Cloud wrapper API
The cloud wrapper API is a generic API used for controlling the connection to a supported nRF Connect SDK client library through Integration layers.
It exposes generic functions such as send
, connect
, and disconnect
, hiding the functionality that is specific to a single client library implementation.
Integration layers
The Integration layers table lists the nRF Connect SDK client libraries that are supported by the cloud wrapper API and the associated integration layers.
Each integration layer interacts with a specific client library and contains the code required to properly set up and maintain a connection to the designated cloud service.
Based on the Kconfig options listed in the table, the corresponding combination of integration layer and the client library is linked in.
For example, if CONFIG_AWS_IOT
is enabled, CMake links in the asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/aws_iot_integration.c
file that integrates the AWS IoT library.
This takes place in the asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/CMakeLists.txt
The various integration layers all share a common header file asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/cloud_wrapper.h
that exposes generic functions to send and receive data from the integration layer.
Client library |
Integration layer |
Kconfig option |
The application integrates LwM2M through the following APIs:
LwM2M API from Zephyr
LwM2M client utils API, and LwM2M location assistance API from nRF Connect SDK
The LwM2M integration does not have support for sending of batched data.
Bootstrapping and credential handling
is enabled, the modem is provisioned at run time after boot with a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) set by CONFIG_LWM2M_INTEGRATION_PSK
is enabled, the PSK is provisioned to a security tag dedicated to the bootstrap server connection.
During bootstrapping, the application receives a separate newly generated key from the bootstrap server that is provisioned to a security tag dedicated to the management server connection.
This PSK is used in the management server that the application connects to, after bootstrapping is completed.
is disabled, the PSK that is provisioned after boot is provisioned to the security tag dedicated to the management server and the application connects to the management server directly.
In a production scenario, it is recommended to generate and preprovision the bootstrap server PSK prior to running the application.
option and following the steps described in Preparing for production.
The security tags that are used for the management and bootstrap server connections are set by the CONFIG_LWM2M_CLIENT_UTILS_BOOTSTRAP_TLS_TAG
options, respectively.
When preprovisioning credentials, make sure the correct TLS security tag is used.
Bootstrapping enables the application to rotate security credentials after deployment, which is recommended from a security standpoint.
Queue mode
Due to short NAT timeouts (approximately 60 seconds) and firewalls in UDP delivery networks, the application enables LwM2M Queue mode. In LwM2M Queue mode, the Zephyr LwM2M engine closes and opens a new socket for every transmission to cloud. This means that a new DLTS handshake is performed for every update to cloud. The overhead associated with DTLS handshakes is mitigated by enabling TLS session resumption. This enables the modem to restore the previously negotiated TLS session with the server and it does not require a full TLS handshake.
The time that the LwM2M engine polls for data after the last correspondence with cloud is set by the CONFIG_LWM2M_QUEUE_MODE_UPTIME
Kconfig option.
Increasing this value beyond 60 seconds does not cause any change due to the NAT and firewall issue mentioned previously.
But it can be increased if the LTE network allows it.
option, make sure that the LTE PSM active timeout set by CONFIG_LTE_PSM_REQ_RAT
is also increased to a value greater than the Queue mode uptime.
This ensures that the modem goes into LTE PSM only after the LwM2M engine has finished polling for incoming data.
option only increases the value that is requested by the modem from the network, not what is actually given by the network.
Send operation
The application exclusively uses the LwM2M v1.1 send operation to send data to the server.
This operation enables the application to explicitly send data to the server, whenever it wants.
The user can set up the server to enable periodic notifications for objects and resources, but there is no guarantee that the resources will change value between notifications using that approach.
The application adheres to its Real-time configurations when it samples and sends data to cloud, which is the recommended approach to reconfiguring the application.
The Real-time configurations can be manipulated using an application specific configuration object
accessible from cloud.
In order to use this object, some additional steps are required that are documented in Uploading XML definition for configuration object.
Data addressing
Each integration layer routes data to specific endpoints based on the content of the data and the cloud wrapper API call. The Data routing tables list the endpoints that are used in each cloud service implementation.
AWS IoT topics
The following tables list the various topics used in the AWS IoT implementation.
Device-to-cloud (D2C)
Data |
Topic |
A-GPS requests |
P-GPS requests |
Neighbor cell measurements |
Button presses |
Sensor/device data |
Device configuration |
Buffered sensor/device data |
Cloud-to-device (C2D)
Data |
Topic |
A-GPS response |
P-GPS response |
Device configuration updates |
Azure IoT Hub topics
For simplicity, the following table omits certain meta values present in topics and property bags used in Azure IoT Hub. For more information on MQTT topics and property bags in Azure IoT Hub, refer to the Azure IoT Hub MQTT protocol support documentation.
Device-to-cloud (D2C)
Data |
Topic |
Property bag |
A-GPS requests |
P-GPS requests |
Neighbor cell measurements |
Button presses |
NA |
Sensor/device data |
NA |
Device configuration |
NA |
Buffered sensor/device data |
Cloud-to-device (C2D)
Data |
Topic |
Property bag |
A-GPS response |
P-GPS response |
Device configuration updates |
NA |
nRF Cloud topics
For more information on topics used in the nRF Cloud connection, refer to the nRF Cloud MQTT API documentation.
Device-to-cloud (D2C)
Data |
AWS IoT topic |
A-GPS requests |
P-GPS requests |
Neighbor cell measurements |
Wi-Fi access points |
Button presses |
Sensor/device data |
Device configuration |
Buffered sensor/device data |
Cloud-to-device (C2D)
Data |
AWS IoT topic |
A-GPS response |
P-GPS response |
Device configuration updates |
LwM2M objects
For more information on objects used in LwM2M, refer to the OMA LwM2M Object and Resource Registry.
Objects |
Object ID |
LwM2M Server |
1 |
Device |
3 |
Connectivity Monitoring |
4 |
Firmware Update |
5 |
Location |
6 |
Temperature |
3303 |
Humidity |
3304 |
Pressure |
3323 |
Push Button |
3347 |
ECID-Signal Measurement Information (Neighbor cell measurements) |
10256 |
Ground Fix (Cellular and Wi-Fi location) |
33626 |
GNSS Assistance (A-GPS / P-GPS) |
33625 |
Configuration (see Uploading XML definition for configuration object) |
50009 |
Uploading XML definition for configuration object
The application defines a proprietary Configuration object
that the LwM2M server needs to be made aware of to enable the manipulation of its resources using the web console.
If you are using Coiote Device Management, complete the following steps to add the LwM2M object definition:
Click the device inventory icon (second icon from the top) in the left pane in the UI.
Locate your Device ID and click on Management.
Click Objects in the left vertical tabs section.
Click Add new LwM2M object definition.
Upload the file
or copy and paste the contents of the file to the textbox.Click Import, Refresh data model and Yes, execute task now.
After completing the previous steps, the configuration object is detected in the console and you can set the different resources in the object. These resources configure the real-time behavior of the application and maps directly to the configurations listed in Real-time configurations.
This module uses the following nRF Connect SDK libraries and drivers:
API documentation
- group cloud_wrapper
A Library that exposes generic functionality of cloud integration layers.
typedef void (*cloud_wrap_evt_handler_t)(const struct cloud_wrap_event *evt)
Cloud wrapper library asynchronous event handler.
- Param evt:
[in] Pointer to the event structure.
enum cloud_wrap_event_type
Event types notified by the cloud wrapper API.
Cloud integration layer is connecting.
Cloud integration layer is connected.
Cloud integration layer is disconnected.
Data received from cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data.
User association request received from cloud.
User association completed.
Event received when data has been acknowledged by cloud.
Event received when a ping response has been received.
A-GPS data received from the cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data.
P-GPS data received from the cloud integration layer. Payload is of type cloud_wrap_event_data.
Reboot request received from cloud.
Request to connect to LTE.
Request to disconnect from LTE.
Cloud integration layer has successfully performed a FOTA update. Device should now be rebooted.
The cloud integration layer has started a FOTA update.
An image erase is pending.
Image erase done.
An error occurred during FOTA.
An irrecoverable error has occurred in the integration layer. Error details are attached in the event structure.
int cloud_wrap_init(cloud_wrap_evt_handler_t event_handler)
Setup and initialize the configured cloud integration layer.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_connect(void)
Connect to cloud.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_disconnect(void)
Disconnect from cloud.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_state_get(bool ack, uint32_t id)
Request device state from cloud. The device state contains the device configuration.
- Parameters:
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_state_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id)
Send device state data to cloud.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_data_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id, const struct lwm2m_obj_path path_list[])
Send data to cloud.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
path_list – [in] List of LwM2M objects to be sent.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_batch_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id)
Send batched data to cloud.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_ui_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id, const struct lwm2m_obj_path path_list[])
Send UI data to cloud.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
path_list – [in] Pointer to list of LwM2M objects to be sent.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_cloud_location_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id)
Send cloud location data to cloud.
LwM2M builds: This function does not require passing in a list of objects, unlike other functions in this API. The underlying LwM2M API called when calling this function, keeps its own reference of the objects that needs to be updated.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_agps_request_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id)
Send A-GPS request to cloud.
LwM2M builds: This function does not require passing in a list of objects, unlike other functions in this API. The underlying LwM2M API called when calling this function, keeps its own reference of the objects that needs to be updated.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_pgps_request_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id)
Send P-GPS request to cloud.
LwM2M builds: This function does not require passing in a list of objects, unlike other functions in this API. The underlying LwM2M API called when calling this function, keeps its own reference of the objects that needs to be updated.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
int cloud_wrap_memfault_data_send(char *buf, size_t len, bool ack, uint32_t id)
Send Memfault data to cloud.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent.
len – [in] Length of buffer.
ack – [in] Flag signifying if the message should be acknowledged or not.
id – [in] Message ID.
- Returns:
0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
struct cloud_wrap_event_data
- #include <cloud_wrapper.h>
Structure used to reference application data that is sent and received from the cloud wrapper library.
struct cloud_wrap_event
- #include <cloud_wrapper.h>
Cloud wrapper API event.
Public Members
struct cloud_wrap_event_data data
Structured that contains data received from the cloud integration layer.
int err
Error code signifying the cause of error.
struct cloud_wrap_event_data data
typedef void (*cloud_wrap_evt_handler_t)(const struct cloud_wrap_event *evt)