- group nrf_qdec_hal
Hardware access layer for managing the Quadrature Decoder (QDEC) peripheral.
This value can be provided as a parameter for the nrf_qdec_pio_assign function call to specify that a LED signal shall not be use by the QDEC and connected to a physical pin.
enum nrf_qdec_task_t
QDEC tasks.
Starting the quadrature decoder.
Stopping the quadrature decoder.
Reading and clearing ACC and ACCDBL registers.
enum nrf_qdec_event_t
QDEC events.
Event generated for every new sample.
Event generated for every new report.
Event generated for every accumulator overflow.
enum nrf_qdec_short_mask_t
QDEC shortcuts.
Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and READCLRACC task.
Shortcut between SAMPLERDY event and STOP task.
enum nrf_qdec_int_mask_t
QDEC interrupts.
Mask for enabling or disabling an interrupt on SAMPLERDY event.
Mask for enabling or disabling an interrupt on REPORTRDY event.
Mask for enabling or disabling an interrupt on ACCOF event.
enum nrf_qdec_enable_t
States of the enable bit.
Mask for disabling the QDEC periperal. When disabled, the QDEC decoder pins are not active.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_ENABLE
Mask for enabling the QDEC periperal. When enabled, the QDEC pins are active.
enum nrf_qdec_dbfen_t
States of the debounce filter enable bit.
Mask for disabling the debounce filter.
Mask for enabling the debounce filter.
enum nrf_qdec_ledpol_t
Active LED polarity.
QDEC LED active on output pin low.
QDEC LED active on output pin high.
enum nrf_qdec_sampleper_t
Available sampling periods.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_128us
QDEC sampling period 128 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_256us
QDEC sampling period 256 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_512us
QDEC sampling period 512 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_1024us
QDEC sampling period 1024 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_2048us
QDEC sampling period 2048 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_4096us
QDEC sampling period 4096 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_8192us
QDEC sampling period 8192 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_16384us
QDEC sampling period 16384 microseconds.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_SAMPLEPER_128us
enum nrf_qdec_reportper_t
Available report periods.
QDEC report period 1 sample.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_10
QDEC report period 10 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_40
QDEC report period 40 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_80
QDEC report period 80 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_120
QDEC report period 120 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_160
QDEC report period 160 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_200
QDEC report period 200 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_240
QDEC report period 240 samples.
enumerator NRF_QDEC_REPORTPER_280
QDEC report period 280 samples.
QDEC reporting disabled. Deprecated.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_enable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg)
Function for enabling QDEC.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_disable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg)
Function for disabling QDEC.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_enable_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for returning the enable state of QDEC.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
State of the register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_int_enable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for enabling QDEC interrupts by mask.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Mask of interrupts to be enabled.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_int_disable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for disabling QDEC interrupts by mask.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Mask of interrupts to be disabled.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_int_enable_check(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for checking if the specified interrupts are enabled.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Mask of interrupts to be checked.
- Returns:
Mask of enabled interrupts.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_dbfen_enable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg)
Function for enabling the QDEC debouncing filter.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_dbfen_disable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg)
Function for disabling the QDEC debouncing filter.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_dbfen_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for getting the state of the QDEC debouncing filter.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Return values:
NRF_QDEC_DBFEN_DISABLE – The debouncing filter is disabled.
NRF_QDEC_DBFEN_ENABLE – The debouncing filter is enabled.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_pins_set(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t phase_a_pin, uint32_t phase_b_pin, uint32_t led_pin)
Function for configuring QDEC pins.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
phase_a_pin – [in] Phase A pin number.
phase_b_pin – [in] Phase B pin number.
led_pin – [in] LED pin number.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_pio_assign(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t psela, uint32_t pselb, uint32_t pselled)
Function for assigning QDEC pins.
This function is deprecated. Use nrf_qdec_pins_set instead.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
psela – [in] Pin number.
pselb – [in] Pin number.
pselled – [in] Pin number.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_phase_a_pin_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for getting the Phase A pin selection.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Phase A pin selection.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_phase_b_pin_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for getting the Phase B pin selection.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Phase B pin selection.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_led_pin_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for getting the LED pin selection.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
LED pin selection.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_task_trigger(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, nrf_qdec_task_t task)
Function for setting the specified QDEC task.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
task – [in] QDEC task to be triggered.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_task_address_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg, nrf_qdec_task_t task)
Function for retrieving the address of a QDEC task register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
task – [in] QDEC task to get its address.
- Returns:
Address of the specified QDEC task.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_event_clear(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, nrf_qdec_event_t event)
Function for clearing the specified QDEC event.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
event – [in] QDEC event to be cleared.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_qdec_event_check(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg, nrf_qdec_event_t event)
Function for getting the state of the specified QDEC event.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
event – [in] QDEC event to be checked.
- Returns:
State of the specified QDEC event.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_event_address_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg, nrf_qdec_event_t event)
Function for retrieving the address of the specified QDEC event register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
event – [in] QDEC event to get its address.
- Returns:
Address of the specified QDEC event.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_shorts_enable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for setting QDEC shortcuts.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Mask of QDEC shortcuts to be set.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_shorts_disable(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for clearing shortcuts of the QDEC by mask.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Mask of QDEC shortcuts to be cleared.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_sampleper_to_value(nrf_qdec_sampleper_t sampleper)
Function for converting return value of the nrf_qdec_sampleper_get function to microseconds.
- Parameters:
sampleper – [in] The sampling period.
- Returns:
Period in microseconds.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_sampleper_set(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, nrf_qdec_sampleper_t sampleper)
Function for setting value of the QDEC sampling period.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
sampleper – [in] The sampling period.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE nrf_qdec_sampleper_t nrf_qdec_sampleper_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving value of the QDEC sampling period.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Sampling period.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE int32_t nrf_qdec_sample_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving value of the QDEC SAMPLE register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Value of the SAMPLE register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE int32_t nrf_qdec_acc_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving value of the QDEC ACC register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Value of the ACC register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE int32_t nrf_qdec_accread_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving value of the QDEC ACCREAD register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Value of the ACCREAD register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_accdbl_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving value of the QDEC ACCDBL register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Value of the ACCDBL register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_accdblread_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving value of the QDEC ACCDBLREAD register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Value of the ACCDBLREAD register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_ledpre_set(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, uint32_t time_us)
Function for setting delay time between setting LED active state and start sampling.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
time_us – [in] Delay time (in microseconds) between setting LED active state and start sampling.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_ledpre_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving how long the LED is switched on before sampling.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
The gap in time in microseconds between switched LED to active state and start sampling.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_reportper_set(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, nrf_qdec_reportper_t reportper)
Function for setting the report period (in samples).
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
reportper – [in] The number of samples.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_reportper_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving the report period.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
The report period.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_reportper_to_value(uint32_t reportper)
Function for retrieving the value of QDEC SAMPLEPER register.
- Parameters:
reportper – [in] Reportper to be converted to amount of samples per report.
- Returns:
Number of samples per report.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_qdec_ledpol_set(NRF_QDEC_Type *p_reg, nrf_qdec_ledpol_t pol)
Function for setting the active level for the LED.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
pol – [in] Level of the active signal of the LED.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_qdec_ledpol_get(NRF_QDEC_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving the active level for the LED.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Level of the active signal of the LED.