Trusted storage

The trusted storage library enables its users to provide integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of stored data using Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms or cryptographic hash, without the use of TF-M Platform Root of Trust (PRoT). The library implements the PSA Certified Secure Storage API.


The following subsections give an overview of the library architecture, its interfaces, choices and backends.


The trusted storage library is designed and implemented in a modular way, which allows and simplifies customization. This is realized by using backends for the different tasks performed within the trusted storage.

The library provides users two choices that are interfacing backends: TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND and TRUSTED_STORAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND. The backends are also modular, allowing customization of what crypto implementation and the key nonce are provided.

The following image gives an overview of the default architecture of the trusted storage library.

Diagram showing the trusted storage library architecture

Overview of the trusted storage library architecture

External storage is not supported by the trusted storage library by default. To add support for external storage, implement a custom storage backend.


The trusted storage library provides two storage interfaces for use with device-protected storage:

  • PSA internal trusted storage, designed to store critical data that must be placed inside internal non-volatile memory. The size of the storage available by the internal trusted storage API is expected to be limited, and therefore should be used for small, security-critical values. Examples of assets that require this kind of storage are replay protection values for external storage and keys for use by components of the PSA Root of Trust.

  • PSA protected storage, designed to store all other critical data that do not need to be stored inside internal non-volatile memory.

The two interfaces provide a consistent way for applications to access the storage types, through PSA Internal Trusted Storage API and PSA Protected Storage API.

Choices and backends

The trusted storage library comes with two choices:

  • TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND that defines a backend for handling of encryption, authentication or other means of validation of the stored data. It is responsible for what is happening with the data before and after they are read from or written to non-volatile storage.

  • TRUSTED_STORAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND that defines a backend that handles how the data are written to non-volatile storage.

In other words, TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND is responsible for modifying the assets before they are forwarded to the TRUSTED_STORAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND, which again handles storing of data in the non-volatile storage.

The following backends are used in the trusted storage library:


Uses an AEAD scheme to provide integrity, confidentiality and authenticity. The trusted storage library provides the TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND_AEAD backend, but it has support for adding other secure implementation backends to provide various levels of trust, depending on the device security features.

Uses a separate backend to perform the AEAD operation, set by the Kconfig option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND_AEAD_CRYPTO. The nonce and the key for the AEAD operation are provided by separate backends, allowing a custom implementation.

For the key, the default choice is to use the CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND_AEAD_KEY_DERIVE_FROM_HUK Kconfig option. With this option, a Hardware unique key and the UID are used to derive an AEAD key.


Stores the given assets by using Zephyr’s settings subsystem. The backend requires that Zephyr’s settings subsystem is enabled for use (Kconfig option CONFIG_SETTINGS has to be set).

The trusted storage library provides the TRUSTED_STORAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND_SETTINGS as a storage backend, but it has support for adding other memory types for storage.


Before using the trusted storage library with its default settings and options, make sure to meet the following requirements:

  • The hardware unique key (HUK) library and sample are enabled and ready for use to derive an AEAD key.

  • Zephyr’s settings subsystem has to be enabled for use by setting the Kconfig option CONFIG_SETTINGS.

    • The settings subsystem uses the Non-Volatile Storage (NVS) file system by default. This file system has to be mounted to a mount point at application startup. For more information about this, see File Systems.


Set the Kconfig option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE to enable the trusted storage library.

Use the Kconfig option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND to define the backend that handles encryption and authentication. If this Kconfig option is set, the configuration defaults to the only currently available option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND_AEAD to use an AEAD scheme for encryption and authentication of stored data.

Use the Kconfig option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND to define the backend that handles how the data are written to and from the non-volatile storage. If this Kconfig option is set, the configuration defaults to the only currently available option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND_SETTINGS to use Zephyr’s settings subsystem.

The following options are used to configure the AEAD backend and its behavior:


Defines the maximum data storage size for the AEAD backend (256 as default value).


Selects what implementation is used to perform the AEAD cryptographic operations. This option defaults to CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE_BACKEND_AEAD_CRYPTO_PSA_CHACHAPOLY using the ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD scheme via PSA APIs.


Selects what implementation provides AEAD nonce. You can choose one of the following values when this configuration option is set:


Selects what implementation provides the AEAD keys. You can choose one of the following values when this configuration option is set:


The trusted storage library can only be used on a build using a build target with CMSE disabled (_cpuapp). When you build for _cpuapp, you build the firmware for the application core without CMSE and thus no TF-M. The library can be used directly on such a build to store important assets. However, for cryptographic keys we suggest to use the PSA functions for key management. These APIs will internally use this library to store persistent keys.


This library has dependencies to following libraries:

API documentation

Protected storage

Header file: include/protected_storage.h
Source files: subsys/secure_storage/src/protected_storage/backend_interface.c
group protected_storage




Major and minor PSA_PS_API_VERSION numbers



psa_status_t psa_ps_set(psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_length, const void *p_data, psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags)

Create a new, or modify an existing, uid/value pair.

Stores data in the protected storage.

  • uid[in] The identifier for the data

  • data_length[in] The size in bytes of the data in p_data

  • p_data[in] A buffer containing the data

  • create_flags[in] The flags that the data will be stored with

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED – The operation failed because the provided uid value was already created with PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_WRITE_ONCE

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one of the provided pointers(p_data) is invalid, for example is NULL or references memory the caller cannot access

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED – The operation failed because one or more of the flags provided in create_flags is not supported or is not valid

  • PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE – The operation failed because there was insufficient space on the storage medium

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR – The operation failed because of an unspecified internal failure


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_ps_get(psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_offset, size_t data_size, void *p_data, size_t *p_data_length)

Retrieve data associated with a provided uid.

Retrieves up to data_size bytes of the data associated with uid, starting at data_offset bytes from the beginning of the data. Upon successful completion, the data will be placed in the p_data buffer, which must be at least data_size bytes in size. The length of the data returned will be in p_data_length. If data_size is 0, the contents of p_data_length will be set to zero.

  • uid[in] The uid value

  • data_offset[in] The starting offset of the data requested

  • data_size[in] The amount of data requested

  • p_data[out] On success, the buffer where the data will be placed

  • p_data_length[out] On success, this will contain size of the data placed in p_data

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one of the provided arguments (p_data, p_data_length) is invalid, for example is NULL or references memory the caller cannot access. In addition, this can also happen if data_offset is larger than the size of the data associated with uid

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The operation failed because the provided uid value was not found in the storage

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR – The operation failed because of an unspecified internal failure

  • PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT – The operation failed because the data associated with the UID was corrupt

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE – The operation failed because the data associated with the UID failed authentication


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_ps_get_info(psa_storage_uid_t uid, struct psa_storage_info_t *p_info)

Retrieve the metadata about the provided uid.

Retrieves the metadata stored for a given uid

  • uid[in] The uid value

  • p_info[out] A pointer to the psa_storage_info_t struct that will be populated with the metadata

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one of the provided pointers(p_info) is invalid, for example is NULL or references memory the caller cannot access

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The operation failed because the provided uid value was not found in the storage

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR – The operation failed because of an unspecified internal failure

  • PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT – The operation failed because the data associated with the UID was corrupt


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_ps_remove(psa_storage_uid_t uid)

Remove the provided uid and its associated data from the storage.

Removes previously stored data and any associated metadata, including rollback protection data.

  • uid[in] The uid value

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one or more of the given arguments were invalid (null pointer, wrong flags and so on)

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The operation failed because the provided uid value was not found in the storage

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED – The operation failed because the provided uid value was created with PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_WRITE_ONCE

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR – The operation failed because of an unspecified internal failure


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_ps_create(psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t capacity, psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags)

Reserves storage for the specified uid.

Upon success, the capacity of the storage will be capacity, and the size will be 0. It is only necessary to call this function for assets that will be written with the psa_ps_set_extended function. If only the psa_ps_set function is needed, calls to this function are redundant.

  • uid[in] The uid value

  • capacity[in] The capacity to be allocated in bytes

  • create_flags[in] Flags indicating properties of storage

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE – The operation failed because the capacity is bigger than the current available space

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED – The operation failed because the function is not implemented or one or more create_flags are not supported.

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because uid was 0 or create_flags specified flags that are not defined in the API.

  • PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR – The operation failed due to an unspecified error

  • PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS – Storage for the specified uid already exists


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_ps_set_extended(psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_offset, size_t data_length, const void *p_data)

Sets partial data into an asset.

Before calling this function, the storage must have been reserved with a call to psa_ps_create. It can also be used to overwrite data in an asset that was created with a call to psa_ps_set. Calling this function with data_length = 0 is permitted, which will make no change to the stored data.This function can overwrite existing data and/or extend it up to the capacity for the uid specified in psa_ps_create, but cannot create gaps.

That is, it has preconditions:

  • data_offset <= size

  • data_offset + data_length <= capacity and postconditions:

  • size = max(size, data_offset + data_length)

  • capacity unchanged.

  • uid[in] The uid value

  • data_offset[in] Offset within the asset to start the write

  • data_length[in] The size in bytes of the data in p_data to write

  • p_data[in] Pointer to a buffer which contains the data to write

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The asset exists, the input parameters are correct and the data is correctly written in the physical storage.

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The data was not written correctly in the physical storage

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one or more of the preconditions listed above regarding data_offset, size, or data_length was violated.

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The specified uid was not found

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED – The implementation of the API does not support this function

  • PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR – The operation failed due to an unspecified error

  • PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT – The operation failed because the existing data has been corrupted.

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE – The operation failed because the existing data failed authentication (MAC check failed).

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED – The operation failed because it was attempted on an asset which was written with the flag PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_WRITE_ONCE


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

uint32_t psa_ps_get_support(void)

Lists optional features.


A bitmask with flags set for all of the optional features supported by the implementation.Currently defined flags are limited to PSA_STORAGE_SUPPORT_SET_EXTENDED

Internal trusted storage

Header file: include/internal_trusted_storage.h
Source files: subsys/secure_storage/src/internal_trusted_storage/backend_interface.c
group internal_trusted_storage

This file describes the PSA Internal Trusted Storage API




psa_status_t psa_its_set(psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_length, const void *p_data, psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags)

Create a new, or modify an existing, uid/value pair.

Stores data in the internal storage.

  • uid[in] The identifier for the data

  • data_length[in] The size in bytes of the data in p_data

  • p_data[in] A buffer containing the data

  • create_flags[in] The flags that the data will be stored with

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED – The operation failed because the provided uid value was already created with PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_WRITE_ONCE

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED – The operation failed because one or more of the flags provided in create_flags is not supported or is not valid

  • PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE – The operation failed because there was insufficient space on the storage medium

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one of the provided pointers(p_data) is invalid, for example is NULL or references memory the caller cannot access


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_its_get(psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_offset, size_t data_size, void *p_data, size_t *p_data_length)

Retrieve data associated with a provided UID.

Retrieves up to data_size bytes of the data associated with uid, starting at data_offset bytes from the beginning of the data. Upon successful completion, the data will be placed in the p_data buffer, which must be at least data_size bytes in size. The length of the data returned will be in p_data_length. If data_size is 0, the contents of p_data_length will be set to zero.

  • uid[in] The uid value

  • data_offset[in] The starting offset of the data requested

  • data_size[in] The amount of data requested

  • p_data[out] On success, the buffer where the data will be placed

  • p_data_length[out] On success, this will contain size of the data placed in p_data

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The operation failed because the provided uid value was not found in the storage

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one of the provided arguments (p_data, p_data_length) is invalid, for example is NULL or references memory the caller cannot access. In addition, this can also happen if data_offset is larger than the size of the data associated with uid


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_its_get_info(psa_storage_uid_t uid, struct psa_storage_info_t *p_info)

Retrieve the metadata about the provided uid.

Retrieves the metadata stored for a given uid as a psa_storage_info_t structure.

  • uid[in] The uid value

  • p_info[out] A pointer to the psa_storage_info_t struct that will be populated with the metadata

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The operation failed because the provided uid value was not found in the storage

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one of the provided pointers(p_info) is invalid, for example is NULL or references memory the caller cannot access


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation

psa_status_t psa_its_remove(psa_storage_uid_t uid)

Remove the provided uid and its associated data from the storage.

Deletes the data from internal storage.

  • uid[in] The uid value

Return values:
  • PSA_SUCCESS – The operation completed successfully

  • PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The operation failed because one or more of the given arguments were invalid (null pointer, wrong flags and so on)

  • PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST – The operation failed because the provided uid value was not found in the storage

  • PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED – The operation failed because the provided uid value was created with PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_WRITE_ONCE

  • PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE – The operation failed because the physical storage has failed (Fatal error)


A status indicating the success/failure of the operation