Bluetooth mesh
The nRF Connect SDK provides support for developing applications using the Bluetooth® mesh protocol. The support is based on Zephyr’s Bluetooth Mesh Profile implementation.
The Bluetooth mesh profile specification is developed and published by the Bluetooth® Special Interest Group (SIG). It allows one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communication, using the Bluetooth LE protocol to exchange messages between the nodes on the network. All nodes in a Bluetooth mesh network can communicate with each other, as long as there is a chain of nodes between them to relay the messages. The messages are encrypted with two layers of 128-bit AES-CCM encryption, allowing secure communication between thousands of devices.
The end-user applications are implemented as a set of mesh models. The Bluetooth SIG defines some generic and reusable models in the Bluetooth mesh model specification, but vendors are free to define their own models.
See Samples for the list of available Bluetooth mesh samples.
The Bluetooth mesh samples use the nRF Mesh mobile app to perform provisioning and configuration.
Read more about the Bluetooth mesh in the Bluetooth SIG’s Bluetooth mesh introduction blog, Bluetooth mesh study guide and Bluetooth mesh FAQ. Make also sure to check the official Bluetooth mesh glossary.
- Supported Bluetooth mesh features
- Bluetooth mesh concepts
- Bluetooth mesh stack architecture
- Configuring Bluetooth mesh in nRF Connect SDK
- Configuring mesh models using the nRF Mesh mobile app
- Networked Lighting Control profiles
- Performing Device Firmware Updates (DFU) in Bluetooth mesh
- Removing a node from a mesh network
- Creating a new model
- Reserved vendor model IDs and opcodes