Matter Data Model and device types

The Data Model layer describes the supported remote operations of a Matter node using the concepts of attributes, commands and events, grouped into logical blocks called clusters. The clusters included in the Matter Application Cluster Specification have well-defined scope and behavior to assure interoperability between Matter nodes developed by different vendors. A cluster can be abstract, meaning that it can underlie several device types to reduce the time and cost of introducing new product categories to Matter.

Data Model layer overview

Data Model layer overview


Each device is composed of one or more nodes, which are complete implementations of a Matter application functionality on a single stack. Nodes are identifiable with a unique network address on a single network. They can communicate directly with other nodes in the network.


Each node is composed of one or more endpoints, which contain feature sets of single device functionalities. For example, in a voice-controlled door lock device, one endpoint could include the feature set for operating the bolt, while the other endpoint could include the feature set for handling a temperature sensor.


Endpoint 0 is always reserved for Matter’s Utility Clusters. This is the only mandatory endpoint for each Matter device.


Endpoints are composed of one or more clusters, which group attributes, commands and events that together make up each single feature in a set. For example, in an endpoint for operating a door bolt, one cluster could group attributes for moving the bolt to open or closed position, while other could group attributes for controlling alarms in case the door is opened in unauthorized way.

Clusters can be of the following types:

  • Server – responsible for holding values for Attributes, Commands, and Events.

  • Client – responsible for performing interactions with other Server Clusters.

The supported Matter application clusters are described in the Application Cluster Specification, available from the CSA Specifications Download Request page. Sets of clusters on one or more endpoint can form a device type, that is an officially defined collection of requirements that is conformant with the Device Library Specification.


Attributes are data entities that represent a physical quantity or state. They are stored in the Matter device’s memory, but can also be calculated dynamically on demand.


Commands are actions that can be used to trigger some behavior on other devices. For example, in a door lock device the lock door command can be used to trigger such action on a physical device.


Events are a type of attributes that communicate device state changes. They can also be treated as historical data records of something that happened on the device in the past.

Data Model example: Door Lock

The following figure illustrates the Data Model structure of a common door lock device.

Data Model Door Lock example

Data Model Door Lock example

Each Matter node must ensure that its Endpoint 0 satisfies the requirements of the Root Node device type. This device type enforces the availability of clusters used in the process of Matter commissioning and further administering of a Matter node.

Besides the Root Node endpoint, the door lock device provides Endpoint 1, which implements the Door Lock Device Type functionality as defined in the Matter Device Library Specification. This device type enforces the availability of the Identify and DoorLock clusters.

Identify cluster

The Identify cluster is a cluster shared across many device types. It provides commands that allow a user to trigger a special effect, such as blinking an LED, that helps find the physical location of the device.

DoorLock cluster

The DoorLock cluster is a large cluster that contains many attributes, commands, and events for managing and operating a smart lock.

Examples of the attributes are the following:

  • LockType - A constant that assigns the device to one of the known lock categories.

  • LockState - An attribute that renders the current state of the lock: locked, unlocked, or moving from one position to another.

Examples of the commands are the following:

  • LockDoor and UnlockDoor - For remotely operating the lock.

  • SetCredential - For configuring the lock to require a specified credential, such as PIN code, to unlock the door.

An example of the event is DoorLockAlarm, which records occurrences of critical states of the lock. Examples of the critical states are jamming the lock or exceeding the limit of wrong PIN code entries.

Matter device types

A Matter device type is an officially defined collection of requirements for one or more endpoints. Device types are intended to ensure interoperability of different device brands on the market.

All device types are defined in the Device Library Specification, which is available from the CSA Specifications Download Request page. Each device type definition is composed of the following elements:

  • Device type ID

  • Device type revision

  • One or more mandatory clusters, including each cluster’s minimum revision

The device type definition in the Device Library specification can change over time. The changes are tracked using the Device Type Revision value, which is initially set to 1. Changes do not modify how the device works, but only improve its functionality.

A device type can require other device types for its composition, making it a composed device type.

Device type overview

The following tables list the application device types that are supported in Matter.

  • The description for each device type is taken from the Device Library Specification.

  • The state of the device specifies whether a device type can be subject to certification. The Provisional state indicates that the device type implementation is not yet fully tested and certified, even though the implementation may be ready and you can use it on your own risk.

  • The dedicated sample column provides the link to the sample in the nRF Connect SDK that implements the given device type, if available.

You can add support for device types without a dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK by using the Matter: Template and following the Adding clusters to Matter application user guide, which describes how to edit clusters of a Matter application.

Lighting device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

On/Off Light

The On/Off Light is a lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off by means of a bound controller device such as an on/off light switch or a non-color controller. In addition, an on/off light is also capable of being switched by means of a bound occupancy sensor.


Dimmable Light

A Dimmable Light is a lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off and the intensity of its light adjusted by means of a bound controller device such as a dimmer switch or a non-color controller. In addition, a Dimmable Light device is also capable of being switched by means of a bound occupancy sensor.


Matter: Light bulb

Color Temperature Light

A Color Temperature Light is a lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off, the intensity of its light adjusted, and its color adjusted by means of a bound controller device such as a color controller. The color temperature light supports adjustment of color by means of color temperature.


Extended Color Light

An Extended Color Light is a lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off, the intensity of its light adjusted, and its color adjusted by means of a bound controller device such as a color controller. The device supports adjustment of color by means of hue/saturation, enhanced hue, color looping, XY coordinates, and color temperature. In addition, the extended color light is also capable of being switched by means of a bound occupancy sensor.


Smart Plugs/Outlets device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

On/Off Plug-in Unit

An On/Off Plug-in Unit is a device that is capable of being switched on or off by means of a bound controller device such as an on/off light switch or a non-color controller. The On/Off Plug-in Unit is then capable of having a non-communicating light attached to it.


Dimmable Plug-In Unit

A Dimmable Plug-In Unit is a device that is capable of being switched on or off and have its level adjusted by means of a bound controller device such as a dimmer switch or a non-color controller. The device is then capable of having a non-communicating light attached to it.



A Pump device is a pump that may have variable speed. It may have optional built-in sensors and a regulation mechanism. It is typically used for pumping fluids like water.


Switches and Controls device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

On/Off Light Switch

An On/Off Light Switch is a controller device that, when bound to a lighting device such as an on/off light, is capable of being used to switch the device on or off. The on/off light switch is also capable of being configured when bound to a suitable configuration device.


Dimmer Switch

A Dimmer Switch is a controller device that, when bound to a lighting device such as a dimmable light, is capable of being used to switch the device on or off and adjust the intensity of the light being emitted. A Dimmer Switch device is also capable of being configured when bound to a suitable configuration device.


Matter: Light switch

Color Dimmer Switch

A Color Dimmer Switch is a controller device that, when bound to a lighting device such as a color light, is capable of being used to adjust the color of the light being emitted. A Color Dimmer Switch device is also capable of being configured when bound to a suitable configuration device.


Control Bridge

A Control Bridge is a controller device that, when bound to a lighting device such as a color light, is capable of being used to switch the device on or off, adjust the intensity of the light being emitted and adjust the color of the light being emitted. In addition, a Control Bridge device is capable of being used for setting scenes.


Pump Controller

A Pump Controller device is capable of configuring and controlling a Pump device.


Generic Switch

General-purpose switch that can have more than two positions. A controller can use a generic switch to control any other device by subscribing to or polling changes of the current switch position.


Sensor device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

Contact Sensor

A Contact Sensor device reports boolean state (open/close or contact/no-contact).


Light Sensor

A Light Sensor device is a measurement and sensing device that is capable of measuring and reporting the intensity of light being emitted by a light source.


Occupancy Sensor

An Occupancy Sensor is a measurement and sensing device that is capable of measuring and reporting the occupancy state in a designated area.


Temperature Sensor

A Temperature Sensor device reports measurements of temperature.


Thingy:53: Matter weather station

Pressure Sensor

A Pressure Sensor device measures and periodically reports the pressure of a fluid.


Thingy:53: Matter weather station

Flow Sensor

A Flow Sensor device measures and periodically reports the flow rate of a fluid.


Humidity Sensor

A Humidity Sensor (in most cases a Relative Humidity Sensor) reports humidity measurements.


Thingy:53: Matter weather station

On/Off Sensor

An On/Off Sensor is a measurement and sensing device that, when bound to a lighting device such as a color light, is capable of being used to switch the device on or off.


Smoke/CO Alarm

A Smoke/CO Alarm device is capable of sensing smoke, carbon monoxide, or both. It is capable of issuing a visual and audible alert to indicate elevated concentration of smoke or carbon monoxide. Smoke/CO Alarms are capable of monitoring themselves and issuing visual and audible alerts for hardware faults, critical low battery conditions, and end of service. Optionally, some of the audible alerts can be temporarily silenced. Smoke/CO Alarms are capable of performing a self-test which performs a diagnostic of the primary sensor and issuing a cycle of the audible and visual life safety alarm indications.


Closure device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

Door Lock

A Door Lock is a device used to secure a door. It is possible to actuate a door lock either by means of a manual or a remote method.


Matter: Door lock

Door Lock Controller

A Door Lock Controller is a device capable of controlling a door lock.


Window Covering

A Window Covering is a device used to control absolute position of window cover.


Matter: Window covering

Window Covering Controller

A Window Covering Controller is a device that controls an automatic window covering.


HVAC device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

Heating/Cooling Unit

A Heating/Cooling Unit is a device capable of heating or cooling a space in a house. It is not mandatory to provide both functionalities (for example, the device may just heat but not cool). It may be an indoor air handler.



A Thermostat device is capable of having either built-in or separate sensors for temperature, humidity or occupancy. It allows the desired temperature to be set either remotely or locally. The thermostat is capable of sending heating and/or cooling requirement notifications to a heating/cooling unit (for example, an indoor air handler) or is capable of including a mechanism to control a heating or cooling unit directly.


Matter: Thermostat


A Fan device capable of controlling a fan in a heating or cooling system.


Air Purifier

An Air Purifier is a standalone device that is designed to clean the air in a room. It has a fan to control the air speed while it is operating. Optionally, it can report on the condition of its filters.


Air Quality Sensor

An Air Quality Sensor is a device designed to monitor and measure various parameters related to the quality of ambient air in indoor or outdoor environments.


Appliance device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

Laundry Washer

A Laundry Washer represents a device that is capable of laundering consumer items. Any laundry washer product may utilize this device type.



A Refrigerator represents a device that contains one or more cabinets that are capable of chilling or freezing food. Examples of consumer products that may make use of this device type include refrigerators, freezers, and wine coolers.


Room Air Conditioner

A Room Air Conditioner is a device with the primary function of controlling the air temperature in a single room.


Temperature Controlled Cabinet

A Temperature Controlled Cabinet only exists composed as part of another device type. It represents a single cabinet chilling or freezing food in a refrigerator, freezer, wine chiller or other similar device.



A Dishwasher is a device that is generally installed in residential homes and is capable of washing dishes, cutlery, and other items associated with food preparation and consumption. The device can be permanently installed or portable and can have variety of filling and draining methods.


Robotic device types

Device type

Description (from Device Library Specification)

State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner is a device that is capable of cleaning consumer floor.


Utility device types

Device type


State of the device

Dedicated sample in the nRF Connect SDK

Bridged node

The Matter bridge node is a device capable of representing non-Matter bridged devices those are connected to a foreign network as dynamic endpoints. The bridge node represents the functionalities of bridged devices according to adequate Matter device type.


Matter bridge