and Running is a schedule state that only applies to Ready threads.

Thread Stack objects

Every thread requires its own stack buffer for the CPU to push context. Depending on configuration, there are several constraints that must be met:

  • There may need to be additional memory reserved for memory management structures

  • If guard-based stack overflow detection is enabled, a small write- protected memory management region must immediately precede the stack buffer to catch overflows.

  • If userspace is enabled, a separate fixed-size privilege elevation stack must be reserved to serve as a private kernel stack for handling system calls.

  • If userspace is enabled, the thread’s stack buffer must be appropriately sized and aligned such that a memory protection region may be programmed to exactly fit.

The alignment constraints can be quite restrictive, for example some MPUs require their regions to be of some power of two in size, and aligned to its own size.

Because of this, portable code can’t simply pass an arbitrary character buffer to k_thread_create(). Special macros exist to instantiate stacks, prefixed with K_KERNEL_STACK and K_THREAD_STACK.

Kernel-only Stacks

If it is known that a thread will never run in user mode, or the stack is being used for special contexts like handling interrupts, it is best to define stacks using the K_KERNEL_STACK macros.

These stacks save memory because an MPU region will never need to be programmed to cover the stack buffer itself, and the kernel will not need to reserve additional room for the privilege elevation stack, or memory management data structures which only pertain to user mode threads.

Attempts from user mode to use stacks declared in this way will result in a fatal error for the caller.

If CONFIG_USERSPACE is not enabled, the set of K_THREAD_STACK macros have an identical effect to the K_KERNEL_STACK macros.

Thread stacks

If it is known that a stack will need to host user threads, or if this cannot be determined, define the stack with K_THREAD_STACK macros. This may use more memory but the stack object is suitable for hosting user threads.

If CONFIG_USERSPACE is not enabled, the set of K_THREAD_STACK macros have an identical effect to the K_KERNEL_STACK macros.

Thread Priorities

A thread’s priority is an integer value, and can be either negative or non-negative. Numerically lower priorities takes precedence over numerically higher values. For example, the scheduler gives thread A of priority 4 higher priority over thread B of priority 7; likewise thread C of priority -2 has higher priority than both thread A and thread B.

The scheduler distinguishes between two classes of threads, based on each thread’s priority.

  • A cooperative thread has a negative priority value. Once it becomes the current thread, a cooperative thread remains the current thread until it performs an action that makes it unready.

  • A preemptible thread has a non-negative priority value. Once it becomes the current thread, a preemptible thread may be supplanted at any time if a cooperative thread, or a preemptible thread of higher or equal priority, becomes ready.

A thread’s initial priority value can be altered up or down after the thread has been started. Thus it is possible for a preemptible thread to become a cooperative thread, and vice versa, by changing its priority.


The scheduler does not make heuristic decisions to re-prioritize threads. Thread priorities are set and changed only at the application’s request.

The kernel supports a virtually unlimited number of thread priority levels. The configuration options CONFIG_NUM_COOP_PRIORITIES and CONFIG_NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES specify the number of priority levels for each class of thread, resulting in the following usable priority ranges:


For example, configuring 5 cooperative priorities and 10 preemptive priorities results in the ranges -5 to -1 and 0 to 9, respectively.

Meta-IRQ Priorities

When enabled (see CONFIG_NUM_METAIRQ_PRIORITIES), there is a special subclass of cooperative priorities at the highest (numerically lowest) end of the priority space: meta-IRQ threads. These are scheduled according to their normal priority, but also have the special ability to preempt all other threads (and other meta-IRQ threads) at lower priorities, even if those threads are cooperative and/or have taken a scheduler lock. Meta-IRQ threads are still threads, however, and can still be interrupted by any hardware interrupt.

This behavior makes the act of unblocking a meta-IRQ thread (by any means, e.g. creating it, calling k_sem_give(), etc.) into the equivalent of a synchronous system call when done by a lower priority thread, or an ARM-like “pended IRQ” when done from true interrupt context. The intent is that this feature will be used to implement interrupt “bottom half” processing and/or “tasklet” features in driver subsystems. The thread, once woken, will be guaranteed to run before the current CPU returns into application code.

Unlike similar features in other OSes, meta-IRQ threads are true threads and run on their own stack (which must be allocated normally), not the per-CPU interrupt stack. Design work to enable the use of the IRQ stack on supported architectures is pending.

Note that because this breaks the promise made to cooperative threads by the Zephyr API (namely that the OS won’t schedule other thread until the current thread deliberately blocks), it should be used only with great care from application code. These are not simply very high priority threads and should not be used as such.

Thread Options

The kernel supports a small set of thread options that allow a thread to receive special treatment under specific circumstances. The set of options associated with a thread are specified when the thread is spawned.

A thread that does not require any thread option has an option value of zero. A thread that requires a thread option specifies it by name, using the | character as a separator if multiple options are needed (i.e. combine options using the bitwise OR operator).

The following thread options are supported.


This option tags the thread as an essential thread. This instructs the kernel to treat the termination or aborting of the thread as a fatal system error.

By default, the thread is not considered to be an essential thread.


This x86-specific option indicate that the thread uses the CPU’s SSE registers. Also see K_FP_REGS.

By default, the kernel does not attempt to save and restore the contents of these registers when scheduling the thread.


This option indicate that the thread uses the CPU’s floating point registers. This instructs the kernel to take additional steps to save and restore the contents of these registers when scheduling the thread. (For more information see Floating Point Services.)

By default, the kernel does not attempt to save and restore the contents of this register when scheduling the thread.


If CONFIG_USERSPACE is enabled, this thread will be created in user mode and will have reduced privileges. See User Mode. Otherwise this flag does nothing.


If CONFIG_USERSPACE is enabled, this thread will inherit all kernel object permissions that the parent thread had, except the parent thread object. See User Mode.

Thread Custom Data

Every thread has a 32-bit custom data area, accessible only by the thread itself, and may be used by the application for any purpose it chooses. The default custom data value for a thread is zero.


Custom data support is not available to ISRs because they operate within a single shared kernel interrupt handling context.

By default, thread custom data support is disabled. The configuration option CONFIG_THREAD_CUSTOM_DATA can be used to enable support.

The k_thread_custom_data_set() and k_thread_custom_data_get() functions are used to write and read a thread’s custom data, respectively. A thread can only access its own custom data, and not that of another thread.

The following code uses the custom data feature to record the number of times each thread calls a specific routine.


Obviously, only a single routine can use this technique, since it monopolizes the use of the custom data feature.

int call_tracking_routine(void)
    uint32_t call_count;

    if (k_is_in_isr()) {
        /* ignore any call made by an ISR */
    } else {
        call_count = (uint32_t)k_thread_custom_data_get();
        k_thread_custom_data_set((void *)call_count);

    /* do rest of routine's processing */

Use thread custom data to allow a routine to access thread-specific information, by using the custom data as a pointer to a data structure owned by the thread.


Spawning a Thread

A thread is spawned by defining its stack area and its thread control block, and then calling k_thread_create().

The stack area must be defined using K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE or K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE to ensure it is properly set up in memory.

The size parameter for the stack must be one of three values:

  • The original requested stack size passed to K_THREAD_STACK or K_KERNEL_STACK family of stack instantiation macros.

  • For a stack object defined with the K_THREAD_STACK family of macros, the return value of K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF() for that’ object.

  • For a stack object defined with the K_KERNEL_STACK family of macros, the return value of K_KERNEL_STACK_SIZEOF() for that object.

The thread spawning function returns its thread id, which can be used to reference the thread.

The following code spawns a thread that starts immediately.

#define MY_STACK_SIZE 500
#define MY_PRIORITY 5

extern void my_entry_point(void *, void *, void *);

struct k_thread my_thread_data;

k_tid_t my_tid = k_thread_create(&my_thread_data, my_stack_area,
                                 NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                 MY_PRIORITY, 0, K_NO_WAIT);

Alternatively, a thread can be declared at compile time by calling K_THREAD_DEFINE. Observe that the macro defines the stack area, control block, and thread id variables automatically.

The following code has the same effect as the code segment above.

#define MY_STACK_SIZE 500
#define MY_PRIORITY 5

extern void my_entry_point(void *, void *, void *);

                my_entry_point, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                MY_PRIORITY, 0, 0);


The delay parameter to k_thread_create() is a k_timeout_t value, so K_NO_WAIT means to start the thread immediately. The corresponding parameter to K_THREAD_DEFINE is a duration in integral milliseconds, so the equivalent argument is 0.

User Mode Constraints

This section only applies if CONFIG_USERSPACE is enabled, and a user thread tries to create a new thread. The k_thread_create() API is still used, but there are additional constraints which must be met or the calling thread will be terminated:

  • The calling thread must have permissions granted on both the child thread and stack parameters; both are tracked by the kernel as kernel objects.

  • The child thread and stack objects must be in an uninitialized state, i.e. it is not currently running and the stack memory is unused.

  • The stack size parameter passed in must be equal to or less than the bounds of the stack object when it was declared.

  • The K_USER option must be used, as user threads can only create other user threads.

  • The K_ESSENTIAL option must not be used, user threads may not be considered essential threads.

  • The priority of the child thread must be a valid priority value, and equal to or lower than the parent thread.

Dropping Permissions

If CONFIG_USERSPACE is enabled, a thread running in supervisor mode may perform a one-way transition to user mode using the k_thread_user_mode_enter() API. This is a one-way operation which will reset and zero the thread’s stack memory. The thread will be marked as non-essential.

Terminating a Thread

A thread terminates itself by returning from its entry point function.

The following code illustrates the ways a thread can terminate.

void my_entry_point(int unused1, int unused2, int unused3)
    while (1) {
        if (<some condition>) {
            return; /* thread terminates from mid-entry point function */

    /* thread terminates at end of entry point function */

If CONFIG_USERSPACE is enabled, aborting a thread will additionally mark the thread and stack objects as uninitialized so that they may be re-used.

Runtime Statistics

Thread runtime statistics can be gathered and retrieved if CONFIG_THREAD_RUNTIME_STATS is enabled, for example, total number of execution cycles of a thread.

By default, the runtime statistics are gathered using the default kernel timer. For some architectures, SoCs or boards, there are timers with higher resolution available via timing functions. Using of these timers can be enabled via CONFIG_THREAD_RUNTIME_STATS_USE_TIMING_FUNCTIONS.

Here is an example:

k_thread_runtime_stats_t rt_stats_thread;

k_thread_runtime_stats_get(k_current_get(), &rt_stats_thread);

printk("Cycles: %llu\n", rt_stats_thread.execution_cycles);

Suggested Uses

Use threads to handle processing that cannot be handled in an ISR.

Use separate threads to handle logically distinct processing operations that can execute in parallel.

Configuration Options

Related configuration options:

API Reference

group thread_apis



system thread that must not abort


FPU registers are managed by context switch.

This option indicates that the thread uses the CPU’s floating point registers. This instructs the kernel to take additional steps to save and restore the contents of these registers when scheduling the thread. No effect if CONFIG_FPU_SHARING is not enabled.


user mode thread

This thread has dropped from supervisor mode to user mode and consequently has additional restrictions


Inherit Permissions.

Indicates that the thread being created should inherit all kernel object permissions from the thread that created it. No effect if CONFIG_USERSPACE is not enabled.


Callback item state.

This is a single bit of state reserved for “callback manager” utilities (p4wq initially) who need to track operations invoked from within a user-provided callback they have been invoked. Effectively it serves as a tiny bit of zero-overhead TLS data.

k_thread_access_grant(thread, ...)

Grant a thread access to a set of kernel objects.

This is a convenience function. For the provided thread, grant access to the remaining arguments, which must be pointers to kernel objects.

The thread object must be initialized (i.e. running). The objects don’t need to be. Note that NULL shouldn’t be passed as an argument.

  • thread – Thread to grant access to objects

  • ... – list of kernel object pointers

K_THREAD_DEFINE(name, stack_size, entry, p1, p2, p3, prio, options, delay)

Statically define and initialize a thread.

The thread may be scheduled for immediate execution or a delayed start.

Thread options are architecture-specific, and can include K_ESSENTIAL, K_FP_REGS, and K_SSE_REGS. Multiple options may be specified by separating them using “|” (the logical OR operator).

The ID of the thread can be accessed using:

extern const k_tid_t <name>; 


Static threads with zero delay should not normally have MetaIRQ priority levels. This can preempt the system initialization handling (depending on the priority of the main thread) and cause surprising ordering side effects. It will not affect anything in the OS per se, but consider it bad practice. Use a SYS_INIT() callback if you need to run code before entrance to the application main().

  • name – Name of the thread.

  • stack_size – Stack size in bytes.

  • entry – Thread entry function.

  • p1 – 1st entry point parameter.

  • p2 – 2nd entry point parameter.

  • p3 – 3rd entry point parameter.

  • prio – Thread priority.

  • options – Thread options.

  • delay – Scheduling delay (in milliseconds), zero for no delay.

K_KERNEL_THREAD_DEFINE(name, stack_size, entry, p1, p2, p3, prio, options, delay)

Statically define and initialize a thread intended to run only in kernel mode.

The thread may be scheduled for immediate execution or a delayed start.

Thread options are architecture-specific, and can include K_ESSENTIAL, K_FP_REGS, and K_SSE_REGS. Multiple options may be specified by separating them using “|” (the logical OR operator).

The ID of the thread can be accessed using:

extern const k_tid_t <name>; 


Threads defined by this can only run in kernel mode, and cannot be transformed into user thread via k_thread_user_mode_enter().


Depending on the architecture, the stack size (stack_size) may need to be multiples of CONFIG_MMU_PAGE_SIZE (if MMU) or in power-of-two size (if MPU).

  • name – Name of the thread.

  • stack_size – Stack size in bytes.

  • entry – Thread entry function.

  • p1 – 1st entry point parameter.

  • p2 – 2nd entry point parameter.

  • p3 – 3rd entry point parameter.

  • prio – Thread priority.

  • options – Thread options.

  • delay – Scheduling delay (in milliseconds), zero for no delay.


typedef void (*k_thread_user_cb_t)(const struct k_thread *thread, void *user_data)


void k_thread_foreach(k_thread_user_cb_t user_cb, void *user_data)

Iterate over all the threads in the system.

This routine iterates over all the threads in the system and calls the user_cb function for each thread.


CONFIG_THREAD_MONITOR must be set for this function to be effective.


This API uses k_spin_lock to protect the _kernel.threads list which means creation of new threads and terminations of existing threads are blocked until this API returns.

  • user_cb – Pointer to the user callback function.

  • user_data – Pointer to user data.

void k_thread_foreach_unlocked(k_thread_user_cb_t user_cb, void *user_data)

Iterate over all the threads in the system without locking.

This routine works exactly the same like k_thread_foreach but unlocks interrupts when user_cb is executed.


CONFIG_THREAD_MONITOR must be set for this function to be effective.


This API uses k_spin_lock only when accessing the _kernel.threads queue elements. It unlocks it during user callback function processing. If a new task is created when this foreach function is in progress, the added new task would not be included in the enumeration. If a task is aborted during this enumeration, there would be a race here and there is a possibility that this aborted task would be included in the enumeration.


If the task is aborted and the memory occupied by its k_thread structure is reused when this k_thread_foreach_unlocked is in progress it might even lead to the system behave unstable. This function may never return, as it would follow some next task pointers treating given pointer as a pointer to the k_thread structure while it is something different right now. Do not reuse the memory that was occupied by k_thread structure of aborted task if it was aborted after this function was called in any context.

  • user_cb – Pointer to the user callback function.

  • user_data – Pointer to user data.

k_thread_stack_t *k_thread_stack_alloc(size_t size, int flags)

Dynamically allocate a thread stack.

Relevant stack creation flags include:

  • K_USER allocate a userspace thread (requires CONFIG_USERSPACE=y)

See also


  • size – Stack size in bytes.

  • flags – Stack creation flags, or 0.

Return values:
  • the – allocated thread stack on success.

  • NULL – on failure.

int k_thread_stack_free(k_thread_stack_t *stack)

Free a dynamically allocated thread stack.

See also


  • stack – Pointer to the thread stack.

Return values:
  • 0 – on success.

  • -EBUSY – if the thread stack is in use.

  • -EINVAL – if stack is invalid.

  • -ENOSYS – if dynamic thread stack allocation is disabled

k_tid_t k_thread_create(struct k_thread *new_thread, k_thread_stack_t *stack, size_t stack_size, k_thread_entry_t entry, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, int prio, uint32_t options, k_timeout_t delay)

Create a thread.

This routine initializes a thread, then schedules it for execution.

The new thread may be scheduled for immediate execution or a delayed start. If the newly spawned thread does not have a delayed start the kernel scheduler may preempt the current thread to allow the new thread to execute.

Thread options are architecture-specific, and can include K_ESSENTIAL, K_FP_REGS, and K_SSE_REGS. Multiple options may be specified by separating them using “|” (the logical OR operator).

Stack objects passed to this function must be originally defined with either of these macros in order to be portable:

  • K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE() - For stacks that may support either user or supervisor threads.

  • K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE() - For stacks that may support supervisor threads only. These stacks use less memory if CONFIG_USERSPACE is enabled.

The stack_size parameter has constraints. It must either be:

Using other values, or sizeof(stack) may produce undefined behavior.

  • new_thread – Pointer to uninitialized struct k_thread

  • stack – Pointer to the stack space.

  • stack_size – Stack size in bytes.

  • entry – Thread entry function.

  • p1 – 1st entry point parameter.

  • p2 – 2nd entry point parameter.

  • p3 – 3rd entry point parameter.

  • prio – Thread priority.

  • options – Thread options.

  • delay – Scheduling delay, or K_NO_WAIT (for no delay).


ID of new thread.

FUNC_NORETURN void k_thread_user_mode_enter(k_thread_entry_t entry, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)

Drop a thread’s privileges permanently to user mode.

This allows a supervisor thread to be re-used as a user thread. This function does not return, but control will transfer to the provided entry point as if this was a new user thread.

The implementation ensures that the stack buffer contents are erased. Any thread-local storage will be reverted to a pristine state.

Memory domain membership, resource pool assignment, kernel object permissions, priority, and thread options are preserved.

A common use of this function is to re-use the main thread as a user thread once all supervisor mode-only tasks have been completed.

  • entry – Function to start executing from

  • p1 – 1st entry point parameter

  • p2 – 2nd entry point parameter

  • p3 – 3rd entry point parameter

static inline void k_thread_heap_assign(struct k_thread *thread, struct k_heap *heap)

Assign a resource memory pool to a thread.

By default, threads have no resource pool assigned unless their parent thread has a resource pool, in which case it is inherited. Multiple threads may be assigned to the same memory pool.

Changing a thread’s resource pool will not migrate allocations from the previous pool.

  • thread – Target thread to assign a memory pool for resource requests.

  • heap – Heap object to use for resources, or NULL if the thread should no longer have a memory pool.

void k_thread_system_pool_assign(struct k_thread *thread)

Assign the system heap as a thread’s resource pool.

Similar to k_thread_heap_assign(), but the thread will use the kernel heap to draw memory.

Use with caution, as a malicious thread could perform DoS attacks on the kernel heap.

  • thread – Target thread to assign the system heap for resource requests

int k_thread_join(struct k_thread *thread, k_timeout_t timeout)

Sleep until a thread exits.

The caller will be put to sleep until the target thread exits, either due to being aborted, self-exiting, or taking a fatal error. This API returns immediately if the thread isn’t running.

This API may only be called from ISRs with a K_NO_WAIT timeout, where it can be useful as a predicate to detect when a thread has aborted.

  • thread – Thread to wait to exit

  • timeout – upper bound time to wait for the thread to exit.

Return values:
  • 0 – success, target thread has exited or wasn’t running

  • -EBUSY – returned without waiting

  • -EAGAIN – waiting period timed out

  • -EDEADLK – target thread is joining on the caller, or target thread is the caller

int32_t k_sleep(k_timeout_t timeout)

Put the current thread to sleep.

This routine puts the current thread to sleep for duration, specified as a k_timeout_t object.


if timeout is set to K_FOREVER then the thread is suspended.

  • timeout – Desired duration of sleep.


Zero if the requested time has elapsed or the number of milliseconds left to sleep, if thread was woken up by k_wakeup call.

static inline int32_t k_msleep(int32_t ms)

Put the current thread to sleep.

This routine puts the current thread to sleep for duration milliseconds.

  • ms – Number of milliseconds to sleep.


Zero if the requested time has elapsed or the number of milliseconds left to sleep, if thread was woken up by k_wakeup call.

int32_t k_usleep(int32_t us)

Put the current thread to sleep with microsecond resolution.

This function is unlikely to work as expected without kernel tuning. In particular, because the lower bound on the duration of a sleep is the duration of a tick, CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC must be adjusted to achieve the resolution desired. The implications of doing this must be understood before attempting to use k_usleep(). Use with caution.

  • us – Number of microseconds to sleep.


Zero if the requested time has elapsed or the number of microseconds left to sleep, if thread was woken up by k_wakeup call.

void k_busy_wait(uint32_t usec_to_wait)

Cause the current thread to busy wait.

This routine causes the current thread to execute a “do nothing” loop for usec_to_wait microseconds.


The clock used for the microsecond-resolution delay here may be skewed relative to the clock used for system timeouts like k_sleep(). For example k_busy_wait(1000) may take slightly more or less time than k_sleep(K_MSEC(1)), with the offset dependent on clock tolerances.


In case when CONFIG_SYSTEM_CLOCK_SLOPPY_IDLE and CONFIG_PM options are enabled, this function may not work. The timer/clock used for delay processing may be disabled/inactive.

bool k_can_yield(void)

Check whether it is possible to yield in the current context.

This routine checks whether the kernel is in a state where it is possible to yield or call blocking API’s. It should be used by code that needs to yield to perform correctly, but can feasibly be called from contexts where that is not possible. For example in the PRE_KERNEL initialization step, or when being run from the idle thread.


True if it is possible to yield in the current context, false otherwise.

void k_yield(void)

Yield the current thread.

This routine causes the current thread to yield execution to another thread of the same or higher priority. If there are no other ready threads of the same or higher priority, the routine returns immediately.

void k_wakeup(k_tid_t thread)

Wake up a sleeping thread.

This routine prematurely wakes up thread from sleeping.

If thread is not currently sleeping, the routine has no effect.

  • thread – ID of thread to wake.

__attribute_const__ k_tid_t k_sched_current_thread_query(void)

Query thread ID of the current thread.

This unconditionally queries the kernel via a system call.


Use k_current_get() unless absolutely sure this is necessary. This should only be used directly where the thread local variable cannot be used or may contain invalid values if thread local storage (TLS) is enabled. If TLS is not enabled, this is the same as k_current_get().


ID of current thread.

__attribute_const__ static inline k_tid_t k_current_get(void)

Get thread ID of the current thread.


ID of current thread.

void k_thread_abort(k_tid_t thread)

Abort a thread.

This routine permanently stops execution of thread. The thread is taken off all kernel queues it is part of (i.e. the ready queue, the timeout queue, or a kernel object wait queue). However, any kernel resources the thread might currently own (such as mutexes or memory blocks) are not released. It is the responsibility of the caller of this routine to ensure all necessary cleanup is performed.

After k_thread_abort() returns, the thread is guaranteed not to be running or to become runnable anywhere on the system. Normally this is done via blocking the caller (in the same manner as k_thread_join()), but in interrupt context on SMP systems the implementation is required to spin for threads that are running on other CPUs.

  • thread – ID of thread to abort.

void k_thread_start(k_tid_t thread)

Start an inactive thread.

If a thread was created with K_FOREVER in the delay parameter, it will not be added to the scheduling queue until this function is called on it.

  • thread – thread to start

k_ticks_t k_thread_timeout_expires_ticks(const struct k_thread *t)

Get time when a thread wakes up, in system ticks.

This routine computes the system uptime when a waiting thread next executes, in units of system ticks. If the thread is not waiting, it returns current system time.

k_ticks_t k_thread_timeout_remaining_ticks(const struct k_thread *t)

Get time remaining before a thread wakes up, in system ticks.

This routine computes the time remaining before a waiting thread next executes, in units of system ticks. If the thread is not waiting, it returns zero.

int k_thread_priority_get(k_tid_t thread)

Get a thread’s priority.

This routine gets the priority of thread.

  • thread – ID of thread whose priority is needed.


Priority of thread.

void k_thread_priority_set(k_tid_t thread, int prio)

Set a thread’s priority.

This routine immediately changes the priority of thread.

Rescheduling can occur immediately depending on the priority thread is set to:

  • If its priority is raised above the priority of the caller of this function, and the caller is preemptible, thread will be scheduled in.

  • If the caller operates on itself, it lowers its priority below that of other threads in the system, and the caller is preemptible, the thread of highest priority will be scheduled in.

Priority can be assigned in the range of -CONFIG_NUM_COOP_PRIORITIES to CONFIG_NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES-1, where -CONFIG_NUM_COOP_PRIORITIES is the highest priority.


Changing the priority of a thread currently involved in mutex priority inheritance may result in undefined behavior.

  • thread – ID of thread whose priority is to be set.

  • prio – New priority.

void k_thread_deadline_set(k_tid_t thread, int deadline)

Set deadline expiration time for scheduler.

This sets the “deadline” expiration as a time delta from the current time, in the same units used by k_cycle_get_32(). The scheduler (when deadline scheduling is enabled) will choose the next expiring thread when selecting between threads at the same static priority. Threads at different priorities will be scheduled according to their static priority.


Deadlines are stored internally using 32 bit unsigned integers. The number of cycles between the “first” deadline in the scheduler queue and the “last” deadline must be less than 2^31 (i.e a signed non-negative quantity). Failure to adhere to this rule may result in scheduled threads running in an incorrect deadline order.


Despite the API naming, the scheduler makes no guarantees the thread WILL be scheduled within that deadline, nor does it take extra metadata (like e.g. the “runtime” and “period” parameters in Linux sched_setattr()) that allows the kernel to validate the scheduling for achievability. Such features could be implemented above this call, which is simply input to the priority selection logic.


You should enable CONFIG_SCHED_DEADLINE in your project configuration.

  • thread – A thread on which to set the deadline

  • deadline – A time delta, in cycle units

int k_thread_cpu_mask_clear(k_tid_t thread)

Sets all CPU enable masks to zero.

After this returns, the thread will no longer be schedulable on any CPUs. The thread must not be currently runnable.


You should enable CONFIG_SCHED_CPU_MASK in your project configuration.

  • thread – Thread to operate upon


Zero on success, otherwise error code

int k_thread_cpu_mask_enable_all(k_tid_t thread)

Sets all CPU enable masks to one.

After this returns, the thread will be schedulable on any CPU. The thread must not be currently runnable.


You should enable CONFIG_SCHED_CPU_MASK in your project configuration.

  • thread – Thread to operate upon


Zero on success, otherwise error code

int k_thread_cpu_mask_enable(k_tid_t thread, int cpu)

Enable thread to run on specified CPU.

The thread must not be currently runnable.


You should enable CONFIG_SCHED_CPU_MASK in your project configuration.

  • thread – Thread to operate upon

  • cpu – CPU index


Zero on success, otherwise error code

int k_thread_cpu_mask_disable(k_tid_t thread, int cpu)

Prevent thread to run on specified CPU.

The thread must not be currently runnable.


You should enable CONFIG_SCHED_CPU_MASK in your project configuration.

  • thread – Thread to operate upon

  • cpu – CPU index


Zero on success, otherwise error code

int k_thread_cpu_pin(k_tid_t thread, int cpu)

Pin a thread to a CPU.

Pin a thread to a CPU by first clearing the cpu mask and then enabling the thread on the selected CPU.

  • thread – Thread to operate upon

  • cpu – CPU index


Zero on success, otherwise error code

void k_thread_suspend(k_tid_t thread)

Suspend a thread.

This routine prevents the kernel scheduler from making thread the current thread. All other internal operations on thread are still performed; for example, kernel objects it is waiting on are still handed to it. Note that any existing timeouts (e.g. k_sleep(), or a timeout argument to k_sem_take() et. al.) will be canceled. On resume, the thread will begin running immediately and return from the blocked call.

When the target thread is active on another CPU, the caller will block until the target thread is halted (suspended or aborted). But if the caller is in an interrupt context, it will spin waiting for that target thread active on another CPU to halt.

If thread is already suspended, the routine has no effect.

  • thread – ID of thread to suspend.

void k_thread_resume(k_tid_t thread)

Resume a suspended thread.

This routine allows the kernel scheduler to make thread the current thread, when it is next eligible for that role.

If thread is not currently suspended, the routine has no effect.

  • thread – ID of thread to resume.

void k_sched_time_slice_set(int32_t slice, int prio)

Set time-slicing period and scope.

This routine specifies how the scheduler will perform time slicing of preemptible threads.

To enable time slicing, slice must be non-zero. The scheduler ensures that no thread runs for more than the specified time limit before other threads of that priority are given a chance to execute. Any thread whose priority is higher than prio is exempted, and may execute as long as desired without being preempted due to time slicing.

Time slicing only limits the maximum amount of time a thread may continuously execute. Once the scheduler selects a thread for execution, there is no minimum guaranteed time the thread will execute before threads of greater or equal priority are scheduled.

When the current thread is the only one of that priority eligible for execution, this routine has no effect; the thread is immediately rescheduled after the slice period expires.

To disable timeslicing, set both slice and prio to zero.

  • slice – Maximum time slice length (in milliseconds).

  • prio – Highest thread priority level eligible for time slicing.

void k_thread_time_slice_set(struct k_thread *th, int32_t slice_ticks, k_thread_timeslice_fn_t expired, void *data)

Set thread time slice.

As for k_sched_time_slice_set, but (when CONFIG_TIMESLICE_PER_THREAD=y) sets the timeslice for a specific thread. When non-zero, this timeslice will take precedence over the global value.

When such a thread’s timeslice expires, the configured callback will be called before the thread is removed/re-added to the run queue. This callback will occur in interrupt context, and the specified thread is guaranteed to have been preempted by the currently-executing ISR. Such a callback is free to, for example, modify the thread priority or slice time for future execution, suspend the thread, etc…


Unlike the older API, the time slice parameter here is specified in ticks, not milliseconds. Ticks have always been the internal unit, and not all platforms have integer conversions between the two.


Threads with a non-zero slice time set will be timesliced always, even if they are higher priority than the maximum timeslice priority set via k_sched_time_slice_set().


The callback notification for slice expiration happens, as it must, while the thread is still “current”, and thus it happens before any registered timeouts at this tick. This has the somewhat confusing side effect that the tick time (c.f. k_uptime_get()) does not yet reflect the expired ticks. Applications wishing to make fine-grained timing decisions within this callback should use the cycle API, or derived facilities like k_thread_runtime_stats_get().

  • th – A valid, initialized thread

  • slice_ticks – Maximum timeslice, in ticks

  • expired – Callback function called on slice expiration

  • data – Parameter for the expiration handler

void k_sched_lock(void)

Lock the scheduler.

This routine prevents the current thread from being preempted by another thread by instructing the scheduler to treat it as a cooperative thread. If the thread subsequently performs an operation that makes it unready, it will be context switched out in the normal manner. When the thread again becomes the current thread, its non-preemptible status is maintained.

This routine can be called recursively.

Owing to clever implementation details, scheduler locks are extremely fast for non-userspace threads (just one byte inc/decrement in the thread struct).


This works by elevating the thread priority temporarily to a cooperative priority, allowing cheap synchronization vs. other preemptible or cooperative threads running on the current CPU. It does not prevent preemption or asynchrony of other types. It does not prevent threads from running on other CPUs when CONFIG_SMP=y. It does not prevent interrupts from happening, nor does it prevent threads with MetaIRQ priorities from preempting the current thread. In general this is a historical API not well-suited to modern applications, use with care.

void k_sched_unlock(void)

Unlock the scheduler.

This routine reverses the effect of a previous call to k_sched_lock(). A thread must call the routine once for each time it called k_sched_lock() before the thread becomes preemptible.

void k_thread_custom_data_set(void *value)

Set current thread’s custom data.

This routine sets the custom data for the current thread to @ value.

Custom data is not used by the kernel itself, and is freely available for a thread to use as it sees fit. It can be used as a framework upon which to build thread-local storage.

  • value – New custom data value.

void *k_thread_custom_data_get(void)

Get current thread’s custom data.

This routine returns the custom data for the current thread.


Current custom data value.

int k_thread_name_set(k_tid_t thread, const char *str)

Set current thread name.

Set the name of the thread to be used when CONFIG_THREAD_MONITOR is enabled for tracing and debugging.

  • thread – Thread to set name, or NULL to set the current thread

  • str – Name string

Return values:
  • 0 – on success

  • -EFAULT – Memory access error with supplied string

  • -ENOSYS – Thread name configuration option not enabled

  • -EINVAL – Thread name too long

const char *k_thread_name_get(k_tid_t thread)

Get thread name.

Get the name of a thread

  • thread – Thread ID

Return values:

Thread – name, or NULL if configuration not enabled

int k_thread_name_copy(k_tid_t thread, char *buf, size_t size)

Copy the thread name into a supplied buffer.

  • thread – Thread to obtain name information

  • buf – Destination buffer

  • size – Destination buffer size

Return values:
  • -ENOSPC – Destination buffer too small

  • -EFAULT – Memory access error

  • -ENOSYS – Thread name feature not enabled

  • 0 – Success

const char *k_thread_state_str(k_tid_t thread_id, char *buf, size_t buf_size)

Get thread state string.

This routine generates a human friendly string containing the thread’s state, and copies as much of it as possible into buf.

  • thread_id – Thread ID

  • buf – Buffer into which to copy state strings

  • buf_size – Size of the buffer

Return values:

Pointer – to buf if data was copied, else a pointer to “”.

struct k_thread
#include <thread.h>

Thread Structure.

Public Members

struct _callee_saved callee_saved

defined by the architecture, but all archs need these

void *init_data

static thread init data

_wait_q_t join_queue

threads waiting in k_thread_join()

struct __thread_entry entry

thread entry and parameters description

struct k_thread *next_thread

next item in list of all threads

void *custom_data

crude thread-local storage

struct _thread_stack_info stack_info

Stack Info.

struct _mem_domain_info mem_domain_info

memory domain info of the thread

k_thread_stack_t *stack_obj

Base address of thread stack.

void *syscall_frame

current syscall frame pointer

int swap_retval

z_swap() return value

void *switch_handle

Context handle returned via arch_switch()

struct k_heap *resource_pool

resource pool

_wait_q_t halt_queue

threads waiting in k_thread_suspend()

struct _thread_arch arch

arch-specifics: must always be at the end

group thread_stack_api

Thread Stack APIs.



Declare a reference to a thread stack.

This macro declares the symbol of a thread stack defined elsewhere in the current scope.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Declare a reference to a thread stack array.

This macro declares the symbol of a thread stack array defined elsewhere in the current scope.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks defined

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Declare a reference to a pinned thread stack array.

This macro declares the symbol of a pinned thread stack array defined elsewhere in the current scope.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks defined

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define a toplevel kernel stack memory region.

This defines a region of memory for use as a thread stack, for threads that exclusively run in supervisor mode. This is also suitable for declaring special stacks for interrupt or exception handling.

Stacks defined with this macro may not host user mode threads.

It is legal to precede this definition with the ‘static’ keyword.

It is NOT legal to take the sizeof(sym) and pass that to the stackSize parameter of k_thread_create(), it may not be the same as the ‘size’ parameter. Use K_KERNEL_STACK_SIZEOF() instead.

The total amount of memory allocated may be increased to accommodate fixed-size stack overflow guards.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define a toplevel kernel stack memory region in pinned section.

See K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE() for more information and constraints.

This puts the stack into the pinned noinit linker section if CONFIG_LINKER_USE_PINNED_SECTION is enabled, or else it would put the stack into the same section as K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE().

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define a toplevel array of kernel stack memory regions.

Stacks defined with this macro may not host user mode threads.

  • sym – Kernel stack array symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks to define

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define a toplevel array of kernel stack memory regions in pinned section.

See K_KERNEL_STACK_ARRAY_DEFINE() for more information and constraints.

This puts the stack into the pinned noinit linker section if CONFIG_LINKER_USE_PINNED_SECTION is enabled, or else it would put the stack into the same section as K_KERNEL_STACK_ARRAY_DEFINE().

  • sym – Kernel stack array symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks to define

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define an embedded stack memory region.

Used for kernel stacks embedded within other data structures.

Stacks defined with this macro may not host user mode threads.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Declare a reference to a thread stack.

This macro declares the symbol of a thread stack defined elsewhere in the current scope.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Declare a reference to a thread stack array.

This macro declares the symbol of a thread stack array defined elsewhere in the current scope.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks defined

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Return the size in bytes of a stack memory region.

Convenience macro for passing the desired stack size to k_thread_create() since the underlying implementation may actually create something larger (for instance a guard area).

The value returned here is not guaranteed to match the ‘size’ parameter passed to K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE and may be larger, but is always safe to pass to k_thread_create() for the associated stack object.

  • sym – Stack memory symbol


Size of the stack buffer


Define a toplevel thread stack memory region.

This defines a region of memory suitable for use as a thread’s stack.

This is the generic, historical definition. Align to Z_THREAD_STACK_OBJ_ALIGN and put in ‘noinit’ section so that it isn’t zeroed at boot

The defined symbol will always be a k_thread_stack_t which can be passed to k_thread_create(), but should otherwise not be manipulated. If the buffer inside needs to be examined, examine thread->stack_info for the associated thread object to obtain the boundaries.

It is legal to precede this definition with the ‘static’ keyword.

It is NOT legal to take the sizeof(sym) and pass that to the stackSize parameter of k_thread_create(), it may not be the same as the ‘size’ parameter. Use K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF() instead.

Some arches may round the size of the usable stack region up to satisfy alignment constraints. K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF() will return the aligned size.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define a toplevel thread stack memory region in pinned section.

This defines a region of memory suitable for use as a thread’s stack.

This is the generic, historical definition. Align to Z_THREAD_STACK_OBJ_ALIGN and put in ‘noinit’ section so that it isn’t zeroed at boot

The defined symbol will always be a k_thread_stack_t which can be passed to k_thread_create(), but should otherwise not be manipulated. If the buffer inside needs to be examined, examine thread->stack_info for the associated thread object to obtain the boundaries.

It is legal to precede this definition with the ‘static’ keyword.

It is NOT legal to take the sizeof(sym) and pass that to the stackSize parameter of k_thread_create(), it may not be the same as the ‘size’ parameter. Use K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF() instead.

Some arches may round the size of the usable stack region up to satisfy alignment constraints. K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF() will return the aligned size.

This puts the stack into the pinned noinit linker section if CONFIG_LINKER_USE_PINNED_SECTION is enabled, or else it would put the stack into the same section as K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE().

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Calculate size of stacks to be allocated in a stack array.

This macro calculates the size to be allocated for the stacks inside a stack array. It accepts the indicated “size” as a parameter and if required, pads some extra bytes (e.g. for MPU scenarios). Refer K_THREAD_STACK_ARRAY_DEFINE definition to see how this is used. The returned size ensures each array member will be aligned to the required stack base alignment.

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Appropriate size for an array member


Define a toplevel array of thread stack memory regions.

Create an array of equally sized stacks. See K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE definition for additional details and constraints.

This is the generic, historical definition. Align to Z_THREAD_STACK_OBJ_ALIGN and put in ‘noinit’ section so that it isn’t zeroed at boot

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks to define

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define a toplevel array of thread stack memory regions in pinned section.

Create an array of equally sized stacks. See K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE definition for additional details and constraints.

This is the generic, historical definition. Align to Z_THREAD_STACK_OBJ_ALIGN and put in ‘noinit’ section so that it isn’t zeroed at boot

This puts the stack into the pinned noinit linker section if CONFIG_LINKER_USE_PINNED_SECTION is enabled, or else it would put the stack into the same section as K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE().

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • nmemb – Number of stacks to define

  • size – Size of the stack memory region


Define an embedded stack memory region.

Used for stacks embedded within other data structures. Use is highly discouraged but in some cases necessary. For memory protection scenarios, it is very important that any RAM preceding this member not be writable by threads else a stack overflow will lead to silent corruption. In other words, the containing data structure should live in RAM owned by the kernel.

A user thread can only be started with a stack defined in this way if the thread starting it is in supervisor mode.


This is now deprecated, as stacks defined in this way are not usable from user mode. Use K_KERNEL_STACK_MEMBER.

  • sym – Thread stack symbol name

  • size – Size of the stack memory region