
All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.

nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0


  • Added functions nfc_platform_buffer_alloc() and nfc_platform_buffer_free() for the platform layer. The NFCT buffer for data exchange is now outside the library implementation. You have to define these two functions and return a memory that is accessible by the EasyDMA utility.

  • A possibility to modify the maximum value for the Frame Wait time Integer by using the NFC_T4T_PARAM_FWI_MAX parameter.


  • The nfc_platform_setup() function now provides a pointer to the interrupt priority of the NFCT peripheral. Its value must be set to the requested one. In implementations where the operating system is responsible for setting the interrupt priority, this value is not relevant.

nRF Connect SDK v2.3.0


  • A callback requested by the nfc_platform_cb_request() function to allow execution of platform-dependent code before executing the user callback.

  • A header file nfc_platform.h for platform layer.


  • The nfc_platform_setup() function now provides a pointer to the callback resolution function that is used to execute the user-defined NFC callback.

  • The nfc_t2t_setup() function was updated to allow coexistence of the Type 2 Tag and the Type 4 Tag libraries.

nRF Connect SDK v2.1.0


nRF Connect SDK v2.0.0

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the Type 2 Tag initialization, where the return value of the nfc_platform_nfcid1_default_bytes_get() function was not converted to the local NFC error code resulting in incorrect NFCID1 values.

nRF Connect SDK v1.9.0


  • A dedicated header file nrf_nfc_errno.h with error codes.

  • A source file that translates nrfx error codes to NFC library error codes.

  • Definitions for returned error codes in the API documentation.


  • The library returns specific error codes from the nrf_nfc_errno.h file instead of Zephyr error codes.

  • Removed unit test dependencies from the header files nfc_t2t_lib.h and nrf_t4t_lib.h.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the R(NAK) frame handling after sending the R(ACK) frame. The Tag now responds with the last transmitted R(ACK) frame.

  • Fixed the race condition that occurred when the S(WTX) frame was scheduled and the library tried to send a data chunk.

  • Fixed a possible memory overwrite in the Type 4 Tag library when the reader device sends an incorrect APDU Update command.

nRF Connect SDK v1.8.0

No changes in this release.

nRF Connect SDK v1.7.0


  • Debug info is removed from the NFC T2T and T4T libraries.

  • Fixed duplicated initial Frame Waiting Time (FWT) value setting.

  • Modified the nfc_t2t_done() and the nfc_t4t_done() functions to uninitialize the NFCT driver to achieve symmetry in the library behaviour since the nfc_txt_setup() function initializes the NFCT driver.

  • Fixed FSDI value setting for RFU value cases.

nRF Connect SDK v1.6.0

No changes in this release.

nRF Connect SDK v1.5.0

No changes in this release.

nRF Connect SDK v1.4.0


  • Added support for non-secure firmware image to the NFC T2T and NFC T4T libraries. A non-secure image can only be run on nRF devices that support Trusted Execution (for example, nRF5340).

  • Added Frame Waiting Time (FWT) management logic to the NFC T4T library. FWT is changed now according to the ISO-DEP timing requirements (for example, WTX frame).

NFC 0.4.0

Added Type 2 Tag and Type 4 Tag NFC libraries for the nRF5340 device. Both libraries are compiled for the Cortex-M33 CPU in hard and soft float variants.


  • Added the NFC T2T library for the nRF5340 device: libnfct2t_nrf53.a.

  • Added the NFC T4T library for the nRF5340 device: libnfct4t_nrf53.a.

  • Added a feature to the NFC T4T library that allows the user to change the NDEF buffer when the NFC stack is already initialized and running.

NFC 0.3.0

Fixed minor bugs in the NFC libraries.


  • Modified the NFC platform module (nfc_platform_zephyr.c) to use the Zephyr Clock Controller driver.

  • Fixed the behavior of the Type 2 Tag library (libnfct2t_nrf52.a) when receiving an unsupported WRITE command.

NFC 0.2.0

The NFC libraries now use the NFCT driver instead of the NFC HAL modules. The NFCT driver is a part of nrfx repository.


  • Added the NFC platform module to abstract runtime environment specific implementation:

    • nfc_platform_zephyr.c


  • Removed the NFC HAL modules (replaced by the NFCT driver):

    • hal_nfc_t2t.c

    • hal_nfc_t4t.c

NFC 0.1.0

Initial release.


  • Added the following NFC libraries in both soft-float and hard-float builds:

    • libnfct2t_nrf52.a

    • libnfct4t_nrf52.a