Supported Zigbee features

The nRF Connect SDK’s Zigbee protocol uses the ZBOSS library, a third-party precompiled Zigbee stack. It includes all mandatory features of the Zigbee 3.0 specification and provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to access different services. The stack comes with the following features:

  • Complete implementation of the Zigbee core specification and Zigbee Pro feature set

  • Support for all device roles: Coordinator, Router, and End Device

  • Zigbee Cluster Library, including Zigbee FOTA

  • Base Device Behavior

  • Devices definitions for devices that were implemented for Zigbee Home Automation and Light Link profiles

  • Zigbee Green Power Proxy Basic

  • Experimental support for ZB_ZCL_WWAH

Experimental support means the feature is either not certified or no sample is provided for the given feature (or both).

See the ZBOSS Zigbee stack page in nrfxlib and the external ZBOSS development guide and API documentation for more information about the ZBOSS library.

For more information about Zigbee, visit the Connectivity Standards Alliance page and read Zigbee Specification.