- group nrf_kmu_hal
Hardware access layer for managing the Key Management Unit (KMU) peripheral.
enum nrf_kmu_task_t
KMU tasks.
Push a key slot over secure APB.
enum nrf_kmu_event_t
KMU events.
Key successfully pushed over secure APB.
Key has been revoked and cannot be tasked for selection.
No key slot selected or no destination address defined or error during push mechanism.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_kmu_task_trigger(NRF_KMU_Type *p_reg, nrf_kmu_task_t task)
Function for activating a specific KMU task.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
task – [in] Task to be activated.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_kmu_task_address_get(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg, nrf_kmu_task_t task)
Function for getting the address of a specific KMU task register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
task – [in] Requested task.
- Returns:
Address of the specified task register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_kmu_event_clear(NRF_KMU_Type *p_reg, nrf_kmu_event_t event)
Function for clearing a specific KMU event.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
event – [in] Event to clear.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_kmu_event_check(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg, nrf_kmu_event_t event)
Function for retrieving the state of the KMU event.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
event – [in] Event to be checked.
- Return values:
true – The event has been generated.
false – The event has not been generated.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_kmu_event_address_get(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg, nrf_kmu_event_t event)
Function for getting the address of a specific KMU event register.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
event – [in] Requested event.
- Returns:
Address of the specified event register.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_kmu_int_enable(NRF_KMU_Type *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for enabling specified interrupts.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Interrupts to be enabled.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_kmu_int_disable(NRF_KMU_Type *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for disabling specified interrupts.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Interrupts to be disabled.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_kmu_int_enable_check(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg, uint32_t mask)
Function for checking if the specified interrupts are enabled.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
mask – [in] Mask of interrupts to be checked.
- Returns:
Mask of enabled interrupts.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_kmu_intpend_get(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg)
Function for retrieving the state of interrupts.
Function returns bitmask. Please use nrf_kmu_int_mask_t to check interrupts status.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Bitmask with pending interrupts bits.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_kmu_status_get(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg)
Function for getting status bits of the KMU operation.
Function returns bitmask. Please use nrf_kmu_status_t to check operations status.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Bitmask with operation status bits.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrf_kmu_keyslot_set(NRF_KMU_Type *p_reg, uint8_t keyslot_id)
Function for selecting the key slot ID.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
keyslot_id – [in] Key slot ID to be read over AHB or pushed over secure APB when TASKS_PUSH_KEYSLOT is started.
NRF_STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_kmu_keyslot_get(NRF_KMU_Type const *p_reg)
Function for getting the key slot ID.
- Parameters:
p_reg – [in] Pointer to the structure of registers of the peripheral.
- Returns:
Key slot ID.
enum nrf_kmu_task_t