Platform Provisioning

TF-M stores any data that should be provisioned at the factory in OTP memory. The default is that this OTP memory is actually implemented using on-chip flash, the same that is used to implement the ITS service.

If the lifecycle state is in the TFM_SLC_ASSEMBLY_AND_TEST 1 state (which is the default for non-provisioned boards), then TF-M will attempt to provision the: - HUK instead of booting. It will read the data from the assembly_and_test_prov_data struct, and will then provision it to OTP. The lifecycle state will then transition to TFM_SLC_PSA_ROT_PROVISIONING 1.

If the lifecycle state is in the TFM_SLC_PSA_ROT_PROVISIONING 1 state, then TF-M will attempt to provision the:

  • IAK

  • boot seed

  • implementation id

  • hw version

  • bl2 ROTPKs (of which there are up to 4)

  • entropy seed

Once all of these have been loaded from the psa_rot_prov_data struct and provisioned to OTP, the LCS will transition to TFM_SLC_SECURED 1. Note that this provisioning step will be run immediately after the TFM_SLC_ASSEMBLY_AND_TEST 1 provisioning stage if the lifecycle transition completed successfully.

Provisioning development hardware

If TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING is enabled in the cmake config (as it is by default), a set of dummy keys / data will be provisioned. The dummy IAK matches the IAK tested by the TF-M tests, and the dummy bl2 ROTPKs match the dummy bl2 keys used by default. TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING _MUST_ not be used in production hardware, as the keys are insecure.

Provisioning production hardware

For provisioning of real hardware, firstly TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING must be disabled. Then it is required to inject the keys into RAM so they populate the assembly_and_test_prov_data and psa_rot_prov_data structs, at the beginning of the TF-M boot. These structs each require a magic value to be set to be accepted by the provisioning code, which is detailed in platform/ext/common/provisioning.c. Two suggestions for how to do this are:

  • Attach a debugger, and inject the values into RAM.

  • Flash an image that contains the required data. Care must be taken with this approach that the keys are not left in RAM after provisioning, so a different image (without provisioning data embedded) must be flashed afterwards, without erasing the OTP flash area.

Provisioning on CryptoCell-312 enabled platforms

On boards that have a CC312 accelerator, and that have the default flash-backed OTP disabled by setting PLATFORM_DEFAULT_OTP=OFF in cmake, the CC312 OTP will be used as a backing for the OTP HAL.

Due to the CC312 requiring a power-cycle to transition LCS, you will be prompted to manually power-cycle the board between provisioning stages.

Boards with real OTP memory cannot be reprovisioned - care should be taken that the data being provisioned is the desired data.

Platform-specific OTP backing

If a platform has a medium that is suitable for storing data with OTP semantics (Where a bit cannot transition from a 1 to a 0), such as physical OTP memory, then it can provide a backing for the OTP HAL by implementing the methods described in tfm_plat_otp.h.


For the definitions of these lifecycle states, please refer to the Platform Security Model

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