GitHub #35962 - drivers using deprecated Kconfigs
GitHub #35955 - Bluetooth: Controller: Regression in connection setup
GitHub #35949 - can: mcan: sjw-data devicetree configuration is not written correctly
GitHub #35941 - subsys: tracing: sysview: No SEGGER_SYSVIEW.h in path
GitHub #35926 - Shell tab-completion with more than two levels of nested dynamic commands fails
GitHub #35924 - Help with Configuring Custom GPIO Pins
GitHub #35916 - drivers: TI cc13xx_cc26xx: build error when PM is enabled (serial, entropy, spi, i2c modules)
GitHub #35911 - shield sample sensorhub does not produce and meaningful data
GitHub #35910 - LIS2MDL reporting wrong temperature
GitHub #35896 - frdm_k64f: build failure missing dt-bindings/clock/kinetis_sim.h: No such file or directory
GitHub #35890 - Build system ignores explicit ZephyrBuildConfiguration_ROOT variable
GitHub #35882 - Fixed width documentation makes DT bindings docs unreadable
GitHub #35876 - Bluetooth: host: CCC store not correctly handled for multiple connections
GitHub #35871 - LPS22HH sensor reporting wrong pressure data
GitHub #35840 - Bluetooth: host: L2CAP enhanced connection request conformance test issues
GitHub #35838 - Bluetooth: ISO: BIG termination doesn’t fully unref the connection
GitHub #35826 - LORAWAN Compatibility with nrf52832 and sx1262
GitHub #35813 - Zephyr Native Posix Build Uses Linux Build Machine Headers out of Sandbox
GitHub #35812 - ESP32 Factory app partition is not bootable
GitHub #35781 - Missing response parameter for HCI_LE_Set_Connectionless_IQ_Sampling_Enable HCI command
GitHub #35772 - Support C++ exceptions on NIOS2
GitHub #35764 - tests: kernel: threads: no multithreading: fails with CONFIG_STACK_SENTINEL=y
GitHub #35762 - SAMPLES: shell_module gives no console output on qemu_leon3
GitHub #35756 - ESP32 Ethernet Support
GitHub #35737 - drivers: can: mcan: sjw not initialized when CAN_FD_MODE is enabled
GitHub #35714 - samples: subsys: testusb: I want to know how to test in window10.
GitHub #35713 - tests: kernel.scheduler.multiq: test_k_thread_suspend_init_null failure
GitHub #35694 - No console output from NIOS2 Max10
GitHub #35693 - gpio_mcux_lpc.c uses devicetree instance numbers incorrectly
GitHub #35686 - Bluetooth: Crash in bt_gatt_dm_attr_chrc_val when BLE device is disconnected during discovery process
GitHub #35681 - Unable to get ouput for samples/subsys/logging/logger and samples/philosophers
GitHub #35677 - samples/subsys/console/getchar and samples/subsys/console/getline build breaks for arduino_nano_33_ble
GitHub #35655 - Arm64: Assertion failed when CONFIG_MP_CPUS >= 3.
GitHub #35653 - ARC MWDT toolchain put __start and __reset at different address
GitHub #35633 - Out of bound read: Multiple Coverity sightings in generated code
GitHub #35631 - [Coverity CID: 205610] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/kernel.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35630 - [Coverity CID: 205657] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/sample_driver.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35629 - [Coverity CID: 207968] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/counter.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35628 - [Coverity CID: 207976] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/counter.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35627 - [Coverity CID: 208195] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/gpio.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35626 - [Coverity CID: 210588] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/dac.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35625 - [Coverity CID: 211042] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/socket.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35624 - [Coverity CID: 214226] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/uart.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35623 - [Coverity CID: 215223] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/net_ip.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35622 - [Coverity CID: 215238] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/net_ip.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35621 - [Coverity CID: 219477] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/pwm.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35620 - [Coverity CID: 219482] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/pwm.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35619 - [Coverity CID: 219496] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/ztest_error_hook.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35618 - [Coverity CID: 219506] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_ctrl.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35617 - [Coverity CID: 219568] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/net_if.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35616 - [Coverity CID: 219586] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/net_if.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35615 - [Coverity CID: 219648] Uninitialized scalar variable in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/test_syscalls.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35614 - [Coverity CID: 219725] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/kernel.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35613 - [Coverity CID: 225900] Out-of-bounds access in tests/net/lib/dns_addremove/src/main.c
GitHub #35612 - [Coverity CID: 229325] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg2.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35611 - [Coverity CID: 230223] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg2.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35610 - [Coverity CID: 232755] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_ctrl.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35609 - [Coverity CID: 235917] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg2.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35608 - [Coverity CID: 235923] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg2.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35607 - [Coverity CID: 235933] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/gpio.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35606 - [Coverity CID: 235951] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_ctrl.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35605 - [Coverity CID: 236005] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_ctrl.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #35604 - [Coverity CID: 236129] Unused value in drivers/adc/adc_lmp90xxx.c
GitHub #35603 - [Coverity CID: 236130] Wrong sizeof argument in drivers/adc/adc_lmp90xxx.c
GitHub #35596 - Bluetooth: Cannot connect if extended advertising is enabled in prj.conf
GitHub #35586 - Timer based example on docu using nrf52-dk compile error.
GitHub #35580 - Fault when logging
GitHub #35569 - tests/lib/mem_alloc failed with arcmwdt toolchain
GitHub #35567 - some mwdt compiler options can’t be recognized by zephyr_cc_option
GitHub #35561 - Issue with fat_fs example on nucleo_f767zi
GitHub #35553 - all menuconfig interfaces contain sound open firmware/SOF text
GitHub #35543 - samples: subsys: display: lvgl: is run on nucleo_f429zi and nucleo_f746zg but should be skipped
GitHub #35541 - sockets_tls: when using dtls with sara-r4 modem, handshake hangs if no reply
GitHub #35540 - tests: ztest: error_hook: fails on nucleo_g071rb and nucleo_l073rz
GitHub #35539 - tests: drivers: spi: spi_loopback: test failed since #34731 is merged
GitHub #35524 - tests: samples: led: LED PWM sample fails on nrf platforms
GitHub #35522 - doc: Current section is not shown in the side pane nor the page top cookie
GitHub #35512 - OpenThread can’t find TRNG driver on nRF5340
GitHub #35509 - tests: timer: Unstable tests using timer at nrf platforms
GitHub #35489 - samples: net: gsm_modem: build fails if CONFIG_GSM_MUX=y
GitHub #35480 - pm: device_runtime: pm_device_request
can block forever
GitHub #35479 - address is not a known kernel object exception with arcmwdt toolchain
GitHub #35476 - bluetooth: controller assertion when scanning with multiple active connections
GitHub #35474 - The dma-stm32 driver don’t build for STM32F0 MCUs
GitHub #35444 - drivers: sensor: sbs-gauge: The sbs-gauge cannot be read from sensor shell
GitHub #35401 - Enabling POSIX_API leads to SSL handshake error
GitHub #35395 - STM32F4: Infinite reboot loop due to Ethernet initialization
GitHub #35390 - net.socket.tls.tls_ext: frdm_k64f test failure
GitHub #35383 - Can’t setup ISO Broadcast Demo on nrf53dk
GitHub #35380 - sys: timeutil: inconsistent types for local times
GitHub #35363 - bt_gatt_discover() retunrs incorrect handle (offset by -1)
GitHub #35360 - Power consumption nRF52
GitHub #35352 - [Coverity CID: 215376] Out-of-bounds access in drivers/sensor/lis2dh/lis2dh_trigger.c
GitHub #35351 - [Coverity CID: 219472] Unrecoverable parse warning in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/src/mem_domain.c
GitHub #35350 - [Coverity CID: 236055] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_core.c
GitHub #35349 - [Coverity CID: 236057] Unrecoverable parse warning in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/src/mem_domain.c
GitHub #35348 - [Coverity CID: 236060] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/l2/ppp/ppp_l2.c
GitHub #35347 - [Coverity CID: 236064] Dereference null return value in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull.c
GitHub #35346 - [Coverity CID: 236069] Out-of-bounds access in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #35345 - [Coverity CID: 236074] Out-of-bounds access in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #35344 - [Coverity CID: 236075] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/controller/hci/hci.c
GitHub #35343 - [Coverity CID: 236079] Untrusted divisor in subsys/bluetooth/controller/hci/hci.c
GitHub #35342 - [Coverity CID: 236085] Dereference after null check in samples/userspace/prod_consumer/src/app_a.c
GitHub #35341 - twister: Hardware map creation is buggy (+ inaccurate docs)
GitHub #35338 - USB: ethernet CDC ECM/EEM support is broken
GitHub #35336 - tests: samples: power: samples/subsys/pm/device_pm/sample.power.ospm.dev_idle_pm fails on nrf52 platforms
GitHub #35329 - samples: gsm_modem: Compilation failed, likely related to logging changes
GitHub #35327 - Sensor Code for CC3220sf
GitHub #35325 - Shell: Kernel: Reboot: echo is abruptly terminated
GitHub #35321 - Improve STM32: Serial Driver,Handle uart mode per instance
GitHub #35307 - ARM64 system calls are entered with interrupts masked
GitHub #35305 - Linking order when using both TF-M and Mbed TLS
GitHub #35299 - PM suspend IPC message sporadically not being delivered
GitHub #35297 - STM32 SPI - wrong behavior after PR 34731
GitHub #35286 - New logging breaks eclipse
GitHub #35278 - LittleFs Sample will not build for qemu_riscv64 sample target
GitHub #35263 - device_pm_control_nop is used in dac_mcp4725.c
GitHub #35242 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run kernel common testcases failed on ADSP
GitHub #35241 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run interrupt testcases failed on ADSP
GitHub #35236 - tests: doc: Document generation process FAILS with valid module samples:
GitHub #35223 - Coverity [CID 221772]: Wrong operator used in logging subsystem, multiple violations
GitHub #35220 - tests: dma: memory-to-memory transfer fails on stm32f746zg nucleo board
GitHub #35219 - tests: driver: dma test case loop_transfer fails on stm32 with dmamux
GitHub #35215 - tests/kernel/msgq/msgq_usage failed on hsdk board
GitHub #35209 - tests/kernel/mem_heap/mheap_api_concept failed on hsdk board
GitHub #35204 - PPI channel assignment for Bluetooth controller is incorrect for nRF52805
GitHub #35202 - smp atomic_t global_lock will never be cleared when a thread oops with global_lock is set
GitHub #35200 - tests/kernel/smp failed on hsdk board
GitHub #35199 - Queues: there is no documentation about queue’s implementation.
GitHub #35198 - frdm_k64f leave idel fails
GitHub #35197 - Zephyr Project Development with 2 Ethernet Interfaces Supported (eth0, and eth1)
GitHub #35195 - doc, coding guidelines: broken CERT-C links
GitHub #35191 - GIT Checkout of Master Branch is 2.6.0rc1 versus west update as 2.5.99
GitHub #35189 - Coding Guidelines: Resolve the issues under Rule 21.2
GitHub #35187 - Version selection not working
GitHub #35176 - strtol crashes
GitHub #35175 - quectel-bg9x crashes in modem_rssi_query_work
GitHub #35169 - esp32: uart_poll_in never ready for UART2 only
GitHub #35163 - [Coverity CID: 236009] Wrong sizeof argument in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/
GitHub #35162 - [Coverity CID: 235972] Wrong sizeof argument in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/
GitHub #35161 - [Coverity CID: 235962] Unused value in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_map/src/main.c
GitHub #35160 - [Coverity CID: 235930] Unused value in kernel/mmu.c
GitHub #35159 - [Coverity CID: 232698] Uninitialized scalar variable in samples/net/sockets/txtime/src/main.c
GitHub #35158 - [Coverity CID: 224630] Uninitialized scalar variable in subsys/net/ip/igmp.c
GitHub #35157 - [Coverity CID: 221380] Uninitialized scalar variable in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_iso.c
GitHub #35156 - [Coverity CID: 235979] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/iis2mdc/iis2mdc_trigger.c
GitHub #35155 - [Coverity CID: 235677] Unchecked return value in drivers/gpio/gpio_cy8c95xx.c
GitHub #35154 - [Coverity CID: 233524] Unchecked return value in include/drivers/dma.h
GitHub #35153 - [Coverity CID: 236006] Structurally dead code in tests/subsys/logging/log_api/src/
GitHub #35152 - [Coverity CID: 235986] Structurally dead code in tests/subsys/logging/log_api/src/
GitHub #35151 - [Coverity CID: 235943] Reliance on integer endianness in include/sys/cbprintf_cxx.h
GitHub #35150 - [Coverity CID: 225136] Out-of-bounds write in tests/kernel/sched/deadline/src/main.c
GitHub #35149 - [Coverity CID: 234410] Out-of-bounds read in tests/kernel/sched/preempt/src/main.c
GitHub #35148 - [Coverity CID: 236015] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/logging/log_api/src/mock_backend.c
GitHub #35147 - [Coverity CID: 236012] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs_client.c
GitHub #35146 - [Coverity CID: 235994] Out-of-bounds access in tests/kernel/interrupt/src/interrupt_offload.c
GitHub #35145 - [Coverity CID: 235984] Out-of-bounds access in include/sys/cbprintf_cxx.h
GitHub #35144 - [Coverity CID: 235944] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs_client.c
GitHub #35143 - [Coverity CID: 235921] Out-of-bounds access in include/sys/cbprintf_cxx.h
GitHub #35142 - [Coverity CID: 235914] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35141 - [Coverity CID: 235913] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35140 - [Coverity CID: 231072] Out-of-bounds access in tests/kernel/sched/preempt/src/main.c
GitHub #35139 - [Coverity CID: 229646] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vocs.c
GitHub #35138 - [Coverity CID: 229545] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/canbus/isotp/conformance/src/main.c
GitHub #35137 - [Coverity CID: 225993] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/canbus/isotp/conformance/src/main.c
GitHub #35136 - [Coverity CID: 235916] Operands don’t affect result in drivers/adc/adc_stm32.c
GitHub #35135 - [Coverity CID: 235911] Negative array index write in tests/subsys/logging/log_api/src/mock_backend.c
GitHub #35134 - [Coverity CID: 222151] Negative array index write in tests/subsys/logging/log_msg2/src/main.c
GitHub #35133 - [Coverity CID: 232501] Missing varargs init or cleanup in subsys/logging/log_msg2.c
GitHub #35132 - [Coverity CID: 236003] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35131 - [Coverity CID: 235998] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35130 - [Coverity CID: 235997] Logically dead code in drivers/adc/adc_stm32.c
GitHub #35129 - [Coverity CID: 235990] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35128 - [Coverity CID: 235970] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35127 - [Coverity CID: 235965] Logically dead code in tests/subsys/logging/log_api/src/
GitHub #35126 - [Coverity CID: 235961] Logically dead code in tests/subsys/logging/log_api/src/
GitHub #35125 - [Coverity CID: 235956] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35124 - [Coverity CID: 235955] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35123 - [Coverity CID: 235954] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35122 - [Coverity CID: 235952] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35121 - [Coverity CID: 235950] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35120 - [Coverity CID: 235934] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs.c
GitHub #35119 - [Coverity CID: 235932] Logically dead code in samples/sensor/adxl372/src/main.c
GitHub #35118 - [Coverity CID: 235919] Logically dead code in samples/sensor/bmg160/src/main.c
GitHub #35117 - [Coverity CID: 235945] Incorrect sizeof expression in include/sys/cbprintf_cxx.h
GitHub #35116 - [Coverity CID: 235987] Incompatible cast in include/sys/cbprintf_cxx.h
GitHub #35115 - [Coverity CID: 236000] Improper use of negative value in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/
GitHub #35114 - [Coverity CID: 221976] Division or modulo by zero in tests/drivers/can/timing/src/main.c
GitHub #35113 - [Coverity CID: 235985] Dereference before null check in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs_client.c
GitHub #35112 - [Coverity CID: 235983] Dereference after null check in samples/sensor/max17262/src/main.c
GitHub #35111 - [Coverity CID: 234630] Dereference after null check in tests/net/dhcpv4/src/main.c
GitHub #35110 - [Coverity CID: 220616] Arguments in wrong order in tests/subsys/canbus/isotp/conformance/src/main.c
GitHub #35108 - tests: drivers: pwm: pwm_api: failed on nucleo_f207zg
GitHub #35107 - Atmel SAM E70 / Cortex-M7 fails to boot if CONFIG_NOCACHE_MEMORY=y
GitHub #35104 - arch.interrupt.gen_isr_table.arm_mainline: fails on lpcxpresso55s16_ns
GitHub #35102 - testing.ztest.error_hook: fails on lpcxpresso55s16_ns
GitHub #35100 - libraries.libc.sprintf_new: fails on lpcxpresso55s16_ns and lpcxpresso55s69_ns
GitHub #35099 - benchmark.kernel.application.fp.arm: Illegal load of EXC_RETURN into PC on lpcxpresso55s16_ns and lpcxpresso55s69_ns
GitHub #35097 - arch.interrupt: fails on NXP Cortex-M0+ platforms
GitHub #35091 - enc424j600 does not work
GitHub #35089 - stm32h7: systematic crash at each second boot with NETWORKING=y
GitHub #35083 - dts: stm32mp1: SPI2 mixup with SAI2, SPI3 mixup with SAI3
GitHub #35082 - intel_adsp_cavs15: All the testcases run failed on ADSP
GitHub #35079 - acrn_ehl_crb: build warnings for old APIC_TIMER configs
GitHub #35076 - acrn_ehl_crb does not work with CPUs >1
GitHub #35075 - .west/config west.yml and zephyr versioning during project development
GitHub #35073 - timer: cortex_m_systick: uptime drifting in tickless mode
GitHub #35060 - tests/kernel/common: test_nop failed on ARMV7_M_ARMV8_M_MAINLINE
GitHub #35058 - Bluetooth: deadlock when canceling from settings commit handler
GitHub #35051 - CONFIG_LOG2 fails for floating point output with warning and bad output
GitHub #35048 - mcuboot with enabled serial recovery does not compile
GitHub #35046 - Tracing shows k_busy_wait() being executed very often on nRF platforms
GitHub #35043 - NXP: Build error : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘elftools’
GitHub #35041 - Crash in net-shell when invoking “net dns” command
GitHub #35036 - STM32: Wrong uart_event_tx len calculation
GitHub #35033 - samples/boards: stm32 pm blinky fails when run with twister
GitHub #35028 - frdm_k64f: failed to run tests/subsys/pm/power_mgmt/
GitHub #35027 - frdm_k64f: failed to run testcase tests/drivers/adc/adc_emul/
GitHub #35026 - sam_e70b_xplained: failed to run testcases tests/drivers/adc/adc_emul/
GitHub #35013 - Bluetooth: Controller: Out-of-Bound ULL context access during connection completion
GitHub #34999 - Using BT_ISO bluetooth hci_usb sample, and enable, but still shows no command supported
GitHub #34989 - Implement arch_page_phys_get() for ARM64
GitHub #34979 - MIMRT685-EVK board page has broken links
GitHub #34978 - misleading root folder size in footprint reports
GitHub #34969 - Documentation still mentions deprecated macro DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY
GitHub #34964 - net regression: Connection to Zephyr server non-deterministically leads to client timeout, ENOTCONN on server side
GitHub #34962 - tfm: cmake: Toolchain not being passed into psa-arch-tests
GitHub #34950 - xtensa arch :The source code version is too old
GitHub #34948 - SoF module is not pointing at Zehpyr repo
GitHub #34935 - LwM2M: Block transfer with TLV format does not work
GitHub #34932 - drvers/flash/nrf_qspi_nor: high power consumption on nrf52840
GitHub #34931 - dns resolve timeout leads to CPU memory access violation error
GitHub #34925 - tests/lib/cbprintf_package fails to build
GitHub #34923 - net.socket.get_addr_info: frdm_k64f test fails
GitHub #34917 - arch.interrupt.arm| arch.interrupt.extra_exception_info: lpcxpresso55s28 series: test failure
GitHub #34915 - arch.interrupt.gen_isr_table.arm_mainline:lpcxpresso55s16_ns/lpcxpresso55s28: interrupt 57 does not work
GitHub #34911 - tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect: frdm_k82f/frdm_k64f unexpected fatal error
GitHub #34909 - dma_loopback:lpcxpresso55s28_ns driver test failure
GitHub #34904 - uart_mcux_lpuart: Enable driver to work with CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n
GitHub #34903 - doc: Target name is wrong for rcar_h3ulcb board
GitHub #34891 - mcumgr timeout due to smp_shell_process stalling
GitHub #34880 - Convert SoF Module to new kwork API
GitHub #34865 - CONFIG_NET_SOCKETS_PACKET interferes with other network traffic (gptp, IP)
GitHub #34862 - CAN ISO-TP implementation not using local work queue
GitHub #34852 - Some bluetooth advertising packages never get transmitted over-air (Bluetooth Mesh application)
GitHub #34844 - qemu_cortex_a53_smp: tests/ztest/error_hook failed after enabling the FPU context switching support
GitHub #34840 - CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n is not tested on hardware platforms
GitHub #34838 - tests/subsys/logging/log_msg2 failes on qemu_cortex_a53
GitHub #34837 - Unstable multi connections between NRF52840
GitHub #34827 - tests: power management: test_power_state_trans fails on nrf boards
GitHub #34796 - x86 jlink runner fails on M1 macs
GitHub #34794 - LIS2DH Hard Fault when INT2 is not defined
GitHub #34788 - APIC timer does not support SMP
GitHub #34777 - semaphore and condvar_api tests fails after ARM64 FPU context switch commit on qemu_cortex_a53_smp
GitHub #34772 - Mixed usage of signed/unsigned integer by the logging subsystem
GitHub #34757 - west update: Default behavior should fetch only –depth 1
GitHub #34753 - Building and Debugging Zephyr for Native Platform on Linux using VSCode and/or QtCreator
GitHub #34748 - Native posix: Segmentation fault in case of allocations without explicit heap assignment
GitHub #34739 - tests/arch/arm/arm_no_multithreading/arch.arm.no_multithreading fails to build on a number of platforms
GitHub #34734 - Can handler doesn’t compile with CONFIG_USERSPACE
GitHub #34722 - nvs: possibility of losing data
GitHub #34716 - flash: spi_nor: build fails when CONFIG_SPI_NOR_SFDP_RUNTIME is enabled
GitHub #34696 - Unable to select LOG_DICTIONARY_SUPPORT when TEST_LOGGING_DEFAULTS=y
GitHub #34690 - net: process_rx_packet() work handler violates requirements of Workqueue Threads implementation
GitHub #34687 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run tests/kernel/semaphore/semaphore/ failed on ADSP
GitHub #34683 - MCUboot not confirm image when using ‘west flash’
GitHub #34672 - stm32h7: issue with CONFIG_UART_ASYNC_API=y
GitHub #34670 - smp_svr sample configured for serial port with shell management enabled does not work
GitHub #34669 - uart_read_fifo() reads only 2 chars on nucleo STM32L43KC and nRF52840-DK
GitHub #34668 - i2c_ite_it8xxx2.c fails to build - possibly related to device_pm_control_nop changes
GitHub #34667 - posix_apis:mimxrt685_evk_cm33 timeout in test_posix_realtime
GitHub #34662 - many udp networking cases fail on nxp platforms
GitHub #34658 - TF-M integration samples do not work with GNU ARM Embedded having GCC v10.x.x
GitHub #34656 - STM32 ADC - read of multiple channels in a sequence
GitHub #34644 - CAN - Bus Driver Sample
GitHub #34635 - BME280 build error
GitHub #34633 - STM32: Mass conversion of boards to dts based clock control configuration
GitHub #34624 - Coding guidelines 15.7 PR causes tests failures
GitHub #34605 - flash_stm32h7x.c fails to build
GitHub #34601 - sample: bluetooth: beacon: USAGE FAULT after few seconds on board b_l4s5i_iot01a
GitHub #34597 - Mismatch between ot ping
and net ping
GitHub #34593 - Using hci_usb with Bluez 5.55 or 5.58
GitHub #34585 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: test_timeout_order in tests/kernel/common assertion failed
GitHub #34584 - kernel: workqueue thread is occasionally not invoked when kernel is run in cooperative mode only
GitHub #34583 - twister failing: fails platform native_posix, test lib/cmsis_dsp/filtering
GitHub #34581 - Unable to work with SX1276 Lora module.
GitHub #34570 - IPC samples running secure but configured nonsecure (AN521)
GitHub #34568 - Compilation error with zephyr 2.3.0
GitHub #34563 - net: lib: sockets: Unable to select() file descriptors with number >= 32
GitHub #34558 - Compilation error with Log v2 and CONFIG_LOG_PRINTK
GitHub #34541 - per-adv-sync-create doesn’t work on nRF52840, ./tests/bluetooth/shell/
GitHub #34538 - STM32 temperature sensor
GitHub #34534 - west sign regression when HEX file not exists
GitHub #34527 - Cpp compiling error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’. _Generic macros problem
GitHub #34526 - logging tests fails to build on a number of platforms
GitHub #34515 - samples: net: syslog_net: hard fault when running on frdm_k64f
GitHub #34505 - mimxrt1050_evk:failed to run testcases tests/net
GitHub #34503 - up_squared and ehl_crb: test fails from timeout in application_development.cpp.libcxx.exceptions
GitHub #34500 - thingy52 lis2dh12 sensor values too large
GitHub #34495 - logger: Logger API cannot be compiled with C++
GitHub #34492 - Logging still broken with SOF
GitHub #34482 - net_tunnel_virtual:frdm_k64f: build failure
GitHub #34474 - MPS2-AN385 SRAM does not match what the documentation page says
GitHub #34473 - Add Requirements repository with infrastructure and placeholder requirements
GitHub #34469 - nrf53: nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet not executing.
GitHub #34463 - LwM2M bootstrap DELETE operation not working
GitHub #34462 - samples: net: sockets: packet: reception stops working after a while
GitHub #34461 - Unable to use PWM pins with STM Nucleo H743ZI
GitHub #34443 - Document font display is incomplete
GitHub #34439 - Logging subsystem causes build to fail with LLVM
GitHub #34434 - subsys: testsuite: ztest framework breaks if run in cooperative mode only
GitHub #34426 - RFC: API Change: USB HID remove get_protocol/set_protocol/get_idle/set_idle callbacks
GitHub #34423 - twister build issue with arm64
GitHub #34419 - significant build time increase with new logging subsystem
GitHub #34416 - Configuration HAS_DTS has no function, preventing compile for vendors without device tree
GitHub #34409 - mDNS response on link local when using DHCPv4 and AutoIP/Static IP
GitHub #34403 - Logging disable function causes Zephyr hard lockup
GitHub #34402 - spi: spi_nrfx_spim: wrong clock frequency selected
GitHub #34397 - Update getting started docs to reflect gdb python requirements
GitHub #34387 - Error message in include/linker/kobject-text.ld is unclear
GitHub #34382 - fs/nvs: if closing ATE has to high offset NVS iterates up to the end of flash.
GitHub #34372 - CPU Lockups when using own Log Backend
GitHub #34369 - Driver esp for wifi got a dead lock.
GitHub #34368 - Cmake’s Python path breaks after using west build –pristine
GitHub #34363 - k_work: incorrect return values for synchronous cancel
GitHub #34355 - LittleFS sample code catch an “undefined symbol ‘ITCM_ADDR’ referenced in expression” in linker step
GitHub #34345 - samples/net/civetweb/websocket_server fails to build
GitHub #34342 - No output on SWO pin (STM32L4)
GitHub #34341 - SWO logging and DWT timing collision
GitHub #34329 - lwm2m: pmin and pmax attributes should be optional
GitHub #34325 - hal: microchip: Missing Wake bit definitions
GitHub #34309 - unable to connect to azure iot hub via mqtt protocol
GitHub #34308 - SPI transceive function only transmitting first tx_buffer on Sifive’s MCU
GitHub #34304 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run tests/kernel/queue/ failed on ADSP
GitHub #34295 - TensorFlow Lite Micro Module
GitHub #34280 - Add USB to LPCXpresso55S69 board
GitHub #34275 - drivers: led_pwm: Improper label assignment
GitHub #34272 - twister: Add memory footprint info to json report
GitHub #34270 - NVS read after consecutive restarts.
GitHub #34265 - BME280 Pressure calculation
GitHub #34264 - CI: twister: Add merged report from all sub-builds to buildkite build artifacts
GitHub #34262 - Unable to find detailed documentation on pinmux driver development
GitHub #34249 - Unable to initialize on STM32F103RE + Quectel EC21 using BG9x driver
GitHub #34246 - LoRa driver sending opcode of commands without parameters
GitHub #34234 - UART NS16550 Underflow Issue During Clearing Port
GitHub #34233 - OpenThread build issues
GitHub #34231 - uzlib (decompression library)
GitHub #34229 - C++ Exception Support in qemu_riscv32 emulation
GitHub #34225 - BBC micro:bit v1.5 LSM303AGR-ACCEL
GitHub #34216 - Using nrfx_gpiote library with spi(nrf52840)
GitHub #34214 - codes reference weak variable are optimized out
GitHub #34209 - BLE Mesh Provisioning generates value 0 outside of Specification for Blink, Beep, or Vibrate
GitHub #34206 - Question: Is zephyrproject actively maintaining the windows-curses sub-project?
GitHub #34202 - MPU Fault when running central coded bluetooth and ENC28J60 dhcpv4_client
GitHub #34201 - Fatal error when perform “bt phy-update” if there is not any connections at ./tests/bluetooth/shell
GitHub #34197 - samples: telnet: Tab completion not working in telnet shell
GitHub #34196 - st_lis2mdl: LSM303AGR-MAGN not detected
GitHub #34190 - Newbie: Simple C++ List App Builds for QEMU but not Native Posix Emulation
GitHub #34184 - video samples fail to build
GitHub #34178 - apds9960 sensor sample does not build on STM32
GitHub #34165 - SNTP fails to close the used socket
GitHub #34154 - AArch64 PR reviews and merges are lagging behind
GitHub #34152 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run tests/kernel/smp/ failed on ADSP
GitHub #34149 - Invalid link in Zephyr document to ACRN page
GitHub #34145 - Convert NXP kinetis boards to have pindata in devicetree
GitHub #34134 - USB do not works if bootloader badly use the device before
GitHub #34117 - ehl_crb: tests/kernel/context tests failed
GitHub #34116 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: tests/kernel/mutex/sys_mutex/
GitHub #34107 - Convert tests/benchmarks/mbedtls/src/benchmark.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34106 - Convert tests/kernel/pending/src/main.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34104 - Convert tests/benchmarks/footprints/src/workq.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34103 - Convert drivers/console/uart_mux.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34102 - Convert drivers/serial/uart_sam0.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34101 - Convert subsys/mgmt to new kwork API
GitHub #34100 - Convert subsys/shell/shell_telnet to new kwork API
GitHub #34099 - Convert subsys/tracing/cpu_stats.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34098 - Convert samples/drivers/led_sx1509b_intensity to new kwork API
GitHub #34097 - Convert samples/boards/reel_board/mesh_badge to new kwork API
GitHub #34096 - Convert samples nrf clock_skew to new kwork API
GitHub #34095 - Convert CAN to new kwork API
GitHub #34094 - Convert ubsys/ipc/rpmsg_service/rpmsg_backend.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34093 - Convert bluetooth to new kwork API
GitHub #34092 - Convert usb to new kwork API
GitHub #34091 - Convert uart_stm32.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34090 - Convert video_sw_generator.c to new kwork API
GitHub #34082 - Bullets are broken in documentation
GitHub #34076 - Unrecognized characters generated during document construction
GitHub #34068 - DOC BUILD FAIL
GitHub #34046 - Failed to build arm64 architecture related board
GitHub #34045 - samples: subsys: mgmt: smp_srv: UDP sample does not boot on frdm_k64f
GitHub #34026 - RISCV32 QEMU illegal instruction exception / floating point support
GitHub #34023 - test_prevent_interruption has wrong data type for key
GitHub #34014 - Toolchain Compile Error of RISC-V(rv32m1-vega board)
GitHub #34011 - NRF52840 DTS questions
GitHub #34010 - [Coverity CID: 220531] Copy into fixed size buffer in tests/net/socket/misc/src/main.c
GitHub #34009 - [Coverity CID: 220532] Unrecoverable parse warning in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_peripheral_iso.c
GitHub #34008 - [Coverity CID: 220533] Improper use of negative value in tests/net/socket/misc/src/main.c
GitHub #34007 - [Coverity CID: 220534] Out-of-bounds access in tests/arch/arm/arm_no_multithreading/src/main.c
GitHub #34006 - [Coverity CID: 220535] Dereference before null check in subsys/net/l2/virtual/virtual.c
GitHub #34005 - [Coverity CID: 220536] Pointer to local outside scope in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #34004 - [Coverity CID: 220537] Uninitialized pointer read in tests/net/virtual/src/main.c
GitHub #34003 - [Coverity CID: 220538] Logically dead code in subsys/net/l2/virtual/virtual.c
GitHub #34002 - [Coverity CID: 220539] Improper use of negative value in tests/net/socket/misc/src/main.c
GitHub #34001 - [Coverity CID: 220540] Uninitialized scalar variable in samples/drivers/flash_shell/src/main.c
GitHub #34000 - [Coverity CID: 220541] Dereference before null check in subsys/net/lib/capture/capture.c
GitHub #33986 - TCP stack doesn’t handle data received in FIN_WAIT_1
GitHub #33983 - example-application module: add trivial driver
GitHub #33981 - example-application module: add board zxa_board_stub
GitHub #33978 - MCP2515 wrong BRP value
GitHub #33977 - Question: How best to contribute drivers upstream?
GitHub #33974 - The stm32wb55rc MCU does not operate on zephyr
GitHub #33969 - Hardfault error caused by ARM Cortex m0 non-4-byte alignment
GitHub #33968 - ESP32 Porting GSM Module Compile Error
GitHub #33967 - The printed total size differs from calculated from .json
GitHub #33966 - STM32: I-cache & D-cache
GitHub #33965 - example-application module: add trivial project
GitHub #33956 - tests: kernel: fpu: Several tests related to fpu fail on nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuappns
GitHub #33954 - I2C scan in UART shell is not detecting any I2C devices on ESP32
GitHub #33951 - periodic_adv not working with nRF5340 DK
GitHub #33950 - periodic_adv not working with nRF5340 DK
GitHub #33929 - subsys: logging: Sample app doesn’t build if using Werror and logging with latest SDK
GitHub #33925 - Rework hl7800 driver to use new work queue APIs
GitHub #33923 - GSM modem automatic operation selection mode problems
GitHub #33911 - test:twr_ke18f: tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api - kernel_threads_sched_userspace cases meet out our space
GitHub #33904 - having issue compile a shell program and it is bug likely
GitHub #33898 - intel_adsp_cavs15: running testcases failed tests/kernel/workq/work on adsp
GitHub #33897 - Bluetooth: extended advertising can’t restart after connection
GitHub #33896 - Device tree: STM32L4 defines can1 node for chips which do not support CAN peripheral
GitHub #33895 - Device tree: STM32L412 and STM32L422 are missing nodes
GitHub #33890 - Continuous Integration check patch false warnings
GitHub #33874 - twister: Add skip as error feature
GitHub #33868 - Bluetooth: controller: connectable advertisement disable race condition
GitHub #33866 - uart: TX_DONE occurs before transmission is complete.
GitHub #33860 - DEPRECATED, a replacement suggestion should be found somewhere
GitHub #33858 - tests: ztest: test trigger_fault_access from tests/ztest/error_hook fails on em_starterkit_em7d_v22
GitHub #33857 - atomic xtensa build fail
GitHub #33843 - ESP32 example does not connect to WiFi
GitHub #33840 - [Coverity CID: 220301] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33839 - [Coverity CID: 220302] Uninitialized scalar variable in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_link_format.c
GitHub #33838 - [Coverity CID: 220304] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33837 - [Coverity CID: 220305] Logically dead code in drivers/gpio/gpio_nrfx.c
GitHub #33836 - [Coverity CID: 220306] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33835 - [Coverity CID: 220309] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33834 - [Coverity CID: 220310] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33833 - [Coverity CID: 220311] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33832 - [Coverity CID: 220312] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33831 - [Coverity CID: 220313] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/services/ots/ots_obj_manager.c
GitHub #33830 - [Coverity CID: 220314] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/bluetooth/services/ots/ots_dir_list.c
GitHub #33829 - [Coverity CID: 220315] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33828 - [Coverity CID: 220316] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33827 - [Coverity CID: 220317] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/pipe/pipe_api/src/test_pipe_contexts.c
GitHub #33826 - [Coverity CID: 220318] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33825 - [Coverity CID: 220319] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33824 - [Coverity CID: 220320] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33823 - [Coverity CID: 220321] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33822 - [Coverity CID: 220413] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33821 - [Coverity CID: 220414] Unused value in tests/subsys/logging/log_backend_fs/src/log_fs_test.c
GitHub #33820 - [Coverity CID: 220415] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/posix/common/src/pthread.c
GitHub #33819 - [Coverity CID: 220417] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_core.c
GitHub #33818 - [Coverity CID: 220418] Destination buffer too small in subsys/modbus/modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33817 - [Coverity CID: 220419] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #33816 - [Coverity CID: 220420] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/modbus/src/test_modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33815 - [Coverity CID: 220421] Incorrect sizeof expression in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33814 - [Coverity CID: 220422] Extra argument to printf format specifier in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33813 - [Coverity CID: 220423] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/l2/ppp/ppp_l2.c
GitHub #33812 - [Coverity CID: 220424] Out-of-bounds access in drivers/watchdog/wdt_mcux_imx_wdog.c
GitHub #33811 - [Coverity CID: 220425] Destination buffer too small in tests/subsys/modbus/src/test_modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33810 - [Coverity CID: 220426] Out-of-bounds access in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #33809 - [Coverity CID: 220427] Unchecked return value in tests/posix/common/src/pthread.c
GitHub #33808 - [Coverity CID: 220428] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vocs.c
GitHub #33807 - [Coverity CID: 220429] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/l2/ppp/ppp_l2.c
GitHub #33806 - [Coverity CID: 220430] Operands don’t affect result in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #33805 - [Coverity CID: 220431] Extra argument to printf format specifier in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33804 - [Coverity CID: 220432] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/l2/ethernet/ethernet.c
GitHub #33803 - [Coverity CID: 220433] Printf arg count mismatch in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33802 - [Coverity CID: 220434] Resource leak in tests/lib/mem_alloc/src/main.c
GitHub #33801 - [Coverity CID: 220435] Extra argument to printf format specifier in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33800 - [Coverity CID: 220436] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33799 - [Coverity CID: 220437] Wrong size argument in tests/lib/mem_alloc/src/main.c
GitHub #33798 - [Coverity CID: 220438] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vocs_client.c
GitHub #33797 - [Coverity CID: 220439] Destination buffer too small in tests/subsys/modbus/src/test_modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33796 - [Coverity CID: 220440] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/modbus/src/test_modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33795 - [Coverity CID: 220441] Untrusted loop bound in subsys/modbus/modbus_client.c
GitHub #33794 - [Coverity CID: 220442] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #33793 - [Coverity CID: 220443] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/modbus/src/test_modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33792 - [Coverity CID: 220444] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33791 - [Coverity CID: 220445] Unchecked return value in subsys/logging/log_backend_fs.c
GitHub #33790 - [Coverity CID: 220446] Printf arg count mismatch in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33789 - [Coverity CID: 220447] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33788 - [Coverity CID: 220448] Out-of-bounds access in tests/subsys/modbus/src/test_modbus_raw.c
GitHub #33787 - [Coverity CID: 220449] Unused value in tests/subsys/logging/log_backend_fs/src/log_fs_test.c
GitHub #33786 - [Coverity CID: 220450] Untrusted loop bound in subsys/modbus/modbus_client.c
GitHub #33785 - [Coverity CID: 220451] Resource leak in tests/lib/mem_alloc/src/main.c
GitHub #33784 - [Coverity CID: 220452] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/l2/ethernet/ethernet.c
GitHub #33783 - [Coverity CID: 220453] Extra argument to printf format specifier in tests/lib/sprintf/src/main.c
GitHub #33768 - Rpmsg initialisation on nRF53 may fail
GitHub #33765 - Regular loss of a few connection intervals
GitHub #33761 - Documentation: K_WORK_DEFINE usage is not shown in workqueue doc
GitHub #33754 - xtensa sys timer Interrupt bug?
GitHub #33745 - west attach
silently downgrades to debugserver
for openocd runner
GitHub #33729 - flash_write() in STM32L0 MCU throws hard fault
GitHub #33727 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: multiple tests failed due to assertion failure at kernel/sched.c:841
GitHub #33726 - test:mimxrt1010_evk: tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api - kernel_threads_sched_userspace cases meet out our space
GitHub #33721 - STM32 serial driver configure api doesn’t set correct datalength when even or odd parity is used.
GitHub #33712 - kernel/poll: no error happened when mutil-threads poll a same event at a same time.
GitHub #33702 - cfb sample build error for esp32 when SSD1306 is enabled
GitHub #33697 - dts:dt-bindings No OCTOSPIM dt-bindings available for stm32h723
GitHub #33693 - cmake -E env: unknown option ‘-Wno-unique_unit_address_if_enabled’
GitHub #33667 - tests: kernel: timer: Test timeout_abs from tests/kernel/timer/timer_api hangs causing test scenarios to fail
GitHub #33665 - tests: kernel: timer_api fails with hard fault in CONFIG_TICKLESS_KERNEL
GitHub #33662 - Make twister dig deeper in directory structure to find additional .yaml files
GitHub #33658 - Question: How is NUM_IRQS determined for example for STM32F401xC
GitHub #33655 - Add support for board: Nucleo-L412RB-P
GitHub #33646 - Expose net_ipv4_create, net_ipv6_create, and net_udp_create in standard header
GitHub #33645 - Random MAC after RESET - NRF52832
GitHub #33641 - API Meeting Minutes
GitHub #33635 - subsys/ipc/openamp sample on QEMU not working when debugging
GitHub #33633 - NXP imx rt1064 evk: Application does not boot when flash/flexSPI driver is enabled
GitHub #33629 - tests: subsys: logging: Tests from /tests/subsys/logging/log_backend_fs fail on nrf52840dk
GitHub #33625 - NVS: replace dev_name parameter by device reference in nvs_init()
GitHub #33612 - Add support to get adv address of a per_adv_sync object and lookup per_adv_sync object from adv address
GitHub #33610 - ARC: add ARCv3 HS6x support
GitHub #33609 - Question about memory usage of the binary zephyr.exe
GitHub #33600 - Master is broken at build-time when SRAM is mapped at an high address
GitHub #33593 - acrn_ehl_crb: general tests and samples execution slowdown
GitHub #33591 - wordlist (kobject hash) is not generated correctly when using high addresses for SRAM on 64-bit platforms
GitHub #33590 - nrf: Debugging any test fails when CORTEX_M_DEBUG_NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION_DETECTION_DWT is enabled
GitHub #33589 - SSD1306 driver no longer works for I2C displays
GitHub #33583 - nRF SPI CS control: CS set / release delay is longer than configured
GitHub #33572 - <err> esp_event: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED for wifi sample for esp32 board
GitHub #33568 - Test tests/arch/x86/info fails for ehl_crb
GitHub #33567 - sof: framework is redefnining MAX, MIN to version with limited capabilities
GitHub #33559 - pin setting error on frdm_kl25z boards
GitHub #33558 - qemu_cortex_a53_smp and qemu_x86_64 failed in tests/kernel/condvar/condvar while enabling for SMP
GitHub #33557 - there is no network interface to work with for wifi sample for esp32 board
GitHub #33551 - tests: SMP: Two threads synchronize failed using mutex or semaphore while both doing irq_lock()
GitHub #33549 - xt-xcc unknown field ‘obj’ specified in initializer
GitHub #33548 - xt-xcc does not support deprecated attribute
GitHub #33545 - ehl_crb: tests/arch/x86/info failed.
GitHub #33544 - ehl_crb: portability.posix.common.posix_realtime failed.
GitHub #33543 - ehl_crb: tests/subsys/edac/ibecc failed.
GitHub #33542 - reel_board: samples/subsys/usb/hid/ timeout failure
GitHub #33539 - ehl_crb: tests/kernel/mem_heap/mheap_api_concept failed.
GitHub #33529 - adafruit_feather_nrf52840 dts not setting I2C controller compat (was: SSD1306 DTS properties not being generated in devicetree_unfixed.h)
GitHub #33526 - boards: Optimal way to have customized dts for my project.
GitHub #33525 - ST Nucleo G071RB board support issue
GitHub #33524 - minor: kswap.h is included twice in kernel/init.c
GitHub #33523 - Bossac runner flashes at an incorrect offset
GitHub #33516 - socket: tcp application crashes when there are no more net buffers in case of reception
GitHub #33515 - arm64/mmu: Are you sure it’s OK to use atomic_cas before the MMU is initialized?
GitHub #33512 - build: build target is always out-of-date
GitHub #33509 - samples: tests: watchdog: samples/subsys/task_wdt breaks nrf platforms performace
GitHub #33505 - WS2812 SPI LED driver with DMA on nrf52 bad SPI data
GitHub #33498 - west: Question on west flash --hex-file
behavior with build.dir-fmt
GitHub #33491 - fwrite() function will cause the program to crash when wrong parameters passed
GitHub #33488 - Ring buffer makes it hard to discard items
GitHub #33479 - disk_access_spi_sdhc: Missing stop/end bit
GitHub #33475 - Need to add device node for UART10 in dts/arm/st/h7/stm32h723.dtsi
GitHub #33464 - SYS_INIT initialize priority “2-9” ordering error
GitHub #33459 - Divide zero exception is not enabled in ARC
GitHub #33457 - Fail to build ARC zephyr with MetaWare toolchain
GitHub #33456 - lorawan: unconfirmed messages leave stack in busy state
GitHub #33426 - a few failures with CONFIG_HCI_ACL_DATA_SIZE in nightly builds
GitHub #33424 - tests: ztest: Test from tests/ztest/error_hook fails on nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuappns
GitHub #33423 - tests: portability: tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2 fails on nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuappns
GitHub #33422 - samples/subsys/usb/dfu/sample.usb.dfu fails on multiple platforms in daily build
GitHub #33421 - Add BT_LE_FEAT_BIT_PER_ADV checks for periodic advertising commands
GitHub #33403 - trigger_fault_divide_zero test case didn’t run divide instruction
GitHub #33381 - West debug does not work with Bluetooth shell and nRF52840 DK
GitHub #33378 - Extended advertising switch on / switch off loop impossible
GitHub #33374 - Network interface routines are not thread safe
GitHub #33371 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api/ failed
GitHub #33365 - Add STM32H7 Series USB Device Support
GitHub #33363 - Properly indicate ISR number in SystemView
GitHub #33356 - Using AT HOST fails build
GitHub #33353 - work: k_work_schedule from running work item does not schedule
GitHub #33352 - Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense constantly resetting.
GitHub #33351 - uart peripheral outputs 7 bits when configured in 8 bits + parity on stm32
GitHub #33348 - ip/dhcpv4 is not thread-safe in SMP/preemptive thread configurations
GitHub #33342 - disco_l475_iot1: Multiple definitions of z_timer_cycle_get_32, etc.
GitHub #33339 - API/functions to get remaining free heap size
GitHub #33330 - Poll on DTLS socket returns -EAGAIN if bind & receive any data.
GitHub #33326 - The gpio-map for adafruit_feather_stm32f405 looks like it contains conflicts
GitHub #33324 - Using bluetooth hci_usb sample, and set periodic adv enable, but bluez still shows no command supported
GitHub #33322 - Questions on ztest : 1) Can twister/ztests run on windows? 2) Project structure
GitHub #33319 - Kernel doesn’t validate lock state on swap
GitHub #33318 - [Coverity CID: 219722] Resource leak in tests/lib/mem_alloc/src/main.c
GitHub #33317 - [Coverity CID: 219727] Improper use of negative value in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/main.c
GitHub #33316 - [Coverity CID: 219724] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/queue/src/test_queue_contexts.c
GitHub #33315 - [Coverity CID: 219723] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/queue/src/test_queue_contexts.c
GitHub #33314 - [Coverity CID: 219726] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/lifo/lifo_usage/src/main.c
GitHub #33313 - [Coverity CID: 219728] Untrusted array index read in subsys/bluetooth/host/iso.c
GitHub #33312 - [Coverity CID: 219721] Untrusted array index read in subsys/bluetooth/host/iso.c
GitHub #33311 - [Coverity CID: 219729] Logically dead code in lib/os/cbprintf_packaged.c
GitHub #33303 - __ASSERT does not display message or register info in v2.5.0
GitHub #33291 - Using both NET_SOCKETS_SOCKOPT_TLS and POSIX_API fails build
GitHub #33280 - drivers: serial: nrf uarte: The application receives one more byte that was received over UART
GitHub #33273 - The z_smp_reacquire_global_lock() internal API is not used any where inside zephyr code base
GitHub #33269 - ILI9341 (ILI9XXX) set orientation function fails to update the display area correctly
GitHub #33265 - Power Management Overhaul
GitHub #33261 - gatt_notify too slow on Broadcast
GitHub #33253 - STM32G4 with USB-C PD: Some pins cannot be used as input by default
GitHub #33239 - lib/rbtree: Remove dead case in rb_remove()
GitHub #33238 - tests: drivers: pwm api fails on many boards
GitHub #33233 - uart9 missing from <st/h7/stm32h7.dtsi>
GitHub #33218 - Incorrect documentation CONFIG_LOG_STRDUP_MAX_STRING
GitHub #33213 - Configuring a project with a sub-project (e.g. nRF5340) and an overlay causes an infinite configuring loop
GitHub #33212 - GUI configuration system (ninja menuconfig) exists with an error when the windows key is pressed
GitHub #33208 - cbprintf: Package size calculation is using best case alignment
GitHub #33207 - twister: Add option to load list with quarantined tests
GitHub #33203 - Bluetooth: host: ISO: Missing terminate reason in ISO disconnected callback
GitHub #33200 - USB CDC ACM sample application fails to compile
GitHub #33196 - I2C doesn’t work on STM32F103RE
GitHub #33185 - TCP traffic with IPSP sample not working on 96Boards Nitrogen
GitHub #33176 - tests: kernel: Multiple test cases from tests/kernel/workq/work_queue are failing
GitHub #33173 - tests/kernel/workq/work_queue fails on sam_e70_xplained
GitHub #33171 - Create Renesas HAL
GitHub #33169 - STM32 SPI Driver - Transmit (MOSI) Only - Infinite Loop on Tranceive
GitHub #33168 - CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE=64 doesn’t work
GitHub #33164 - Newlib has no synchronization
GitHub #33153 - west flash cannot find OpenOCD
GitHub #33149 - subsys: canbus: canopen EDSEditor / libedssharp version that works with Zephyr’s CANopenNode
GitHub #33147 - Not able to build blinky or set toolchain to zephyr
GitHub #33142 - fs_mount for FAT FS does not distingush between no file system and other errors
GitHub #33140 - STM32H7: Bus fault when reading corrupt flash sectors
GitHub #33138 - invalid west cmake diagnostics when using board alias
GitHub #33137 - Enabling DHCP without NET_MGMT shouldn’t be allowed
GitHub #33127 - Improve documentation user experience
GitHub #33122 - Device-level Cache API
GitHub #33120 - iotdk: running testcase tests/kernel/mbox/mbox_api/ failed
GitHub #33114 - tests: mbox_api: testcase test_mbox_data_get_null has some bugs.
GitHub #33104 - Updating Zephyr to fix Work Queue Problems
GitHub #33101 - DNS resolver misbehaves if receiving response too late
GitHub #33100 - tcp2 not working with ppp
GitHub #33097 - Coverity ID links in associated GitHub issues are broken
GitHub #33096 - [Coverity CID :215373] Unchecked return value in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rd_client.c
GitHub #33095 - [Coverity CID :215379] Out-of-bounds write in subsys/mgmt/osdp/src/osdp_cp.c
GitHub #33094 - [Coverity CID :215381] Resource leak in samples/net/mdns_responder/src/service.c
GitHub #33093 - [Coverity CID :215391] Unchecked return value from library in samples/net/mdns_responder/src/service.c
GitHub #33092 - [Coverity CID :215392] Logically dead code in subsys/mgmt/osdp/src/osdp_cp.c
GitHub #33091 - [Coverity CID :219474] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_scan.c
GitHub #33090 - [Coverity CID :219476] Dereference after null check in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_conn.c
GitHub #33089 - [Coverity CID :219556] Self assignment in drivers/espi/host_subs_npcx.c
GitHub #33088 - [Coverity CID :219558] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33087 - [Coverity CID :219559] Out-of-bounds access in tests/arch/arm/arm_interrupt/src/arm_interrupt.c
GitHub #33086 - [Coverity CID :219561] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33085 - [Coverity CID :219562] Out-of-bounds access in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/gatt.c
GitHub #33084 - [Coverity CID :219563] Dereference after null check in arch/x86/core/multiboot.c
GitHub #33083 - [Coverity CID :219564] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #33082 - [Coverity CID :219566] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33081 - [Coverity CID :219572] Untrusted value as argument in tests/net/lib/coap/src/main.c
GitHub #33080 - [Coverity CID :219573] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_client/src/coap-client.c
GitHub #33079 - [Coverity CID :219574] Side effect in assertion in tests/subsys/edac/ibecc/src/ibecc.c
GitHub #33078 - [Coverity CID :219576] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33077 - [Coverity CID :219579] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/ipm/ipm_nrfx_ipc.c
GitHub #33076 - [Coverity CID :219583] Operands don’t affect result in drivers/clock_control/clock_control_npcx.c
GitHub #33075 - [Coverity CID :219588] Out-of-bounds access in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/gatt.c
GitHub #33074 - [Coverity CID :219590] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy.c
GitHub #33073 - [Coverity CID :219591] Untrusted divisor in drivers/sensor/bme680/bme680.c
GitHub #33072 - [Coverity CID :219593] Logically dead code in tests/arch/x86/pagetables/src/main.c
GitHub #33071 - [Coverity CID :219595] Dereference before null check in subsys/net/ip/net_context.c
GitHub #33070 - [Coverity CID :219596] Out-of-bounds read in tests/kernel/interrupt/src/dynamic_isr.c
GitHub #33069 - [Coverity CID :219597] Untrusted value as argument in tests/net/lib/coap/src/main.c
GitHub #33068 - [Coverity CID :219598] Out-of-bounds access in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/gatt.c
GitHub #33067 - [Coverity CID :219600] Unchecked return value in drivers/watchdog/wdt_wwdg_stm32.c
GitHub #33066 - [Coverity CID :219601] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33065 - [Coverity CID :219603] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33064 - [Coverity CID :219608] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33063 - [Coverity CID :219609] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33062 - [Coverity CID :219610] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33061 - [Coverity CID :219611] Dereference after null check in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
GitHub #33060 - [Coverity CID :219613] Uninitialized scalar variable in lib/cmsis_rtos_v1/cmsis_signal.c
GitHub #33059 - [Coverity CID :219615] Out-of-bounds access in tests/arch/arm/arm_irq_advanced_features/src/arm_zero_latency_irqs.c
GitHub #33058 - [Coverity CID :219616] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/coap/coap_link_format.c
GitHub #33057 - [Coverity CID :219619] Untrusted divisor in subsys/bluetooth/controller/hci/hci.c
GitHub #33056 - [Coverity CID :219620] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33055 - [Coverity CID :219621] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/net/socket/getaddrinfo/src/main.c
GitHub #33054 - [Coverity CID :219622] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/coap/coap.c
GitHub #33053 - [Coverity CID :219623] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/ipm/ipm_nrfx_ipc.c
GitHub #33051 - [Coverity CID :219625] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy.c
GitHub #33050 - [Coverity CID :219628] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #33049 - [Coverity CID :219629] Operands don’t affect result in drivers/clock_control/clock_control_npcx.c
GitHub #33048 - [Coverity CID :219631] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/espi/espi_npcx.c
GitHub #33047 - [Coverity CID :219634] Out-of-bounds access in tests/net/lib/dns_addremove/src/main.c
GitHub #33046 - [Coverity CID :219636] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #33045 - [Coverity CID :219637] Untrusted value as argument in tests/net/lib/coap/src/main.c
GitHub #33044 - [Coverity CID :219638] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33043 - [Coverity CID :219641] Out-of-bounds access in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/gatt.c
GitHub #33042 - [Coverity CID :219644] Side effect in assertion in tests/subsys/edac/ibecc/src/ibecc.c
GitHub #33040 - [Coverity CID :219646] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/coap/coap.c
GitHub #33039 - [Coverity CID :219647] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33038 - [Coverity CID :219649] Operands don’t affect result in kernel/sem.c
GitHub #33037 - [Coverity CID :219650] Out-of-bounds access in samples/bluetooth/central_ht/src/main.c
GitHub #33036 - [Coverity CID :219651] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/net.c
GitHub #33035 - [Coverity CID :219652] Unchecked return value in drivers/gpio/gpio_stm32.c
GitHub #33034 - [Coverity CID :219653] Unchecked return value in drivers/modem/hl7800.c
GitHub #33033 - [Coverity CID :219654] Out-of-bounds access in tests/net/lib/dns_addremove/src/main.c
GitHub #33032 - [Coverity CID :219656] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/kernel/threads/thread_stack/src/main.c
GitHub #33031 - [Coverity CID :219658] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_client/src/coap-client.c
GitHub #33030 - [Coverity CID :219659] Side effect in assertion in tests/subsys/edac/ibecc/src/ibecc.c
GitHub #33029 - [Coverity CID :219660] Untrusted divisor in drivers/sensor/bme680/bme680.c
GitHub #33028 - [Coverity CID :219661] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #33027 - [Coverity CID :219662] Inequality comparison against NULL in lib/os/cbprintf_packaged.c
GitHub #33026 - [Coverity CID :219666] Out-of-bounds access in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/gatt.c
GitHub #33025 - [Coverity CID :219667] Untrusted value as argument in tests/net/lib/coap/src/main.c
GitHub #33024 - [Coverity CID :219668] Dereference after null check in drivers/espi/host_subs_npcx.c
GitHub #33023 - [Coverity CID :219669] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/mgmt/updatehub/updatehub.c
GitHub #33022 - [Coverity CID :219672] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_server/src/coap-server.c
GitHub #33021 - [Coverity CID :219673] Untrusted value as argument in samples/net/sockets/coap_client/src/coap-client.c
GitHub #33020 - [Coverity CID :219675] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in kernel/include/mmu.h
GitHub #33019 - [Coverity CID :219676] Unchecked return value in drivers/modem/wncm14a2a.c
GitHub #33018 - [Coverity CID :219677] Logically dead code in drivers/timer/npcx_itim_timer.c
GitHub #33009 - kernel: k_heap failures on small heaps
GitHub #33001 - stm32: window watchdog (wwdg): setup of prescaler not valid for newer series
GitHub #33000 - stm32: window watchdog (wwdg): invalid interrupts priority for CM0 Series Socs
GitHub #32996 - SPI speed when using SDHC via SPI in Zephyr
GitHub #32994 - Question: Possible simplification in mutex.h?
GitHub #32975 - Where should a few include/ headers live
GitHub #32969 - Wrong board target in microbit v2 documentation
GitHub #32966 - frdm_k64f: Run some testcases timeout failed by using twister
GitHub #32963 - USB device is not supported by qemu_x86 platform
GitHub #32961 - [Coverity CID :219478] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_filter.c
GitHub #32960 - [Coverity CID :219479] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/l2/bluetooth/bluetooth.c
GitHub #32959 - [Coverity CID :219480] Out-of-bounds read in lib/os/cbprintf_nano.c
GitHub #32958 - [Coverity CID :219481] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll_adv_aux.c
GitHub #32957 - [Coverity CID :219483] Improper use of negative value in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32956 - [Coverity CID :219484] Out-of-bounds access in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32955 - [Coverity CID :219485] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull.c
GitHub #32954 - [Coverity CID :219486] Unrecoverable parse warning in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/src/mem_domain.c
GitHub #32953 - [Coverity CID :219487] Resource leak in tests/net/socket/getaddrinfo/src/main.c
GitHub #32952 - [Coverity CID :219488] Unrecoverable parse warning in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/src/mem_domain.c
GitHub #32951 - [Coverity CID :219489] Structurally dead code in tests/drivers/dma/loop_transfer/src/test_dma_loop.c
GitHub #32950 - [Coverity CID :219490] Unsigned compared against 0 in drivers/wifi/esp/esp.c
GitHub #32949 - [Coverity CID :219491] Resource leak in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
GitHub #32948 - [Coverity CID :219492] Out-of-bounds access in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32947 - [Coverity CID :219493] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/workq/work/src/main.c
GitHub #32946 - [Coverity CID :219494] Logically dead code in boards/xtensa/intel_s1000_crb/pinmux.c
GitHub #32945 - [Coverity CID :219495] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/api/src/main.c
GitHub #32944 - [Coverity CID :219497] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32943 - [Coverity CID :219498] Out-of-bounds access in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32942 - [Coverity CID :219499] Argument cannot be negative in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
GitHub #32941 - [Coverity CID :219501] Unchecked return value in subsys/net/l2/bluetooth/bluetooth.c
GitHub #32940 - [Coverity CID :219502] Improper use of negative value in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
GitHub #32939 - [Coverity CID :219504] Logically dead code in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #32938 - [Coverity CID :219508] Unchecked return value in lib/libc/minimal/source/stdlib/malloc.c
GitHub #32937 - [Coverity CID :219508] Unchecked return value in lib/libc/minimal/source/stdlib/malloc.c
GitHub #32936 - [Coverity CID :219509] Side effect in assertion in tests/net/socket/tcp/src/main.c
GitHub #32935 - [Coverity CID :219510] Improper use of negative value in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32934 - [Coverity CID :219511] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/kernel/mbox/mbox_api/src/test_mbox_api.c
GitHub #32933 - [Coverity CID :219512] Unrecoverable parse warning in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/src/mem_domain.c
GitHub #32932 - [Coverity CID :219513] Logically dead code in drivers/wifi/esp/esp.c
GitHub #32931 - [Coverity CID :219514] Out-of-bounds access in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32930 - [Coverity CID :219515] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_sched.c
GitHub #32929 - [Coverity CID :219516] Improper use of negative value in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32928 - [Coverity CID :219518] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/transport.c
GitHub #32927 - [Coverity CID :219519] Unchecked return value in drivers/ethernet/eth_sam_gmac.c
GitHub #32926 - [Coverity CID :219520] Unsigned compared against 0 in drivers/wifi/esp/esp.c
GitHub #32925 - [Coverity CID :219521] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/workq/work/src/main.c
GitHub #32924 - [Coverity CID :219522] Unchecked return value in tests/subsys/dfu/mcuboot/src/main.c
GitHub #32923 - [Coverity CID :219523] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_adv_sync.c
GitHub #32922 - [Coverity CID :219524] Logically dead code in drivers/wifi/esp/esp.c
GitHub #32921 - [Coverity CID :219525] Unchecked return value in tests/subsys/settings/functional/src/settings_basic_test.c
GitHub #32920 - [Coverity CID :219526] Operands don’t affect result in tests/boards/mec15xxevb_assy6853/qspi/src/main.c
GitHub #32919 - [Coverity CID :219527] Resource leak in tests/net/socket/getaddrinfo/src/main.c
GitHub #32918 - [Coverity CID :219528] Arguments in wrong order in tests/drivers/pwm/pwm_loopback/src/main.c
GitHub #32917 - [Coverity CID :219529] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_filter.c
GitHub #32916 - [Coverity CID :219530] Dereference before null check in drivers/modem/ublox-sara-r4.c
GitHub #32915 - [Coverity CID :219531] Improper use of negative value in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32914 - [Coverity CID :219532] Out-of-bounds access in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32913 - [Coverity CID :219535] Dereference after null check in drivers/sensor/icm42605/icm42605.c
GitHub #32912 - [Coverity CID :219536] Dereference before null check in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #32911 - [Coverity CID :219537] Out-of-bounds access in samples/boards/nrf/system_off/src/retained.c
GitHub #32910 - [Coverity CID :219538] Illegal address computation in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll_adv_aux.c
GitHub #32909 - [Coverity CID :219540] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_sched.c
GitHub #32908 - [Coverity CID :219541] Unused value in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ticker/ticker.c
GitHub #32907 - [Coverity CID :219542] Dereference null return value in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/heartbeat.c
GitHub #32906 - [Coverity CID :219543] Out-of-bounds access in samples/boards/nrf/mesh/onoff_level_lighting_vnd_app/src/smp_svr.c
GitHub #32905 - [Coverity CID :219544] Logically dead code in drivers/wifi/esp/esp.c
GitHub #32904 - [Coverity CID :219545] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_adv_aux.c
GitHub #32903 - [Coverity CID :219546] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/workq/work/src/main.c
GitHub #32902 - [Coverity CID :219547] Improper use of negative value in tests/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer/src/main.c
GitHub #32898 - Bluetooth: controller: Control PDU buffer leak into Data PDU buffer pool
GitHub #32877 - acrn: test case of kernel.timer and kernel.timer.tickless failed
GitHub #32875 - Benchmarking Zephyr vs. RIOT-OS
GitHub #32867 - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api does not start with stm32wb55 on nucleo
GitHub #32866 - bt_le_ext_adv_create returns -5 with 0x2036 opcode status 1
GitHub #32862 - MCUboot, use default UART_0 value for RECOVERY_UART_DEV_NAME
GitHub #32860 - Periodic advertising/synchronization on nRF52810
GitHub #32853 - lwm2m: uninitialized variable in this function
GitHub #32839 - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/test_timeout_abs still fails on multiple platforms
GitHub #32835 - twister: integration_platforms stopped working as it should
GitHub #32828 - tests: posix: Test case portability.posix.common.tls.newlib.posix_realtime fails on nrf9160dk_nrf9160
GitHub #32827 - question: Specify size of malloc arena
GitHub #32818 - Function z_swap_next_thread() missing coverage in sched.c
GitHub #32817 - Supporting fedora in the getting started docs
GitHub #32816 - ehl_crb: tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/timer_api/test_sleep_abs (kernel.timer.tickless) failed.
GitHub #32809 - Fail to build ARC zephyr with MetaWare toolchain
GitHub #32800 - Race conditions with setting thread attributes after z_ready_thread
GitHub #32798 - west flash fails for reel board
GitHub #32778 - Cannot support both HID boot report keyboard and mouse on a USB HID device
GitHub #32774 - Sensor BMI160: set of undersampling mode is not working
GitHub #32771 - STM32 with Ethernet crashes when receiving packets early
GitHub #32757 - Need openthread merge
GitHub #32755 - mcumgr: shell output gets truncated
GitHub #32745 - Bluetooth PAST shell command
GitHub #32742 - Bluetooth: GAP: LE connection complete event handling priority
GitHub #32741 - ARM32 / ARM64 separation
GitHub #32735 - Subsys: Logging: Functions purely to avoid compiling error affects test coverage
GitHub #32724 - qemu timer change introducing new CI failures
GitHub #32723 - kernel/sched: Only send IPI to abort a thread if the hardware supports it
GitHub #32721 - samples/bluetooth/periodic_adv/, print random address after every reset
GitHub #32720 - ./samples/microbit/central_eatt builds failed at v2.5.0 release
GitHub #32718 - NUCLEO-F446RE: Enable CAN Module
GitHub #32715 - async uart api not working on stm32 with dmamux
GitHub #32705 - KERNEL_COHERENCE on xtensa doesn’t quite work yet
GitHub #32702 - RAM overflow with bbc:microbit for samples/bluetooth/peripheral…
GitHub #32699 - Setting custom BOARD_ROOT raises FileNotFoundError
GitHub #32697 - sam_e70b_xplained: running tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed
GitHub #32696 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run testcases failed of tests/kernel/common
GitHub #32695 - intel_adsp_cavs15: cannot get output of some testcases
GitHub #32691 - Function z_find_first_thread_to_unpend() missing coverage in sched.c
GitHub #32688 - up_squared: tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed.
GitHub #32679 - twister with –device-testing sometimes overlaps tests
GitHub #32677 - z_user_string_nlen() might lead to non-recoverable errors, despite suggesting the opposite
GitHub #32657 - canopen sample wont respond on pdo mapping with CO_ODs from objdict.eds
GitHub #32656 - reel_board: tests/lib/devicetree/devices/ build failure
GitHub #32655 - reel_board: tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/ failure
GitHub #32644 - Cannot build any project with system-wide DTC
GitHub #32619 - samples: usb: audio: Samples for usb audio fail building
GitHub #32599 - bbc_microbit build failure is blocking CI
GitHub #32589 - ehl_crb: tests/kernel/context fails sporadically
GitHub #32581 - shell/usb cdc_acm: shell does not work on CDC_ACM
GitHub #32579 - Corrupt CBOR payloads in MCUMGR when sending multiple commands together
GitHub #32572 - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/test_timeout_abs fails on stm32 boards
GitHub #32566 - lwm2m: Long endpoint names are truncated due to short buffer
GitHub #32537 - Fatal error syscall_list.h
GitHub #32536 - Codec phy connection ASSERTION FAIL [event.curr.abort_cb]
GitHub #32515 - zephyr/kernel/thread.c:382 failed
GitHub #32514 - frdm_k64f:running testcase tests/subsys/debug/coredump/ and tests/subsys/debug/coredump_backends/ failed
GitHub #32513 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run testcases of fifo failed
GitHub #32512 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run testcases of queue failed
GitHub #32511 - Zephyr build fail with LLVM on Ubuntu for target ARC
GitHub #32509 - west build -p auto -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 samples/bluetooth/hci_uart FAILED with zephyr-v2.5.0
GitHub #32506 - k_sleep: Invalid return value when using absolute timeout.
GitHub #32499 - k_sleep duration is off by 1 tick
GitHub #32497 - No checks of buffer size in l2cap_chan_le_recv
GitHub #32492 - AArch64: Rework secure states (NS vs S) discussion
GitHub #32485 - CONFIG_NFCT_PINS_AS_GPIOS not in Kconfig.soc for nRF53
GitHub #32478 - twister: Twister cannot properly handle runners errors (flashing)
GitHub #32475 - twister error building mcux acmp driver
GitHub #32474 - pm: review post sleep wake up application notification scheduling
GitHub #32469 - Twister: potential race conditions.
GitHub #32468 - up_squared: tests/kernel/smp failed.
GitHub #32467 - x86_64: page fault with access violation error complaining supervisor thread not allowed to rwx
GitHub #32459 - the cbprintf unit tests don’t actually test all variations
GitHub #32457 - samples: drivers: espi: Need to handle failures in temperature retrieval
GitHub #32448 - C++ exceptions do not work on multiple platforms
GitHub #32445 - 2021 GSoC Project Idea: Transplantation for embarc_mli
GitHub #32444 - z_cstart bug
GitHub #32433 - pwm_stm32: warning: non-portable use of “defined”
GitHub #32431 - RTC driver support on STM32F1 series
GitHub #32429 - Only one PWM Channel supported in STM32L4 ?
GitHub #32420 - bbc_microbit_v2 build error for lis2dh
GitHub #32414 - [Coverity CID :218733] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/ztest/error_hook/src/main.c
GitHub #32413 - [Coverity CID :216799] Out-of-bounds access in tests/net/lib/dns_addremove/src/main.c
GitHub #32412 - [Coverity CID :216797] Dereference null return value in tests/net/6lo/src/main.c
GitHub #32411 - [Coverity CID :218744] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32410 - [Coverity CID :218743] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32409 - [Coverity CID :218742] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32408 - [Coverity CID :218741] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/att.c
GitHub #32407 - [Coverity CID :218740] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32406 - [Coverity CID :218737] Out-of-bounds write in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32405 - [Coverity CID :218735] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/att.c
GitHub #32404 - [Coverity CID :218734] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/smp.c
GitHub #32403 - [Coverity CID :218732] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/att.c
GitHub #32402 - [Coverity CID :218731] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/shell/gatt.c
GitHub #32401 - [Coverity CID :218730] Operands don’t affect result in subsys/bluetooth/host/conn.c
GitHub #32400 - [Coverity CID :218729] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32399 - [Coverity CID :218728] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32398 - [Coverity CID :218727] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #32397 - [Coverity CID :218726] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/att.c
GitHub #32385 - clock_control: int is returned on enum return value
GitHub #32382 - Clock issues for STM32F103RE custom board
GitHub #32376 - samples: driver: watchdog: Sample fails on disco_l475_iot1
GitHub #32375 - Networking stack crashes when run in cooperative scheduling mode only
GitHub #32365 - samples: hci_rpmsg build fail for nrf5340
GitHub #32344 - sporadic failure in tests/kernel/mem_protect/userspace/kernel.memory_protection.userspace
GitHub #32343 - openthread manual joiner hangs
GitHub #32342 - review use of cpsid in aarch32 / CONFIG_PM
GitHub #32331 - Use of unitialized variables in can_set_bitrate()
GitHub #32321 - /tmp/ccTlcyeD.s:242: Error: Unrecognized Symbol type ” “
GitHub #32320 - drivers: flash: stm32: Flush ART Flash cache after erase operation
GitHub #32314 - 2021 GSoC Project Idea: Enable Interactive Zephyr Test Suite
GitHub #32291 - Zephyr don’t build sample hello world for Particle Xenon
GitHub #32289 - USDHC: Fails after reset
GitHub #32279 - Question about flasing Adafruit Feather Sense with Zephyr
GitHub #32270 - TCP connection stalls
GitHub #32269 - shield: cmake: Shield conf is not loaded during build
GitHub #32265 - STM32F4 stuck handling I2C interrupt
GitHub #32261 - problem with CONFIG_STACK_SENTINEL
GitHub #32260 - STM32 counter driver error in estimating alarm time
GitHub #32258 - power mgmt: pm_devices: Get rid of z_pm_core_devices array
GitHub #32257 - Common DFU partition enumeration API
GitHub #32256 - Bluetooth mesh : Long friendship establishment after reset
GitHub #32252 - Building anything for nrf5340pdk_nrf5340_cpuappns/mps2_an521_ns(any non-secure platforms) pulls external git trees
GitHub #32237 - twister failing locally - fails to link native_posix w/lld
GitHub #32234 - Documentation: How to update Zephyr itself (with west)
GitHub #32233 - Often disconnect timeouts when running the BLE peripheral HR sample on Nitrogen96
GitHub #32224 - Treat devicetree binding deprecation usage as build error when running w/twister
GitHub #32212 - Tx power levels are not similar on ADV and CONN modes when set manually (nRF52)
GitHub #32206 - CMSIS-DSP support seems broken on link
GitHub #32205 - [misc] AArch64 improvements and fixes
GitHub #32203 - Cannot set static address when using hci_usb or hci_uart on nRF5340 attached to Linux Host
GitHub #32201 - arch_switch() on ARM64 isn’t quite right
GitHub #32197 - arch_switch() on SPARC isn’t quite right
GitHub #32195 - ARMv8-nofp support
GitHub #32193 - Plan to support raspberry pi Pico?
GitHub #32158 - twister: inconsistent total testcases number with same configuration
GitHub #32145 - kernel threads
and kernel stacks
deadlock in many scenarios
GitHub #32137 - Provide test execution times per ztest testcase
GitHub #32118 - drivers/flash/soc_flash_nrf: nRF anomaly 242 workaround is not implemented
GitHub #32098 - Implement a driver for the Microphone / audio sensor (MP23ABS1) in Sensotile.Box
GitHub #32084 - Custom Log Backend breaks performance
GitHub #32075 - net: lwm2m: Testing Strategy for LWM2M Engine
GitHub #32072 - tests/kernel/common seems to fail on nrf52833dk_nrf52833
GitHub #32071 - devicetree: bus:
does not work in child-binding
GitHub #32052 - p4wq has a race with work item re-use
GitHub #32023 - samples: bluetooth: peripheral_hids: Unable to communicate with paired device after board reset
GitHub #32000 - 2021 GSoC Call for Project Ideas - deadline Feb.19, 2021 12:00PM PST
GitHub #31985 - riscv: Long execution time when TICKLESS_KERNEL=y
GitHub #31982 - tests: kernel: queue: regression introduced by FPU sharing PR #31772
GitHub #31980 - Communicating with BMI160 chip over SPI
GitHub #31969 - test_tcp_fn:net2 mximxrt1060/1064/1050 fails on test_client_invalid_rst with semaphore timed out
GitHub #31964 - up_squared: tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed.
GitHub #31922 - hci_usb: HCI ACL packet with size divisible by 64 not sent
GitHub #31856 - power: device_pm_get_sync
not thread-safe
GitHub #31854 - undefined reference to sys_arch_reboot
GitHub #31829 - net: lwm2m: Update IPSO objects to version 1.1
GitHub #31799 - uart_configure does not return -ENOTSUP for stm32 uart with 9 bit data length.
GitHub #31774 - Add an application power management sample (PM_POLICY_APP)
GitHub #31762 - ivshmem application in acrn
GitHub #31761 - logging:buffer_write with len=0 causes kernel panic
GitHub #31757 - GCC compiler option should include ‘-mcpu=hs38’ for HSDK
GitHub #31742 - Bluetooth: BLE 5 data throughput to Linux host
GitHub #31721 - tests: nrf: posix: portability.posix.common.tls.newlib fails on nrf9160dk_nrf9160
GitHub #31711 - UART failure with CONFIG_UART_ASYNC_API
GitHub #31613 - Undefined reference errors when using External Library with k_msgq_* calls
GitHub #31588 - Bluetooth: Support for multiple connectable advertising sets with different identities.
GitHub #31585 - BMD345: Extended BLE range with PA/LNA
GitHub #31503 - drivers: i2c: i2c_nrfx_twim Power Consumption rises after I2C data transfer
GitHub #31416 - ARC MPU version number misuse ver3, should be ver4
GitHub #31348 - twister: CI: Run twister daily builds with “–overflow-as-errors”
GitHub #31323 - Compilation warning regards the SNTP subsys
GitHub #31299 - tests/kernel/mbox/mbox_usage failed on hsdk board
GitHub #31284 - [stm32] PM restore console after sleep mode
GitHub #31280 - devicetree: Add a macro to easily get optionnal devicetree GPIO properties
GitHub #31254 - Bluetooth: Extended advertising with one advertising set fails after the first time
GitHub #31248 - i2c shell functions non-functional on nRF53
GitHub #31217 - Multi-threading flash access is not supported by flash_write_protection_set()
GitHub #31191 - Samples: TF-M: Enable NS test app(s)
GitHub #31179 - iso bind
for slave not working as intended
GitHub #31169 - kconfig configuration (prj.conf) based on zephyr version
GitHub #31164 - Problem to build lorawan from samples
GitHub #31150 - tests/subsys/canbus/isotp/conformance: failing on nucleo_f746zg
GitHub #31149 - tests/subsys/canbus/isotp/implementation: failing on nucleo_f746zg
GitHub #31103 - CMSIS RTOS v2 API implementation bugs in osEventFlagsWait
GitHub #31058 - SWO log backend clock frequency is off on some CPUs
GitHub #31036 - BMI 160 i2c version not working. I modified to i2c in kconfig to make it use i2c.
GitHub #31031 - samples/bluetooth/mesh is not helpful
GitHub #30991 - Unable to add new i2c sensor to nrf/samples
GitHub #30943 - MPU fault with STM32L452
GitHub #30936 - tests: sockets: tcp: add a tls test
GitHub #30929 - PDM Driver for nrf52840dk
GitHub #30841 - How to disable reception of socket CAN frames
GitHub #30771 - Logging: Fault instruction address in the logging thread
GitHub #30770 - mps2_an521: no input to shell from Windows qemu host
GitHub #30618 - Add arduino header/spi support for HSDK board
GitHub #30544 - nrf5340 pwm “Unsupported board: pwm-led0 devicetree alias is not defined”
GitHub #30540 - CONFIG_TRACING not working after updating from v2.1.0 to 2.2.0
GitHub #30520 - recv() call to Ublox Sara R4 cant return 0
GitHub #30465 - Spurious interrupts not handled in ARMv7-R code with GICv2.
GitHub #30441 - hci_uart uses wrong BT_BUF_ACL_SIZE on dual chip solutions + multicore
GitHub #30429 - Thread Border Router with NRC/RCP sample and nrf52840dk not starting
GitHub #30416 - No restore possible with mesh shell app from /tests using qemu_x86 on RaspberryPi3
GitHub #30395 - Add possibility to use alternative list of platforms default for CI runs.
GitHub #30355 - Multiple vlan interfaces on same interface not working
GitHub #30353 - RFC: Logging subsystem overhaul
GitHub #30325 - Stack overflow with http post when using civetweb
GitHub #30204 - Support for Teensy 4.0 and 4.1
GitHub #30195 - Missing error check of device_get_binding() and flash_area_open()
GitHub #30192 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: running tests/subsys/power/power_mgmt_soc failed
GitHub #30162 - Build zephyr with Metaware toolchain for HSDK fails
GitHub #30121 - Make log subsystem power aware
GitHub #30101 - tests should not be silently skipped due to insufficient RAM
GitHub #30074 - Occasional Spinlocks on zephyr 2.4.0 (ASSERTION FAIL [z_spin_lock_valid(l)] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/include/spinlock.h:92)
GitHub #30055 - Memory corruption for newlib-nano with float printf and disabled heap
GitHub #29946 - SD card initialization is wrong
GitHub #29915 - eth: stm32h747i_disco: sem timeout and hang on debug build
GitHub #29798 - test spi loopback with dma fails on nucleo_f746zg
GitHub #29733 - SAM0 will wake up with interrupted execution after deep sleep
GitHub #29722 - West flash is not able to flash with openocd
GitHub #29689 - tests: drivers: gpio: gpio_basic_api: correct dts binding
GitHub #29610 - documentation says giving a semaphore can release IRQ lock
GitHub #29599 - gPTP: frdm_k64f : can not converge time
GitHub #29581 - LoRaWAN sample for 96b_wistrio - Tx timeout
GitHub #29545 - samples: tfm_integration: tfm_ipc: No module named ‘cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519’
GitHub #29526 - generic page pool for MMU-based systems
GitHub #29476 - Samples: TF-M: Add PSA FF API Sample
GitHub #29349 - Using float when driver init in RISC-V arch might cause system to get stuck.
GitHub #29224 - PTS: Test framework: Bluetooth: GATT/SR/GAC/BI-01-C - FAIL
GitHub #29107 - Bluetooth: hci-usb uses non-standard interfaces
GitHub #29038 - drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_native_posix_adapt.c sees weird commands and aborts
GitHub #28901 - implement searchable bitfields
GitHub #28900 - add support for memory un-mapping
GitHub #28873 - z_device_ready() lies
GitHub #28803 - Use generic config option for early platfrom init (AKA “warm boot”)
GitHub #28722 - Bluetooth: provide struct bt_conn
to ccc_changed callback
GitHub #28597 - Bluetooth: controller: Redesign the implementation/use of NODE_RX_TYPE_DC_PDU_RELEASE
GitHub #28551 - up_squared: samples/boards/up_squared/gpio_counter failed.
GitHub #28535 - RFC: Add lz4 Data Compresssion library Support
GitHub #28438 - Example downstream manifest+module repo in zephyrproject-rtos
GitHub #28249 - driver: espi: mchp: eSPI OOB driver does not support callbacks for incoming OOB messages from eSPI master.
GitHub #28105 - sporadic “Attempt to resume un-suspended thread object” faults on x86-64
GitHub #28096 - fatfs update to latest upstream version
GitHub #27855 - i2c bitbanging on nrf52840
GitHub #27697 - Add support for passing -nogui 1 to J-Link Commander on MS Windows
GitHub #27692 - Allow to select between advertising packet/scan response for BT LE device name
GitHub #27525 - Including STM32Cube’s USB PD support to Zephyr
GitHub #27484 - sanitycheck: Ease error interception from calling script
GitHub #27415 - Decide if we keep a single thread support (CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n) in Zephyr
GitHub #27356 - deep review and redesign of API for work queue functionality
GitHub #27203 - tests/subsys/storage/flash_map failure on twr_ke18f
GitHub #27048 - Improve out-of-tree driver experience
GitHub #27033 - Update terminology related to I2C
GitHub #27032 - zephyr network stack socket APIs are not thread safe
GitHub #27000 - Avoid oppressive language in code base
GitHub #26952 - SMP support on ARM64 platform
GitHub #26889 - subsys: power: Need syscall that allows to force sleep state
GitHub #26760 - Improve caching configuration and move it to be cross architecture
GitHub #26728 - Allow k_poll for multiple message queues
GitHub #26495 - Make k_poll work with KERNEL_COHERENCE
GitHub #26491 - PCIe: add API to get BAR region size
GitHub #26363 - samples: subsys: canbus: canopen: objdict: CO_OD.h is not normally made.
GitHub #26246 - Printing 64-bit values in LOG_DBG
GitHub #26172 - Zephyr Master/Slave not conforming with Core Spec. 5.2 connection policies
GitHub #26170 - HEXDUMP log gives warning when logging function name.
GitHub #26118 - Bluetooth: controller: nRF5x: refactor radio_nrf5_ppi.h
GitHub #25956 - Including header files from modules into app
GitHub #25865 - Device Tree Memory Layout
GitHub #25775 - [Coverity CID :210075] Negative array index write in samples/net/cloud/mqtt_azure/src/main.c
GitHub #25719 - sanitycheck log mixing between tests
GitHub #25601 - UART input does not work on mps2_an{385,521}
GitHub #25440 - Bluetooth: controller: ensure deferred PDU populations complete on time
GitHub #25389 - driver MMIO address range management
GitHub #25313 - samples:mimxrt1010_evk:samples/subsys/usb/audio: build error no usbd found
GitHub #25187 - Generic ethernet packet filtering based on link (MAC) address
GitHub #24986 - Convert dma_nios2_msgdma to DTS
GitHub #24731 - Bluetooth: controller: Network privacy not respected when address resolution is disabled
GitHub #24625 - lib: drivers: clock: rtc: rtc api to maintain calendar time through reboot
GitHub #24228 - system power states
GitHub #24142 - NRF5340 PA/LNA support
GitHub #24119 - STM32: SPI: Extend power saving SPI pin config to all stm32 series
GitHub #24113 - STM32 Flash: Device tree updates
GitHub #23727 - RFC: clarification and standardization of ENOTSUP/ENOSYS error returns
GitHub #23520 - JLink Thread-Aware Debugging (RTOS Plugin)
GitHub #23465 - Zephyr Authentication - ZAUTH
GitHub #23449 - “make clean” doesn’t clean a lot of generated files
GitHub #23225 - Bluetooth: Quality of service: Adaptive channel map
GitHub #23165 - macOS setup fails to build for lack of “elftools” Python package
GitHub #22965 - 4 byte addressing in spi_nor driver for memory larger than 128Mb.
GitHub #22956 - nios2: k_busy_wait() never returns if called with interrupts locked
GitHub #22731 - Improve docker CI documentation
GitHub #22620 - adapt cpu stats tracing to tracing infrastructure
GitHub #22078 - stm32: Shell module sample doesn’t work on nucleo_l152re
GitHub #22061 - Ethernet switch support
GitHub #22060 - Build fails with gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major
GitHub #22027 - i2c_scanner does not work on olimexino_stm32
GitHub #21993 - Bluetooth: controller: split: Move the LLL event prepare/resume queue handling into LLL
GitHub #21840 - need test case for CONFIG_MULTIBOOT on x86
GitHub #21811 - Investigate using Doxygen-generated API docs vs. Sphinx/Breath API docs
GitHub #21809 - Update document generating tools to newer versions
GitHub #21783 - rename zassert functions
GitHub #21489 - Allow to read any types during discovery
GitHub #21484 - Option for safe k_thread_abort
GitHub #21342 - z_arch_cpu_halt() should enter deep power-down where supported
GitHub #21293 - adding timeout the I2C read/write functions for the stm32 port
GitHub #21136 - ARC: Add support for reduced register file
GitHub #21061 - Document where APIs can be called from using doxygen
GitHub #21033 - Read out heap space used and unallocated
GitHub #20707 - Define GATT service at run-time
GitHub #20576 - DTS overlay files must include full path name
GitHub #20366 - Make babbelsim testing more easily available outside of CI
GitHub #19655 - Milestones toward generalized representation of timeouts
GitHub #19582 - zephyr_library: missing ‘kernel-mode’ vs ‘app-mode’ documentation
GitHub #19340 - ARM: Cortex-M: Stack Overflows when building with NO_OPTIMIZATIONS
GitHub #19244 - BLE throughput of DFU by Mcumgr is too slow
GitHub #19224 - deprecate spi_flash_w25qxxdv
GitHub #18934 - Update Documentation To Reflect No Concurrent Multi-Protocol
GitHub #18554 - Tracking Issue for C++ Support as of release 2.1
GitHub #18509 - Bluetooth:Mesh:Memory allocation is too large
GitHub #18351 - logging: 32 bit float values don’t work.
GitHub #17991 - Cannot generate coverage reports on qemu_x86_64
GitHub #17748 - stm32: clock-control: Remove usage of SystemCoreClock
GitHub #17745 - stm32: Move clock configuration to device tree
GitHub #17571 - mempool is expensive for cyclic use
GitHub #17486 - nRF52: SPIM: Errata work-around status?
GitHub #17375 - Add VREF, TEMPSENSOR, VBAT internal channels to the stm32 adc driver
GitHub #17353 - Configuring with POSIX_API disables NET_SOCKETS_POSIX_NAMES
GitHub #17314 - doc: add tutorial for using mbed TLS
GitHub #16539 - include/ directory and header cleanup
GitHub #16150 - Make more LWM2M parameters configurable at runtime
GitHub #15855 - Create a reliable footprint tracking benchmark
GitHub #15854 - Footprint Enhancements
GitHub #15738 - Networking with QEMU for mac
GitHub #15497 - USB DFU: STM32: usb dfu mode doesn’t work
GitHub #15134 - samples/boards/reel_board/mesh_badge/README.rst : No compilation or flash instructions
GitHub #14996 - enhance mutex tests
GitHub #14973 - samples: Specify the board target required for the sample
GitHub #14806 - Assorted pylint warnings in Python scripts
GitHub #14591 - Infineon Tricore architecture support
GitHub #14581 - Network interfaces should be able to declare if they work with IPv4 and IPv6 dynamically
GitHub #14442 - x86 SOC/CPU definitions need clean up.
GitHub #14309 - Automatic device dependency tracking
GitHub #19760 - Provide command to check board supported features
GitHub #13553 - Ways to reduce Bluetooth Mesh message loss
GitHub #13469 - Shell does not show ISR stack usage
GitHub #13436 - Enabling cooperative scheduling via menuconfig may result in an invalid configuration
GitHub #13091 - sockets: Implement MSG_WAITALL flag
GitHub #12718 - Generic MbedTLS setup doesn’t use MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_C
GitHub #12098 - Not possible to print 64 bit decimal values with minimal libc
GitHub #12028 - Enable 16550 UART driver on x86_64
GitHub #11820 - sockets: Implement (POSIX-compatible) timeout support
GitHub #11529 - Get configuration of a running kernel in console
GitHub #11449 - checkpatch warns on .dtsi files about line length
GitHub #11207 - ENOSYS has ambiguous meaning.
GitHub #10621 - RFC: Enable device by using dts, not Kconfig
GitHub #10499 - docs: References to “user threads” are confusing
GitHub #10494 - sockets: Implement MSG_TRUNC flag for recv()
GitHub #10436 - Mess with ssize_t, off_t definitions
GitHub #10268 - Clean up remaining SPI_DW defines in soc.h
GitHub #10042 - MISRA C - Do not cast an arithimetic type to void pointer
GitHub #10041 - MISRA C - types that indicate size and signedness should be used instead of basic numerical types
GitHub #10030 - MISRA C - Document Zephyr’s code guideline based on MISRA C 2012
GitHub #9954 - samples/hello_world build failed on Windows/MSYS
GitHub #9895 - MISRA C Add ‘u’ or ‘U’ suffix for all unsigned integer constants
GitHub #9894 - MISRA C Make external identifiers distinct according with C99
GitHub #9889 - MISRA C Avoid implicit conversion between integers and boolean expressions
GitHub #9886 - MISRA C Do not mix signed and unsigned types
GitHub #9885 - MISRA C Do not have dead code
GitHub #9884 - MISRA-C Check return value of a non-void function
GitHub #9882 - MISRA-C - Do not use reserved names
GitHub #9778 - Implement zephyr specific SEGGER_RTT_LOCK and SEGGER_RTT_UNLOCK macros
GitHub #9626 - Add support for the FRDM-KL28Z board
GitHub #9507 - pwm: No clear semantics to stop a PWM leads to diverse implementations
GitHub #9284 - Issues/experience trying to use TI ARM code gen tools in Zephyr
GitHub #8958 - Bluetooth: Proprietary vendor specific opcode discovery
GitHub #8400 - test kernel XIP case seems not well defined
builds call main()
with interrupts locked
GitHub #7317 - Add generation of SPDX TagValue documents to each build
GitHub #7297 - STM32: Drivers: Document series support for each driver
GitHub #7246 - esp32 fails to build with xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-no-pie’
GitHub #7216 - Stop using gcc’s “-include” flag
GitHub #7214 - Defines from DTS and Kconfig should be available simultaneously
GitHub #7151 - boards: Move existing boards to “default configuration guidelines”
GitHub #6925 - Provide Reviewer Guidelines as part of the documentation
GitHub #6291 - userspace: support MMU-based memory virtualization
GitHub #6066 - LwM2M: support object versioning in register / discover operations
GitHub #5517 - Expand toolchain/SDK support
GitHub #5325 - Support interaction with console in twister
GitHub #5116 - [Coverity CID: 179986] Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/bluetooth/host/mesh/access.c
GitHub #4911 - Filesystem support for qemu
GitHub #4569 - LoRa: support LoRa
GitHub #1418 - kconfig options need some cleanup and reorganisation
GitHub #1415 - Problem with forcing new line in generated documentation.
GitHub #1392 - No module named ‘elftools’
GitHub #3933 - LWM2M: Create application/link-format writer object to handle discovery formatting
GitHub #3931 - LWM2M: Data Validation Callback
GitHub #3723 - WiFi support for ESP32
GitHub #3675 - LE Adv. Ext.: Extended Scan with PHY selection for non-conn non-scan un-directed without aux packets
GitHub #3674 - LE Adv. Ext.: Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable Undirected without auxiliary packet
GitHub #3634 - ARM: implement NULL pointer protection
GitHub #3514 - Bluetooth: controller: LE Advertising Extensions
GitHub #3487 - Keep Zephyr Device tree Linux compatible
GitHub #3420 - Percepio Tracealyzer Support
GitHub #3280 - Paging Support
GitHub #2854 - Modbus RTU Support
GitHub #2542 - battery: Add standard APIs for Battery Charging and Fuel Gauge Handling (Energy Management)
GitHub #2470 - Supervisory and Monitoring Task
GitHub #2381 - SQL Database
GitHub #2336 - IPv4 - Multicast Join/Leave Support