ZBOSS library certification

Zigbee ZBOSS libraries in the nRF Connect SDK are always tested in-house by Nordic Semiconductor to conform to Zigbee Pro R22 test specification. However, these libraries are only periodically verified by external test service provider and granted Zigbee Compliant Platform certification by Connectivity Standards Alliance.

Zigbee certification levels

Zigbee certification levels

Certification levels

The certification is based on CSA’s certification policy, which distinguishes the following levels of certification:

  • Compliant Platform

  • Certified Product

The certification guarantees that a platform or product will work and will interoperate with other compliant platforms or certified products, respectively.

Nordic Semiconductor provides the Zigbee Compliant Platform. You can use this plaform as the building block for your Zigbee Certified Product, which is conformant with the ZCL and BDB standard.

Certification IDs

Check the compatibility matrices in the Infocenter for information about the latest certification ID entries (CIDs) for the combination of the ZBOSS stack v3.3 (or newer), the nRF Connect SDK version, and Nordic Semiconductor’s SoCs: