IPC driver

group nrfx_ipc

Interprocessor Communication (IPC) peripheral driver.


typedef void (*nrfx_ipc_handler_t)(uint32_t event_mask, void *p_context)

IPC driver handler type.

Param event_mask

[in] Bitmask with events that triggered the interrupt.

Param p_context

[in] Context passed to the interrupt handler, set on initialization.


nrfx_err_t nrfx_ipc_init(uint8_t irq_priority, nrfx_ipc_handler_t handler, void *p_context)

Function for initializing the IPC driver.

  • irq_priority – Interrupt priority.

  • handler – Event handler provided by the user. Cannot be NULL.

  • p_context – Context passed to event handler.

Return values
  • NRFX_SUCCESS – Initialization was successful.

  • NRFX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE – Driver is already initialized.

void nrfx_ipc_config_load(nrfx_ipc_config_t const *p_config)

Function for loading configuration directly into IPC peripheral.

  • p_config – Pointer to the structure with the initial configuration.

NRFX_STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_ipc_signal(uint8_t send_index)

Function for convey signal on configured channels.

Events connected to the IPC channels configured within this signal will be set and can generate interrupts when configured.

  • send_index – Index of the SEND task to trigger.

NRFX_STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_ipc_gpmem_set(uint8_t mem_index, uint32_t data)

Function for storing data in GPMEM register in the IPC peripheral.

  • mem_index – Index of the memory cell.

  • data – Data to be saved.

NRFX_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_ipc_mem_get(uint8_t mem_index)

Function for getting data from the GPMEM register in the IPC peripheral.

  • mem_index – Index of the memory cell.


Saved data.

void nrfx_ipc_uninit(void)

Function for uninitializing the IPC module.

void nrfx_ipc_receive_event_enable(uint8_t event_index)

Function for enabling events to generate interrupt.

  • event_index – Index of event to be enabled.

void nrfx_ipc_receive_event_disable(uint8_t event_index)

Function for disabling events from generate interrupt.

  • event_index – Index of event to be disabled.

void nrfx_ipc_receive_event_group_enable(uint32_t event_bitmask)

Function for enabling set of events to generate interrupt.

  • event_bitmask – Bitmask with events to be enabled.

void nrfx_ipc_receive_event_group_disable(uint32_t event_bitmask)

Function for disabling set of events from generate interrupt.

  • event_bitmask – Bitmask with events to be disabled.

void nrfx_ipc_receive_event_channel_assign(uint8_t event_index, uint8_t channel_index)

Function for assigning event to the IPC channel.

  • event_index – Index of the event to be configured.

  • channel_index – Index of the channel to which event will be connected.

void nrfx_ipc_send_task_channel_assign(uint8_t send_index, uint8_t channel_index)

Function for assigning signal to the IPC channel.

  • send_index – Index of the signal to be configured.

  • channel_index – Index of the instance of channel.

NRFX_STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_ipc_receive_config_set(uint8_t event_index, uint32_t channel_bitmask)

Function for assigning event to the IPC channels.

  • event_index – Index of the event to be configured.

  • channel_bitmask – Bitmask with channels to which event will be connected.

NRFX_STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_ipc_send_config_set(uint8_t send_index, uint32_t channel_bitmask)

Function for assigning signal to the IPC channels.

  • send_index – Index of the signal to be configured.

  • channel_bitmask – Bitmask with channels to which signal will be connected.

struct nrfx_ipc_config_t
#include <>

IPC configuration structure.

Public Members

uint32_t send_task_config[IPC_CONF_NUM]

Configuration of the connection between signals and IPC channels.

uint32_t receive_event_config[IPC_CONF_NUM]

Configuration of the connection between events and IPC channels.

uint32_t receive_events_enabled

Bitmask with events to be enabled to generate interrupt.