Direction and Distance Finding Service (DDFS)
The Bluetooth® LE GATT Direction and Distance Finding Service is a custom service that allows publication of distance, azimuth and elevation measurement data. It also allows adjusting the measurement configuration parameters.
The current implementation is experimental.
Service UUID
The 128-bit vendor-specific service UUID is 21490000-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490.
Characteristic |
Distance Measurement |
21490001-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 |
Azimuth Measurement |
21490002-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 |
Elevation Measurement |
21490003-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 |
DDF Feature |
21490004-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 |
Control Point |
21490005-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 |
This service has the following characteristics.
Distance Measurement Characteristic
- Notify:
Enable notifications for the Distance Measurement Characteristic to receive measurements.
Azimuth Measurement Characteristic
- Notify:
Enable notifications for the Azimuth Measurement Characteristic to receive measurements.
Elevation Measurement Characteristic
- Notify:
Enable notifications for the Elevation Measurement Characteristic to receive measurements.
DDF Feature Characteristic
- Read:
Read the supported features.
Control Point Characteristic
- Write:
Write data to the Control Point Characteristic to change the configuration.
API documentation
- group bt_ddfs
API for the Direction and Distance Finding Service (DDFS).
UUID of the DDF Service.
UUID of the Distance Measurement Characteristic.
UUID of the Azimuth Measurement Characteristic.
UUID of the Elevation Measurement Characteristic.
UUID of the Feature Characteristic.
UUID of the Control Point Characteristic.
enum bt_ddfs_dm_ranging_mode
Ranging mode
Round trip timing
Multi-carrier phase difference
enum bt_ddfs_quality
Measurement quality definition.
Good measurement quality
Poor measurement quality
Measurement not for use
Measurement quality not specified
int bt_ddfs_distance_measurement_notify(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_ddfs_distance_measurement *measurement)
Function for sending Distance Measurement value.
The application calls this function after having performed a Distance Measurement. If notification has been enabled, the measurement data is encoded and sent to the client.
- Parameters
conn – [in] Pointer to connection object, or NULL if sent to all connected peers.
measurement – [in] Pointer to new distance measurement.
- Return values
0 – If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
int bt_ddfs_azimuth_measurement_notify(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_ddfs_azimuth_measurement *measurement)
Function for sending Azimuth Measurement value.
The application calls this function after having performed an Azimuth Measurement. If notification has been enabled, the measurement data is encoded and sent to the client.
- Parameters
conn – [in] Pointer to connection object, or NULL if sent to all connected peers.
measurement – [in] Pointer to new azimuth measurement.
- Return values
0 – If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
int bt_ddfs_elevation_measurement_notify(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_ddfs_elevation_measurement *measurement)
Function for sending Elevation Measurement value.
The application calls this function after having performed an Elevation Measurement. If notification has been enabled, the measurement data is encoded and sent to the client.
- Parameters
conn – [in] Pointer to connection object, or NULL if sent to all connected peers.
measurement – [in] Pointer to new elevation measurement.
- Return values
0 – If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
int bt_ddfs_init(const struct bt_ddfs_init_params *init)
Function for initializing the Direction and Distance Finding Service.
- Parameters
init – [in] Initialization parameters.
- Return values
0 – If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
struct bt_ddfs_features
- #include <ddfs.h>
struct bt_ddfs_dm_config
- #include <ddfs.h>
Distance Measurement configuration parameters.
Public Members
enum bt_ddfs_dm_ranging_mode mode
Ranging mode
bool high_precision
High-precision calculations enabled
enum bt_ddfs_dm_ranging_mode mode
struct bt_ddfs_cb
- #include <ddfs.h>
Pointers to the callback functions for service events.
Public Members
int (*dm_ranging_mode_set)(uint8_t mode)
Indicates that the ranging mode for Distance Measurement is set.
- Param mode
New ranging mode for distance measurement.
- Retval 0
If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
int (*dm_config_read)(struct bt_ddfs_dm_config *config)
Indicates that the configuration for Distance Measurement is read.
- Param config
Pointer to configuration object.
- Retval 0
If the operation was successful. Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
void (*am_notification_config_changed)(bool enabled)
Azimuth Measurement state callback.
Indicate the CCCD descriptor status of the Azimuth Measurement characteristic.
- Param enabled
Azimuth Measurement notification status.
void (*dm_notification_config_changed)(bool enabled)
Distance Measurement state callback.
Indicate the CCCD descriptor status of the Distance Measurement characteristic.
- Param enabled
Distance Measurement notification status.
void (*em_notification_config_changed)(bool enabled)
Elevation Measurement state callback.
Indicate the CCCD descriptor status of the Elevation Measurement characteristic.
- Param enabled
Elevation Measurement notification status.
int (*dm_ranging_mode_set)(uint8_t mode)
struct bt_ddfs_distance_measurement
- #include <ddfs.h>
Structure of distance measurement results.
Public Members
enum bt_ddfs_quality quality
Quality indicator
bt_addr_le_t bt_addr
Bluetooth LE Device Address
enum bt_ddfs_dm_ranging_mode ranging_mode
Mode used for ranging
uint16_t ifft
MCPD: Distance estimate based on IFFT of spectrum
uint16_t phase_slope
MCPD: Distance estimate based on average phase slope estimation
uint16_t rssi_openspace
RSSI: Distance estimate based on Friis path loss formula
uint16_t best
Best effort distance estimate
uint16_t rtt
RTT: Distance estimate based on RTT measurement
enum bt_ddfs_quality quality
struct bt_ddfs_azimuth_measurement
- #include <ddfs.h>
Structure of azimuth measurement results.
Public Members
enum bt_ddfs_quality quality
Quality indicator
bt_addr_le_t bt_addr
Bluetooth LE Device Address
uint16_t value
Azimuth estimate
enum bt_ddfs_quality quality
struct bt_ddfs_elevation_measurement
- #include <ddfs.h>
Structure of elevation measurement results.
Public Members
enum bt_ddfs_quality quality
Quality indicator
bt_addr_le_t bt_addr
Bluetooth LE Device Address
int8_t value
Elevation estimate
enum bt_ddfs_quality quality
struct bt_ddfs_init_params
- #include <ddfs.h>
Direction and Distance Finding Service initialization parameters.
Public Members
struct bt_ddfs_features dm_features
Initial value for features.
const struct bt_ddfs_cb *cb
Callback functions structure.
struct bt_ddfs_features dm_features