nRF Connect SDK v2.4.2 Release Notes

nRF Connect SDK delivers reference software and supporting libraries for developing low-power wireless applications with Nordic Semiconductor products in the nRF52, nRF53, nRF70, and nRF91 Series. The SDK includes open source projects (TF-M, MCUboot, OpenThread, Matter, and the Zephyr RTOS), which are continuously integrated and redistributed with the SDK.

Release notes might refer to “experimental” support for features, which indicates that the feature is incomplete in functionality or verification, and can be expected to change in future releases. To learn more, see Software maturity levels.


This patch release adds changes on top of the nRF Connect SDK v2.4.0 and nRF Connect SDK v2.4.1. The changes have an effect on the Modem library library.

See Changelog for the complete list of changes.

Release tag

The release tag for the nRF Connect SDK manifest repository ( is v2.4.2. Check the west.yml file for the corresponding tags in the project repositories.

To use this release, check out the tag in the manifest repository and run west update. See Get the nRF Connect SDK code and Updating the repositories for more information.

For information on the included repositories and revisions, see Repositories and revisions for v2.4.2.

IDE and tool support

nRF Connect for Visual Studio Code extension is the only officially supported IDE for nRF Connect SDK v2.4.2. SEGGER Embedded Studio Nordic Edition is no longer tested or recommended for new projects.

Legacy installation with Toolchain Manager, used to install the nRF Connect SDK automatically from nRF Connect for Desktop, is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Supported modem firmware

See Modem firmware compatibility matrix for an overview of which modem firmware versions have been tested with this version of the nRF Connect SDK.

Use the latest version of the nRF Programmer app of nRF Connect for Desktop to update the modem firmware. See Updating the modem firmware for instructions.

Known issues

Known issues are only tracked for the latest official release. See known issues for nRF Connect SDK v2.4.2 for the list of issues valid for the latest release.


The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component.


Cellular samples

Cellular: LwM2M Client sample:

  • Added missing lwm2m_rd_client_start() call error handling.


This patch release adds a workaround in the Modem library for modem firmware v1.3.4 and v1.3.5 where attaching to the network would fail with error 90 (UICC initialization failure) after performing a modem firmware update, until the modem is re-initialized.

For more information, see item NRF91-1702 in the Known issues page.


The Zephyr fork in nRF Connect SDK (sdk-zephyr) contains all commits from the upstream Zephyr repository up to and including 4bbd91a9083a588002d4397577863e0c54ba7038.

For a complete list of nRF Connect SDK specific commits and cherry-picked commits since v2.4.0, run the following command:

git log --oneline manifest-rev ^v3.3.99-ncs1